Philippine Passport Holders: Who are exempt from Taiwan Visa


I thought I was going to Taipei. But then the Piso Seat Sale of Cebu Pacific Air happened. I thought it best to publish this entry nevertheless to help those who are confused as to the exemption of Philippine Passport holders from the Taiwan Visa.


First of all, not every Philippine Passport holder can enter Taiwan visa free. Only those who qualify are exempt and may stay for a period no longer than 30 days.


 So, how does one get exempted?

One must:

       1. Have never been employed as a blue-collar worker in Taiwan; and
       2. Have a valid visa or permanent residence certificate issued by US, Canada, Japan, U.K., Schengen Convention countries, Australia or New Zealand. Note that you should be able to present the document for inspection when you enter Taiwan; if unable to produce it, you could be denied entry.

If you have all the above qualifications, make sure that:

     1. Your passport is valid for at least six months. (This means that the passport is still valid for at least six months when you enter Taiwan rather than when the application is filed online) ; and
     2. You have a return plane or ship ticket.

The next step would be to register your documents and personal data online at Do not forget to bring the printed and approved certification (together with your visa or permanent certificate mentioned above) during your flight.

**** Exemption also applies to passport holders of India, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Therefore, if you do not possess the qualifications posted above, you should get a visa from the nearest Taiwanese Embassy or Consulate.


The requirements for the Taiwan Visa Application are:

1. application form from the embassy or consulate;
2. 1.5 x 2 inches i.d. picture;
3. Philippine Passport valid for at least 6 months from the time of application;
4. bank statement proving that you have enough money to fund your travel;
5. return ticket (a copy, e-ticket receipt or invoice from travel agency); and
6. visa fee:  $50 for single entry and $100 for multiple entry.



Quote from the official communication received by the Office of the President from the Taiwan authorities (as of March 15, 2011):

“To express our good faith in response to the visit of Special Emissary Manuel Roxas and the most recent measures taken by your government, we will immediately lift the restrictions on visa applications for all Filipino workers and resume the method used to process their work permits prior to Feb 7, 2011. Online visa applications will also be applicable to the Philippine tourists as that used to be before the incident.”



~ by Happy Sole on February 3, 2011.

136 Responses to “Philippine Passport Holders: Who are exempt from Taiwan Visa”

  1. wow! thanks for this, i was wondering the visa requirement for Taiwan. The Taiwan embassy site is kinds confusing. Thanks again!

  2. In protest over the unjustifiable deportation of 14 Taiwan nationals by Philippine government to mainland China, Philippine nationals are no longer eligible to apply for an authorization certificate for visa-free entry into Taiwan.

    I read this from this site:–the latest issue-18 February 2011…guys please update so you are aware of the latest issues between the Philippine and Taiwan…

  3. I hate it… Why the Philippine Government deported the 14 Taiwan Nationals to Mainland China…They supposed to deport them in Taiwan. I cannot go to Taiwan now enjoying the visa-free entry in Taiwan provided you hold visa of Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Schengen countries, United Kingdo…m and United States.

    I went in USA last Oct 16, 2010. My connecting flighy was in Taiwan. I as able to use this priviledge.. I went out of Taiwan Airport because I have US visa and have a approved certification.

    One April 10, 2011 I will be back to Manila, Philippines via Taiwan Airport. Sad to say I can no longer get out of the Taiwan Airport….

  4. I’m glad that I’ve found this web site.
    What a wonderful blog! I admire how comprehensive each of the entries are. They are well balanced – entertaining and informative – and the pictures are cool too.

  5. Very useful. Thanks!

    One question though. Are they not requiring the applicant to submit a birth cert (issued by NSO) ?

    • it doen’t say in their website, so i guess not. your passport is enough identification, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. bring it just in case.

  6. Hello, I noticed you posted this last Feb. Did the rules change in getting a visa for Phil Passport holders entering Taiwan considering the applicant is a US Visa holder? I heard that they’re charging a fee now. Is that true? Thanks.

