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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut non turpis a nisi pretium rutrum. Nullam congue, lectus a aliquam pretium, sem urna tempus justo, malesuada consequat nunc diam vel justo. In faucibus elit at purus. Suspendisse dapibus lorem. Curabitur luctus mauris.

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IBAT Portal



Welcome to the IBAT College Learning Portal

Welcome to the IBAT College Student/Staff Portal. The IBAT Portal offers many resources and services to students and staff within the college. Some of these resources and services are shown below, the public ones are enabled and can be accessed without an IBAT College account, others are disabled and require a user to login using their IBAT username and password.

Students are also reminded that they must renew or order new Insurance before a GNIB Requests or Letters can be produced from the college.
All Letters and GNIB requests are exclusively for full-time students, we cannot produce any letters for students studying a part-time course

Help Desk: LINK:

Examinations Office: P: +353 1 8075055, E:

Registrar: Dr Finbarr Murphy, P: +353 1 8075055, E:

IT: P: +353 1 8075055, E:

Library: Aoife Williams, P: +353 1 8075055, E:

Letters: E: or LINK:

Student Support: P: +353-1-8075055, LINK:

Student Affairs Coordinator: Yumi Broomfield, E:

Refund Requests: LINK:, E:,

Sales/Admissions: E:

Student Fees and Accounts: Accounts Department, E:

Support for:

  • Postgraduate Programmes

  • Undergraduate Programmes

  • Professional Diploma Courses

Programme Administration Manager: Emmalyne Smith, E:

Programme Administrator: Katiani C. Ó Fearghaíl, E:

Support for:

  • English Programmes, contact for issues relating to: attendance, holidays, English certificates, attendance warning

English Academic Administrator: Eloa Lima, E:

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