The Ugly Truth Quotes

19 May

”Its just a matter of looking chaos in the eye and tell him to F-off.”

”Now listen up ladies, because I’m going to say this just once, and it is just three little words: Men are simple. We cannot be trained. All this ‘Men are from Venus’ crap, is a waste of your time and money.”

”No one falls in love with your personality at first time.”

”Mike: If you were hot, you would be out breaking some poor shmuck’s heart instead of spending all your time fantasizing about Mister Wonderful. Face it! You’re ugly. Abby: I am not ugly. Mike: Well okay let me help you out here. You might as well face the fact that youre gonna be alone and stop hiding away for some fantasy guy, you are not gonna met.Abby: How could you possibly…? Mike: Hey Lassie, the show is call The Ugly Truth. If cant face it, dont call.”

”Abby: He is a very rounded man capable of mature emotions and deep abiding love, things that you wouldnt know. Mike: Maybe not, but I know about lust, seduction, and manipulation, things that you dont know of.”

”Mike: Rule#1 Never critizise him. Abby: Even if it is constructive? Mike: Never. Men are incaple of change, grow or progress.”

”Mike: Not bad. Abby: Just… I dont want to be perceived as a bimbo. Mike: I dont want you to be a bimbo. You have to be two people. The saint and the sinner. The librarian and the striper.”

”Mike: Try to find lust, is a lot easier and less messier. The sexual frustration can only last a few hours, but a broken heart that can  last a few years. Craig: Tell me then whats her name? Mike: Who? Craig: The woman who screwed you up. She must have been a doozie.”

”Abby: You are a great guy, and this is why I have to say that I havent being myself. Not a second in the time that we’ve been dating. Collin: Then who have you been? Abby: The girl some idiot told me to be.”

”Abby: I cant believe I let myself feel something for him. Joy: Well you felt something enough to break-up with Collin.”

”You think you know what men are going to do, you think you know what they want to do. But when it comes right down to that moment step up and I dont know make a move?, they chicken out.”

”Abby:The big, strong, brave men that we all read in novels, watch in movies since we were 9 years old. That’s a falacy, it doesnt exist. Men are not strong. Men, are not brave. Men are afraid. Even if they have a moment, in a hotel elevator and its totally romantic and full of potential, men are incapable of coping through it. Why? Because why, men are weak. Mike: Let me tell you something about women. Women have us believe that they are the victims, that we break their hearts. Its crap! They say they love you back.They sat they want ‘true love’, but all they want is a check list. Is he perfect? Is he handsome? Is he a doctor? For you man who fits the criteria, dont get your hopes high, they are not going to sleep with you. They are sleeping with the carefully calculated set of vile choices. Money over substance, looks over soul, polish over principles. No gesture, no matter how real or romantic, would ever compensate the impressive list of credentials.”

”Abby: Youre in love with me. Why? Mike: Beats the shit outta me. But I am.

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