  7. there is still a visa free to taiwan for philippine passport holder as long as you have a valid usa,or japan or schengen or australian visa…but you need to register online thru their visa website prior to your trip,which will take you 5 minutes and print out this registration form to be presented to their immigration upon arrival. I just did last july

  8. thank you for this, very helpful for our travel to taiwan this october.
    however, may i ask, what if I am funding my daughter’s trip to taiwan?
    but she is 21… does she need to show finances still Or can i supply her a photocopy of my earnings?

    • i suppose that is fine.. but to be sure, pls contact the Taiwan Embassy. Also, it is better to arm her with the original document as opposed to a photocopy. i hope this helps.

  9. my bank statement doesn’t show I have enough finances to suppor my daughter’s tour, will she be denied.

    • you should be able to show that you have the finances to support you and your daughter’s travel, otherwise, you will only create doubt and give the embassy an opportunity to deny the visa. but then again, it all depends on the consul’s judgement. you never know. good luck!

  10. Yes guys, I’ve been to Taipei in Taiwan last April 17 and got no problems entering the country as long as you have a valid UK, Schengen, US and etc. I used to present my UK visa….A very nice place to visit….I love Taipei…

  11. i recently applied for taiwanese visa thru my agency submitting passport, application form, bank certifications , plane tickets and hotel reservations but was denied bec marriage certificate and birth certificate which anyway were not among those listed in the requirements were not submitted…do they have definite set of requirements so the applicants will know what to submit,,,,,,now the plane tickets wud be useless as these are not refundable

    • that’s too bad.. they actually have a list of requirements and the certificates you mentioned were not on the list. in cases where applicants have valid applications but insufficient requirements, embassies usually allow applicants to go back and bring the missing document/s. have you contemplated re-applying? sayang naman ang plane tickets.

      during visa interviews, i make sure to be over prepared rather than be under prepared. i bring not only my personal documents, but those of my family too. just in case they ask for it. but then again, we go to those interviews knowing the big possibility of denial. it’s just part of the process that’s beyond our control. 😦

      good luck!

  12. nice info tnx tnx tnx

  13. Hello! I’ve already registered online for a certificate since I have a valid US visa. I read one of the comments mention that all I need to do now is download and print the authorization certificate I got after registering. But it also said in the website that applications made online need the embassy’s approval of the submitted registration form first. Do I still need to wait for a certified copy of the authorization certificate to be sent to me from the Embassy? Or is it okay to print the copy that I have with me (and if I do, will it be a legit copy?)?

    I would really appreciate your help with this since I’m leaving for Taiwan soon and I’m a bit paranoid. To tell the truth, this site is a LOOOOOT more helpful than the taiwan embassy website. Kaloka that site! Haha! 🙂 Thank you!!!

    • first of all, thank you for your kind words. i know what you mean and i share your thoughts. I had to really research when I made this entry. hahaha with regards to your question, it appears that you need both the printed and


      certification (together with your visa or permanent certificate mentioned above) during your flight. My plans to go to Taiwan did not push through, so I hope other readers can confirm this. I will also confirm with friends who have undergone the process. If your flight comes first, before my reply, Good Luck and wishing you well on your travel! 🙂

      • Wow! Fast reply is fast! Haha! Thank you for this!!! 🙂 Fortunately, my trip isn’t ’til the last week of November so I still have time to sort things out. To play it safe, I’ll contact the embassy and settle the matter (although my friend has already warned me that the taiwan embassy staff are twice as confusing to talk to as their website. Haha!). Thank you very much!!! You’ve been such a great help! 😀

  14. Birth certificate (oiginal from NSO) is required. You can try filing with the documents listed on the website, but there’s a possibility that your application will be denied or placed in the pending box if they deem your documents insufficient. It really depends on the consul (which is why badgering the staff at the counters is futile–they are not privy to the consul’s reasons either), so it’s best to be prepared. My advice is to make a visit to the embassy on the due date itself, so that if anything’s wrong or missing, you’ll be informed right away. You can ask someone else to do that for you as long as they have your original receipt. If your application is pending, it usually means the documents you’ve provided are not enough, and you will most likely be asked to provide other supporting documents. In most cases, you can submit those additional documents on the same day (if you can provide them), or another day, and your application will be re-evaluated by the consul.

