Handling Large EDI messages – One way to reduce the XML instance size

You probably all know that XML messages are a bit more “verbose” than EDI messages. Since BizTalk only handles XML messages natively, every message coming into BizTalk first has to be converted to XML. Also on the way out, every XML message has to be converted to the target format (if not XML).

Basically, this means that incoming EDI messages will increase in size by about a factor 10 on average: 1Mb EDI will become 10Mb XML.

The EDI Accelerator has as way of decreasing the size of these XML’s significantly: by unchecking the option “Include description” in the XML Tag Options group box in the Covast EDI Schema Generator, the system will generate XML schemas from the EDI document definitions in the repository using the EDI segment tags and element tags (instead of the long names) as the XML element and attribute names, thereby significantly reducing the “tag overhead” at runtime.

2 thoughts on “Handling Large EDI messages – One way to reduce the XML instance size

  1. Sasidhar Parvatham October 17, 2006 / 8:57 am

    Hello, May be this doesn;t concern covast directly. But any suggestions would greatly help us. We are using BizTalk HIPAA accelerator which, if I am not wrong is a subset of Covast accelerator. As you already know, the schemas have very verbose node names. Since HIPAA accelerator does not have an administrator component like Covast accelerator does, I was wondering whether there is an option where I can turn the “Include description” option off.

    Probably having two different sets of schemas (verbose, concise) would be ideal and gives the clients option to choose one of them.



  2. gijsbert November 15, 2006 / 1:39 am

    Unfortunately, this is only possible in the full Covast EDI Accelerator. There you have the option to either generate long or short XML tags.


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