Our Destiny can be Happy or Sad. For Reflection.

Do you know why the sky is blue? Do you know why the flowers have colors? Do you know why the paths reach a certain destiny?
The sky is reflection of the sea. The color of the flower is the happiness of God. And the destiny is the end or beginning of each human being alive. There is a mystery in everything, which has to be resolved by each one; that is the reason that there is a tomorrow either to begin or to end.
The flower that is been born is like hope, trust and Love. A flower that withers is like the farewell, like disillusionment, even worse, like the death of love. But, somewhat, we all are part of a shared destiny that can be happy or sad and which we will reach as a goal or we will abandon without having taken either a step.
The true life is for the ones who have the courage to live and the life that is not life is for the one who does not surrender to feel and to listen to what his heart wants to say.
The sky is blue for the one who follows his dreams and makes them come true. But the sky will be gray for the one who does not dare to feel even his own heart. For these ones, there will be no sea, no sky, no flower, no smiles, no hope but the destiny coming to an end only. And it will be like the withered flower. There will be no solution. There will be no cure, only the end.

We may have Problems that seem..

We may have problems, that may seem as huge walls in front of our eyes, trying to stop us. But we have to try to understand that nothing stays still, that everything advances.
That wall that seemed insurmountable, will fall by itself; because there is no obstacle that does not culminate, neither path in the darkness that finally does not get clear.
Because evil is a reality in itself, the effort of today will transform the wall, the mountain, in an stair, in a window, in a door leading to freedom and true success.
This is very well known by the persons who were in depression, processes of addiction or misfortunes; they have been able to overcome them, giving place to a better life, more ethical, worthy and completely true.
If there is lack of control, chaos, they are like smoke and sooner or later, they will dissipate.


Healing a Broken Heart. Inspirational

If a broken heart with symptoms of spiritual illness would come to us, we would notice right away because of the symptoms :

He has lost hope, does not have dreams, he is bitter, weak, desolated. He has forgotten or does not know the experience of faith, ignores the term Love, and moves away from affection, because he never received tenderness.

He is full of confusion, jealousy, resentment, bitterness, apathy and tired of life.  This heart has lost order and discipline, is lacking method, energy, enthusiasm, and a feeling of solidarity.

 He has moved too far away from natural love, he has self rejection. He rejects everyone and he doesn’t have peace, but looks like a ghost of horror and loneliness.

But the spiritual medicine is going to cure this heart for sure. It will not be easy and this will be done through stages, going from deep affliction, until he experiences a superior comfort which will start the healing by helping him to recuperate and start beating with the enthusiasm to be, to live, by and for Love.

This delicate care is tenderness, caress, embrace, kiss, respect, appreciation, admiration. And also recognition, filial love, personal dedication, and most important, God is in the center of this existence. And this moribund heart, will start palpitating and it will sound like bells ringing, since the only thing needed in order to know Love, is to Love.

Overcoming Grief. Fear. Abandonment. Desperation.

In times of peace is a natural thing to stay in balance. But in times of war and violence, to maintain the equilibrium is a very complex task. A personal loss, by example, often is almost impossible to overcome. How to go through this dark night? How to overcome what seems to be insurmountable if the reason and the consciousness do not want to forget? How to stop the feeling, the suffering, the weeping? Since, it would seemed that inevitably we are losing the mind. It is not possible to tolerate so much pain.

Man faces his own limits and does not have the slightest idea of how to change, how to live, how to exist, how to be, when the whole being, is in fact, ceasing to be.

There are processes that do not have any possible comparison. And the loneliness of the spirit is cause of great tragedy; the loss of faith, of confidence, of hope and certainty. Nothing seems to allow us to look beyond. Everything turns to desperation, agony: A cry of the soul, who is distressed and cries, experiences fear, desperation, abandonment, misery and pain, time and time again, in an uncontrollable way. What to do then when facing what is irremediable?

Faith, is the spiritual knowledge that allows us to receive the supreme intervention of God.
Faith is not a blind belief, is not a fanatical or obsessive attitude. It is the firm consciousness and conviction that God has not abandoned us, that He has not closed the temple. He has not denied us of His Presence.