    – “Pending” is not the same as “Denied”. I’m not 100% on this, but I think pending means you can appeal for reconsideration or at least try to provide additional supporting documents like what I stated above. Denied just means NO, and the embassy reserves the right to withhold the reason for your denial. It could be that your documents are dubious, or you have a hold departure order, or you are on the watchlist, or SOMETHING. I don’t know, I’m just guessing here. 🙂
    – Calling the embassy to follow up on the progress of your application BEFORE the due date (as stated on your receipt) is not advisable. They receive hundreds (maybe thousands?) of applications per day, and unless you are some sort of a VIP (like a government official), then the person on the phone has no way of distinguishing your application from the rest of the pack. You COULD try to call and ask, but be prepared to receive a noncommittal response at best.
    – Filing time is ONLY in the morning and they are VERY strict about the cut-off time (around 11 AM). Afternoon is ONLY for releasing, i.e., the time for you to find out if your visa has been approved or not. Cut-off is around 4:30 PM.
    – No receipt, no releasing. Again, they are VERY STRICT about this rule.

    Hope I was able to help! Good luck and enjoy Taiwan. It is a wonderful place. 🙂

  15. i m japanes,64y/o having retierment visa of philipin,and living in philpinn 2 years long.

    i stayed payment montly philipino house with care given ,food,house .

    this time,..i want to visute taiwan who is my co-worker japanes living in taiwan.

    conselt me as follow.

    can i go together care giver philipino 1 week via toorist visa?
    she has passport. and i do her galanty while we are in taiwan.

    thank you help.

  16. do you know how long does it take for the embassy to review documents and release the result of the visa application?

    • i’m sorry, i can’t help you with this.. if you read the post, i wasn’t able to push thru with the Taiwan visa application. i hope other readers can help, though. thanks for the visit!

  17. I was really thinking that Taiwan is already a visa free country for Filipino tourists that’s why I booked a ticket with CebuPac when it had its piso sale the other day. I thought, okey na ang lahat but found out that I still have to secure a Visa with all the requirements like the bank statement, etc. My query is: Does the online visa application for tourists including the payment (by credit or debit maybe) really worked?

  18. What if i will stay in taiwan in 3 days d i need to get visa?

    • Passport holders of the following countries can stay in Taiwan up to 90 days without a Taiwan Visa:
      Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. , and Vatican City State.

      Persons from these countries can stay up to 30 days without visa:
      Australia, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and U.S.A.

      While citizens of India, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia are not required a Taiwan visa IF they are permanent resident of countries such as USA, Australia, Canada, European Union.

  19. Hi, can you help me where I can find the application form for taiwan visa, i am filipino with valid passport but has none of the visa of countries with exception. Pls help. thanks .

  20. I just want to know if a holder of US tourist b1b2 visa could also enter taipei without taiwan visa? Or just holder of immigrant visas? Thank you

  21. How much would be a good amount for show money? We’re only going to stay there for three days. Thanks!

  22. Does anyone know the max or possible min days required to process the visa. hope someone share their experience in this. So that we can adjust the date of the plane ticket and hotel booking.

  23. Im a holder of US B1B2 visa and do i need to apply for a Taiwan visa?
    Is online registration is enough to enter to Taiwan?

  24. hi i am a Filipino and currently working here in Canada, i used to work in Taiwan before as a factory worker, i have plans of visiting in taiwan again but i’m just wondering if i still have to apply for taiwan visa since i am a philippine passport holder and i also have a valid working visa here in canada.????

    • the 1st requirement mandates that one should never have been employed as a blue-collar worker in Taiwan – i am not sure for how long this requirement stands. i think it is best if you contact the Taiwan embassy directly just to be sure.

  25. Hi, I’m holding a schegen visa good for 90 days(visit family purpose.) The thing is I would only stay there for less 60 days or 2 months. I wonder if I could use some or rest of the 30 days left of my schegen visa to visit a friend in taiwan for some few days and return back here in Phil.?
    I hope you can help me. Thank you.

