Products & Prices
Products Prices
Prints Please see the galleries for prices
CD-ROM £20.00
The print sizes are the standard sizes that I offer, however larger or smaller sizes can be ordered. Please feel free to contact me with your requirements and to obtain the relevant prices.

CD-ROM's are supplied on personalised "Light Scribe" discs and will contain a minimum of 5 images. For figure skaters I can also include your program music, so that the image slide show will play along with your program music. If you order online using Paypal or using the PDF order form you willneed to e-mail the music file to me in an MP3 or WAV format. For those that cannot produce a copy in the required format please provide the music on CD which will be returned with your order.

The CD-ROM price is for an individual's photo's only. For team photo's please call to discuss the price.

How to Order
Ordering is very simple. You can order and pay via Paypal directly on the website or alternatively complete the PDF order form opposite then e-mail the completed form, take a print of the completed form and post with the relevant payment (cheque or PO made payable to P Staniforth).

The order form is an Adobe PDF document that requires the latest version of Adobe Reader.

If you don't have the latest version of the reader it can be downloaded from the Adobe website by clicking on the link opposite.

Order Form
Solution Graphics