
Friday, 24 June 2011 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM


Ian's Studio, Woodbank Works, Turncroft Lane, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 4AR



For this weeks Friday Night at the Studio Event we will have one possibly two pregnant models visiting the studio.  This will be a fantastic opportunity to practise pregnancy photography. We will look at a number of different methods for creating ‘bump’ images.  At least one model will be posing for some implied nude pregnancy images.

Our lead model is “Elisa” (Purestorm profile), a second model may be joining her but we won’t know until the day, unfortunately a third model I had lined up has gone in to labour!

Please note: the models will be working on a part paid/part TF basis.  All photographers will be asked to supply the models they shoot with some images from the evening.

Price: £25