    • fist of all, just to clarify. the schengen visa is not an extension of the taiwan visa. it doesn’t matter whether you used up the days allowed for your stay in any of the Schengen country. The visa free privilege extended by Taiwan to Philippine passport holders is valid for stay not exceeding 30 days. Beyond that, a visa is necessary.

      BUT since you intend to stay in Taiwan for 30 days or less and you have a valid Schengen visa (plus assuming you have all the other requirements), you are still covered by the exemption.

  26. So you have your visa already?

  27. After i have all the required documents and ready to apply, my question is… where will i bring this application? What address? Is it personal appearance? … when will i return to get the visa? … by the way I’m from mindanao yet… and it would be very hard if i do not know the time… considering i have to travel that far in manila…. thank you for this site… you really help a lot to many including me… more power

  28. Hi, I got approved and printed the authorization but I noticed that my 30 days authorization starts at 18/06/12 and expires on 18/07/12. I’m currently in Europe holiding a schegen visa. Prior to registering, I already bought a ticket to taipei arriving 17/07/12. My concern is, does my 30 days stay will be starting from just the moment i have arrived or could it be when my authorization start date issued(18/06/12)? I’m a little confused with this. I hope you can help me. Many thanks!

  29. thanks for this! i am currently planning a trip for me and my family to Taipei very soon and im glad you posted this. would you happen to have contacts for travel tours? so far seems alright

  30. Hi,

    I got an authorization form for August but my flight got bumped to September, am I allowed to reapply on Sept 1?

  31. Hi,
    Thanks for the informative info of everyone,

    does anyone going to taiwan this sept or oct 2012. I am planning to go there but alone. I myself got cheap ticket from cebupac.

    I wonder if I can join your tour 🙂

    and what if i am not employed? but has sufficient amount for show money? is it, would that be a problem?


  32. hi gud day,just want to ask if how can applied for a taiwan visa even if i am not have a white collar job hir in the phillipnes

  33. hi i’m going to taipei this oct 17-23 im so confused whether what should i do first.. where do i need to apply for a visa??? pls do help me out.. thanks…

  34. hi Happy sole..i have planned to visit taiwan this coming december 14 and be back in December 18 2012…i dont have the visa yet, you think i can make it?its already october 24 :(…

  35. hello! i am a student. my mom and i already have an air ticket to taiwan, we will be leaving on nov 2 and staying there until nov 9… but the problem is i dont have the visa yet. i will be applying tom am. one of the requirement is to present a bank statement AND I DONT HAVE ONE. IM STILL A DEPENDENT to my parents. WHAT SHOULD I DO? AM I REALLY REQUIRED TO PRODUCE SUCH? hope you could help me with this matter. i have an expired australian and american visa though. urgh! pls help me. what should i do?! this site is so much better than the ones that i have visited before! thank you so much for your help

    • hello!

      This is not all inclusive and does not in any way guarantee approval, but then you may follow it as a guide:
      1. Certification from the school that you are enrolled for the present semester
      2. Certification/letter that you are on LEAVE of Absence and will be returning to the school
      3. Photocopies or original copy of the Bank Statement of your Parents
      4. updated ITR of both of your parents
      5. Birth Certificate of both of your Parents
      6. Copy of Marriage certificate

      Your application should have the same set of the supporting documents as that of your mom. It is better that you have a separate bank account, kahit maliit lang laman, but that is not really a necessity. Good luck!

  36. I have worked in Japan 4 times and yes a holder of an expired visa. Am I qualified of visiting Taiwan without visa?? Pls help I am so confused, I’m planning to stay there for 4 days.. Thank you!!!

    • you need to apply for a visa..

      visa-free entry is applicable only to those with valid (therefore, not expired) US, Canada, JAPAN, U.K., Schengen Convention countries, Australia or New Zealand.

      Good Luck! please tell me how it goes..

  37. hi I’m working here in singapore and my employers will bring me for holiday in taipe with them,what requirements exactly do i need to bring to apply for a visa???can u please help me I’m very confuse ..thanks a lot

  38. hi what if i dont have an itr but i had enough money i my acct. Wud it be a prob to approved my visa?