Will the loss be ignored? On the contrary, we will be heard and besides, we will be assisted. Grief have to come out of the darkness, of the hopelessness and melancholy.
This faith full of power, brings consolation, as grace, as source of life, as divine science. And our chest is not shaken by  pain, but by unconditional love, who takes away sadness and leaves the only option, which is the redemption of pain and the rebirth of a powerful love, which is so sublime that changes what was causing agony.

And the heart is intensely awaken with a sublime feeling, which is beyond pain. Because of love, only God can, only God knows.

And we come out of the grief that we were experiencing to the sublimation of the suffering because of Divine Love, who by His greatness can do everything and will not leave any element of pain and suffering prevail, rather, He moves it away so the mind can approach the renovation of faith, of life in the spirit of eternal love. Because the grief must be overcome since the presence of God leaves behind sadness and abandonment and His Presence renews the science of eternal life.

When We feel too Exhausted…

When we feel too exhausted to continue on the spiritual path, let’s remember that the strength is not in us but in the Love that God has placed  in us.

What could be more pure, sincere  and more powerful than knowing than Divine Love is truthful and gives all for rescuing the thought, the spirit and the action of man, who, many times forgets the right step in the path of Truth but then, when he looks inside of himself and claims for the sun of justice, he  starts to value the decision of the Creator.

Every man, every woman, every child  is always called to be fullfilled, to rest, to resolve and leave behind death and sickness and this is possible, thanks to the Love who is alive.

Oh traveler, who have arrived here, to contemplate a small light. Be always a path. And then your heart will become -by Divine Grace- a worthy light of the ardent fire of the true God !

Spiritual Marriage. Love and Faith.

When everybody gives you no as an answer, when they turn their back on you; when you call, reclaim and even the anguish suffocates you and nobody comes near you. She will always be there, no matter the potency of the wind, the heat of a muggy summer, the freezing cold of winter, a thirst as in the desert, or the loneliness of death. She will always be there giving you her breath, losing her life. But not as sacrifice or commitment but because she knows that there is nothing greater, more true and wonderful than the spiritual communion.

When you feel as falling down, too weak, abandoned and despised by others, she will pick you up, will wash your garments, will feed you, will satiate your thirst; she will bring your confidence back, will give you hope, will strengthen you for the mystic marriage. The spiritual marriage is the perfect revelation that is given between Love and Faith.

When Everything Seems to be Loss. Desolation.Loneliness.Misery.Anguish

I know that there are times in which heaven seems to be like stone, the earth seems a hot iron and if we would step back, we would face the abyss. Situations, circumstances, where we feel that we don’t have any kind of control. And where everything is loss, desolation, loneliness, misery and anguish.

But you must understand that in those moments, you are accompanied by an inner, superior force that wants to help you, but needs that you discover that there is power in faith. And although the resources and possibilities seem terrible, you have to know that it is the time and opportunity to be yourself. And by feeling apparently alone, you call unto God since you have this ability.If the world seems to be burning, you can meet the Creator who will not allow anything to hurt you but you have to do the effort of improving and excelling because the conditions that you are facing now, have not come alone, since there are a series of events in which you have intervened directly or indirectly and which have made you vulnerable.

But remember that this is the exterior world, and in the inner world, in your faith, God has put a commandment, which is to love you and to lead you towards peace and prosperity. But you must grow and mature, you have to go beyond your senses and allow Love to intervene and in this way, you will know his strength, his purity, his compassion, his justice and his kindness. Take refuge in prayer, but not as a escape but as fortitude where you will recover from the wounds. Life, sometimes, turns into a terrible battle but you have to learn to be yourself, to search for good, expressing charity and equity and then, you will gather the fruits.If you think that you are not getting them, that life is not fair, that you are thirsty, hungry, that you are experiencing cold and disease, don’t think that everything has been lost.

I have been and I have known extreme situations but the presence of God has always intervened. The creation is Love and Love keeps on being the primordial light. It may be that you are sick, alone, that you feel confused, that they have broken your heart in a thousand pieces, that your friends have left you, that nobody comes to see you. It may even happen that you are in a desert with nobody in sight, or you may be in a mountain made out of iron. Or you may not have food, you may feel exhausted, or feeling the open wounds and feeling like dying. Or you may feel like facing hell, or in front of a killer who wants to hurt you. It does not matter, how serious the situation is.