  39. Hi Happy Sole I have B1 single entry U.S Visa namag-expire sa FEB 14,2013 pero I have a flight ng Feb9,2013 so is it okay? Nagapply na ako online okay naman iprint ko na lang. Okay na kaya un? 🙂

    • Hello! Please call the Taiwan Embassy to verify. You don’t want to be denied entry once you are at immigration. Better be safe than sorry. Sorry for not being very helpful….

  40. Hi. I would just like to ask something. I am a Philippine passport holder and this is my first time to travel, if ever. I am planning to go to Jeju Island and I have a connecting flight in Taipei. MNL-TPE-CJU. I’m wondering if I need a visa for TPE since the connecting flight is there. But I will not leave the airport cause the lay-over time is only 2hours. Hope you could help me. Thank you so much.

  41. hi. i just wanted to ask something, i was born in philippines, but now, i am living in hong kong. for good. since my mom is from here. and im working at real estate. thing is, im using 2 passports, the one is in phils, the other one is BNO. well, since i think super useless nung phils passport, i didnt renew it na! then i booked ticket already for march 7-10 but wala pa ko visa. u think i can use my bno passport and mag visa landing ako? and pwde ko ba gmitin un BNO passport ko to go taiwan? thanks!

    • You van use whichever passport you fancy. Read on whether BNO passport holders need visa to enter Taiwan – i’m not familiar with this. good luck and happy travels!

  42. HI. good day, im a bit of in curiosity. I have an invitation from someone special to visit him in taiwan. Since he might not be able to come back again this summer. I know there will be bank statements or accounts to be submitted. But i am not sure if its his or mine since on the invitation he says he will shoulder all the expenses in behalf. in china, the one who invites you are the ones who will have to send the financial details. Is it the same with taiwan or i should also send in mine as well.. Thank you. Planning to go there by march or april so i need help.

  43. Can you give me an idea of an estimated amount that they are expecting in a Bank Account? Or can I just submit my ITRs, Payslips and a Certifcate of Employment containing my monthly basic salary? I really don’t have any Savings. But I can hold my salary for the Taiwan Trip this May 17-20, 2013. That is the only thing I’m worried about. Please provide feedback for those who can read this.

    • Hello! Mas maganda talaga na meron po kayo bank statement na maipapakita. This will give the consul an impression that you can afford to pay for the trip. Hope this helps! Good luck! Let me know what happens..

  44. Hi. I heard a lot of good things about Taiwan. I am planning to appy for the Huayu Enrchment Program to learn Mandarin. That way, I can stay in Taiwan with a monthy stipend. Anyone heard of the program? Anyway, my major concern is that if I do not qualify for the program, since they will just accept 5 Filipinos, I am planning to get a visa instead to visit Taipei. However, my problem is that do not have regular work. I am a freelance writerw orking online. I am aware thatif I am going to apply for a US Visa, my nature of work (freelance, online) will give me a hard time. Is it the same with Taiwan? I have a friend who got denied for a visa in South Korea because of being unemployed. Hope you can help me on this. Thanks. 🙂

  45. Hello, im a us permanent resident and planning to visit taipei with my grandparents. I have an issue though, theyre not a permanent resident, only me. How can i sponsor them? I dont kno what to do. Please help. Thank you=)

    • You can’t. As a US perm resident, you are only given the privilege of visiting Taipei visa-free but not the ability to sponsor anyone. Your grandparents need to apply for visa. Good luck!

      • They dont have bank accounts and stuff so its probably hard for them to get that tourists visa. Eventhough im the one that going to shoulder their expenses. Oh Man this is not a good.

        Thanks for the responce.

  46. hi.. i bought a round trip ticket at cebu pac..i will only stay at taiwan for 3days.. my problem is i dont have those papers to get visa.. i only have my passport.. i am a fresh graduate student only and i dont have that much money for my stay.. but i definitely meet their my fiance.. shes the one who encourage me to visit her..she works their for a long time..she will finance all my needs their from hotel to food etc. what should i do?do i still need to apply for a visa eventhough i will stay their for a short period of time?please reply..thank you so much

  47. mavic said..
    ask ko lang if im going to apply for visa to taiwan and im travelling with my 6 yrs old daughter wat are the supporting documents that i need to present for her i can provide my coe itr bank cert our birth cert. wat else do i need to submit and atleast how much do fund do i need for my bank cert is it ok if it has 50k? is there any other documents that i need to submit because im travelling with a child? is it also ok to tell that we are travelling to taiwan to visit my husband and also as tourist thanks.

  48. I am a filipino passport holder and i have all the requirements to get a taiwan visa. My problem is…will they give me a 30 day entry permit? This is my first trip to taiwan and i would like to stay for atleast 30 days

  49. Hello, i register my documents and personal data online too early. I didnt know that it will gt approved that quick. My certification will expired on may 5 but i am acctually going to taiwan on may 8. So i am wondering if i can re-register at the end of this month(april 28 or may 6). Thanks much for the help.

  50. ask ko lang if im going to apply for visa to taiwan and im travelling with my 6 yrs old daughter wat are the supporting documents that i need to present for her i can provide my coe itr bank cert our birth cert. wat else do i need to submit and atleast how much do fund do i need for my bank cert is it ok if it has 50k? is there any other documents that i need to submit because im travelling with a child? is it also ok to tell that we are travelling to taiwan to visit my husband and also as tourist thanks.

  51. hi, is it safe to go to Taipei now that Philippines and Taiwan have an issue about the fisherman’s death in our country?
    I have bank account but i dont have ITR, is it ok?

    • I guess it’s okay, but I would personall go somewhere else while the issue is still unresolved. Let the news die down first.

      Re: bank account – as stated above, a bank statement proving you have enough to fund your travel is required (not ITR). Although, an ITR may be helpful.

  52. Hi I’m a filipina married in japanese I’m planning to go taiwan to visit my japanese husband I together with my 8years old daughter using japanese passport. I’m just asking if easy for me to get visa in Taiwan

  53. Hi again, I have no problem going to taiwan because I have Us Visa, I will go there again this year but my problem is.. some of my companions has no US visa… they have all the requirements needed but what I need is the application form of non US visa to be filled online, where can i get this? can you assist me?

  54. hi may i ask i am a filipina we bought a flight ticket for our vacation for 5days only going to taipei,taiwain do i still need visa for that?

  55. our flight ticket sched sept 25,2013 i am confuse if i still need visa for only 5 days?

  56. Helo po..we got an sked.for interview this oct.4 with my husband and 2kids,13 n 5yrs.old ,just ask if my kids need personal appearance in taiwan embassy??..tnx for the help.

    • hello! there is no need for personal appearance unless they decide they need to interview you in person. but to be sure, please confirm with the embassy. good luck!

  57. Can i apply again for a visa if my first application would be denied?

    • yes, you can re-apply. hindi ko lang alam kung kailan uli pwede. or kung meron policy that requires you to wait a certain period after being rejected. please call the embassy to verify. good luck!

  58. i have filled up the form from “” but when I am submitting it nothing happens.. I want to go to taiwan for a visit, but was not able to process the form successfully. Any help? Should I also fill-in the “* Special Qualifications” field?

  59. hi! i was able to get a 5 day trip to Taipei,Taiwan in Dec via Piso fare-Cebu Pacific. Departure MNL Dec.5; arrival MNL Dec.9,2013. This is a surprise trip for my husband. Both of us have a US Visa. Can i apply/register on line for my husband? When is the earliest time i can do the website registration,considering the date today Oct.10,2013? In case of approval, do i need to bring with us supporting documents while traveling like marriage/birth certificate etc? hoping for a swift reply. thanks in advance.

  60. Good day po. I just want to ask an assistance on how can I get the requirements for Taiwan visa application if I will just visit a company in Taiwan wherein I am their freelance consultant here in the Philippines, thanks po.

    • hello! just follow the steps listed above to know if you are qualified for a visa-free visit to taiwan. otherwise, you need to apply personally for a visa at their embassy. thanks & good luck!

  61. When filling out the form online, there’s a question: Single visa not used before traveling to ROC (Taiwan): yes or no.