I want you to know that God exists and that he is waiting for you to open your heart and receive Him. Then, you will see the Creator in you. But don’t look for Him only in times of need but because He is wisdom, justice, truth and especially because He loves you since you were in your mother’s womb. He is the source of life and the life of the whole universe. He will never abandon you. When your last moment comes in life and you start facing death, don’t think that He has left you. He will always be with you and at the same time, He will always be waiting for you. His embrace is absolute, whole. He will not push you back. Call unto Him and be as worthy as possible to receive Him. Although we cannot raise to Him, be humble to listen, to look for Him and although you may be in an extreme situation, He will always be in you. He will never abandon you.

How to Overcome a Pessimistic Attitude. Leaving Darkness Behind

This subject has multiple characteristics, such as: The syndrome of catastrophe, penury, lamentation, hopelessness, disappointment, bitterness, frustration, loneliness, and abandonment. These, altogether, disqualify the person as well, to transmit enthusiasm or joy.

Pessimism, is the fatalistic condition of denying every option of good, success or achievement. It is even more lethal because infects, alters and disturbs. It is based on insecurity, frustration, abandonment and for sure, in the lack of attention and affection.

We are not born pessimistic, unfortunately, we are trained in this fact. What is more terrible is that pessimism is instilled in us, for many reasons, in which we can find: mistreat, abandonment, violence, cruelty. Then, many deficiencies are accumulated.

The person who is pessimistic is showing pain, lack of security, confusion about values. And is also saying that he/she lacks faith. Pessimism must be eradicated and not even a vestige or shadow must be left. Because life, in spite of its difficulties, always has the wonderful opportunity of realizing the highest and purest Love, which is the Love of God.

It is necessary to teach the doctrine  of Peace and Love, as an integral culture of service to man. This must be taught even before birth and on each stage of life, must be reinforced the principle of spirituality, which is confidence, fullness of virtues and values, being these, the instruments for a real and true life.

Man, does not have to be boastful. He must be an individual capable of facing the limitations that may arise. But with the torch of victory, of effort and dedicated study. Where the will is to the service of a pure and true reason, which is a shared in common good. And turns out in a world of peace and in a just life, lived in fullness of Love.

How to Overcome Depression

The Spiritual Teachings are wellsprings that bring consolation, recognition, serenity, moderation and peace.  They are not a prescription or pretend to replace medical help and special attention but they truly are capable of contributing something extraordinary and wonderful, that all the sciences of the world have not been able to know, understand and appreciate. And this is because they have wisdom, which is greater than all sciences. Wisdom, which also knows all arts, all foundations and principles of life. And this spiritual science knows that man is more than what the senses reveal. Man is not only flesh and bones, thoughts and feelings. Man has a spiritual foundation, an extraordinary and wonderful worth. This is because he has inner light, which truly shines more than the sun. This light will help us, with certainty, to overcome any depression, no matter how dark can be, since in the depth of man, the Love of God lives.

Depression, may pretend to suffocate or burn us with its scorching embrace but there is a superior Love, who can rescue us. The path always is prayer, where we will find refuge, serenity and transformation. And what was hurting will not hurt any more because there is an inner foundation, who always rescues and brings inner peace.

Even though, man may be facing paths of desperation and chaos, if he really wants to change with sincerity and with all his heart, then, God will not abandon him, on the contrary, God will exalt him and will bring him out of the fog and will nourish him with His presence.  God will strengthen him and will bring light to his life, peace to his heart and will make him prosper, because God is true. It is very certain that every one who looks for God and knows Him, will overcome the obstacles, the confusion and depression.

God is true. He is peace,  joy and Love. Keep this in your heart and live in the name of God. And your life will be as a garden full of flowers, in which you will have banished and  transcended depression.


Oscar Basurto Carbonell is author of innumerable writings related to Self Knowledge, Healing, Art for Good Health, Meditation and Spiritual Science, are some of his subjects. He is also an accomplished artist, who has been painting since his early years. And has a great knowledge of the ancient science of techniques and designs of the Sacred Geometry, of the Ancient Symbols and of Healing Energy.Learn more by visiting his website Mystic Healing Art


 email: yourhealingart@aol.com