    I’m confused with this question…
    1. My US visa is not a single entry visa. It’s multiple entry so… should I say no?
    2. However, I haven’t used my US visa yet so… yes?

    Hope you can help!

    • Hello! I think it is safe to say that what the item refers to are visas that you might have in general (visa issued by the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, or New Zealand, etc.). So, in this case, you should tick on the “Yes” option. Good Luck!!

  62. hello,,,just want to ask a question about po sa prob namin with my husband sa agency,he pass the exam,,employers interview and the medical po,,going to taiwan po sana xa,,ok po papers nya,maliban langpo sa birth certificate nya na ,isa poxang late register 23 napo sya nun naayus un birth certificate nya,,un staff ng agency ibinalik un papers nya cous his docs,daw d pede sa taiwan,,kasi po dahil sa late register naxa,,,any suggestion po para maayus namin un hnihingi nila??hndi poba pwede pag provide ng backup documents??such as married contract,baptismal,sss,etc.??i need ur advice po,,thanks po

    • hi anne! so sorry.. i am not credible to answer your question. please check with other agencies kung yun talaga ang policy ng taiwan. good luck!

      • Anne, hanap ka iba ng agency kasi yung staff confused lang sa requirements. Japan VISA lang yung naghahanap ng additional documents kapag ang BC mo may naka lagay “late registered” . Japan will require you to submit your original baptismal or your school record form137 if this is the case. But NOT WITH TAIWAN VISA requirement.
        Hi happy sole, I hope nakatulong ako with this site.

      • thank you for answering! this post has become a forum of some sort.. thanks everyone! God bless. 🙂

    • Hi anne sa js contractor na agency cya mag apply, we have the same prob. But Praised God nakaalis ang asawa ko,

  63. Hi question lang! I just want to clarify what a valid visa is. For example, if i’m able to get a japan visa valid for April – July, does this mean that to be exempted from applying for a Taiwanese visa, I must travel to Taiwan within April – July? Thanks in advance!! 🙂

  64. hi po tanung lan, kung galing ka po ba taiwan at gusto mong mag apply papuntang canada mas easy po ba yun? God Bless ty

  65. * Single visa not used before traveling to R.O.C.(Taiwan), please help how to answer this. I have a multiple entry US visa and i used it once already. Should I answer yes or no?

    • the rationale for the question i think is to determine if you have used the visa issued to you by the countries specified. since you have used yours and you have a multiple entry visa, you should answer “no.” but i may be wrong.. so it is better to call and ask the embassy. good luck!

  66. Hi. My parent’s flight is from Manila to Taipei then Taipei to LAX, they will be waiting at the same airport for 4 hours, do they still need a Taiwan Visa? Ur soonest response would be much appreciated. Thank u.

  67. hello, i just want to ask if working visa holder from Canada is exempted to free entry visa to Taiwan? thank you….

  68. Hello,ask ko lang i am planning to go to taiwan just for a visit,i have a schengen visa pero ma eexpired na 1 month before i go to taiwan.Meron bang limit kung ilan pang months dpat matitira sa visa na hawak mo?Besides visa,ano pa mga requirements?thanks alot

    • schengen visa must still be valid (not expired) during travel to taiwan.

      The requirements for the Taiwan Visa Application are:

      1. application form from the embassy or consulate;
      2. 1.5 x 2 inches i.d. picture;
      3. Philippine Passport valid for at least 6 months from the time of application;
      4. bank statement proving that you have enough money to fund your travel;
      5. return ticket (a copy, e-ticket receipt or invoice from travel agency); and
      6. visa fee: $50 for single entry and $100 for multiple entry.

  69. Hello… I have a question. Can i still travel to taiwan if my last name on my passport and green card is different? I just recently changed my maiden name to my married name on my passport when i went to renew it. Cuz thats what the consulate guy told me. Without thinking that i have to change my lastname on my greencard to. Changing name on the greencard is pretty pricey thats why im asking if theres any way that i can still travel to taiwan with this issue. Hopefully yall can give me a good advice. Thanks a lot.

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