Read book online Free! The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The Struggle by L. J. Smith

vampire-diaries-1-2Read VAMPIRE DIARIES OMNIBUS I (Volumes I-II) online FREE

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OMNIBUS I. contains two volumes:
Volume I. The Awakening
Volume II. The Struggle

Read OMINIBUS I. online now
Buy OMNIBUS I. From Amazon

The Vampire Diaries, Volume I: The Awakening
The most haunting love triangle of all.  Two vampire brothers, one good and one evil, are in love with the same beautiful girl.  Stefan meets Elena, and falls for her instantly.  But he swears never to approach her because of his dark secret.  On the other hand, Elena has sworn to make Stefan hers or die.

The Vampire Diaries, Volume II: The Struggle

Damon is haunting Elena’s footsteps; coaxing and coercing her by turns.  Stefan desperately tries to protect her from his brother.  And Elena is having her blood drawn by two separate vampires.  Meanwhile Caroline plots to expose Elena in front of the entire town.  Can things get worse?  They do, when Elena drives too fast over an unsafe bridge and drowns.

Read First Chapter of OMNIBUS II. online too

The Vampire Diaries: The Fury and Dark Reunion By L. J. SmithThe Vampire Diaries, Volume III: The Fury
It’s happened.  Elena wakens as a vampire.  She belongs to Damon, now, and to his world.  The town mourns her as dead while she haunts the Old Wood by night.  But by the time she remembers that Stefan is her true love, a new and powerful enemy appears.  This is the last battle; and the only way Elena can win it is to sacrifice herself.

The Vampire Diaries, Volume IV: Dark Reunion
As a psychic, Bonnie has dreams of Elena in the Other World. But the dreams quickly turn frightening.  There is a terrible new enemy stalking Fell’s Church, killing young girls.  Elena’s friends call for Stefan and get both him and Damon—but whose side is Damon on? The ending is the most surprising yet for Elena!

The Vampire Diaries: The Return (New Trilogy)
Read First Chapter of NIGHTFALL Online Book 1 released February 2009
Click Here To Read Full Details on this New Trilogy, all three titles with synopis and release dates

208 responses to “Read book online Free! The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening and The Struggle by L. J. Smith

  1. Pingback: 02.10.2009 New Release: The Vampire Diaries: The Return: Nightfall by L. J. Smith « Immortal Fiction

  2. ugh. how could she be so inconsiderate of Matt’s feelings and use him like that?! thats so crule of Elena. I think that the shows are better than the book by far.

  3. I think these books beats the crap out of Twilight ;)
    But won’t we get a straight continuation from “dark reunion”??

    PS!Your’e such a good writer <33

  4. personally i think the tv show is totally different from the books if you have read the series you should get where im coming from so a big grrrr to the director of the show for not keeping to the books grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!

  5. Ok this is just torture. It says you can read the entire book online free but when i got to chapter 7 it stopped mid sentence! I started reading the book online when I discovered the show wasn’t coming back until January. I’m amazed at how different the books are from the show and even more amazed that someone thinks they are very similar.

    • I totaly agree why did it have to stop at chapter 7 when it says u can read the whole book!!!!! I need to know what happens next!! Even though I have already seen this episode, I still want to read about it!!!! Can someone please tell me where I can get all the books and read them!!!!!! QUICK!!!!

  6. ummm that link only allows u to read the first 7 chapter and i cuda sworn it said the whole entire book for free…..where the heck do i get it online for free?
    the show is so entirely diff! but i like the show its realy edgey the book is cruel! elena is cruel! and so is caroline! if someone can find the rest of the book for me can u send me the link at
    plz and thank youuu

  7. I love the show!
    And i would like to read the books.
    But i live in sweden.
    They do not show the vampire diaries on tv hear but i look om the internet.
    And the books are not to be find hear. In sweden. So im trying to find them to read online. But i cant find them.

  8. These books are awesome they are very imagionitive i love the way stefans love comes back wanting revenge because stefan falled in love and Demon sticks up with Stefan and says no to her even though it could of cost him his life!
    It is just so brilliant that I never want to put these brilliant books down

  9. Does anyone have the pdf versions or something similar of the books? If so pleaaaaaaaaase please please could anyone send them to me? is my e-mail address. I love the TV show but I really want to read the books and I can’t get them from here :/.

  10. i love the show vampire diaries. It shows courage and love and VAMPIRES!!! Who doesn’t love that. The books are the leaders to me and the movie is the follower.

    I LOVE STEFAN!!!!!

    • Um…Katelin don’t feel bad same here and i cried for three hours on and off cuz i couldnt find them email me if u have them plz!!!! Thanks…Bye

      • Oh my word you guys get a life would you. Every time i look on here theres kid/other werid people and who cares about this book its gay i read it about 9 times and i think twilights better

        • Twilight is the suckiest books ever. And P.S. go Troll somewhere else. no one wants to read your stupid gibberish.

  11. i love i wanna be a vamp its not fair i cry every time i se an episode

    by the way u can watch all the episodes for free online anytime go watch the vampire diaries and walla ur episodes for free iv already wtched em all

  12. I like the show but it is a long time to wait for the new releases. I will wait until March 25 but I almost lost interest waiting. You would have more viewers if you were more consistant and alowing Canadians more access. They watch alot of tv, young and old!

  13. Can anyone help me? I’m not able to read them…..I tryied everything it just won’t open :(, does anyone know why, or another site where i can read them? thnx x)

  14. I would really like to read the first book. But I can’t find the whole book online. Can anyone tell me where I can find a site that will let me read the full version?

  15. i love vampire diareis it is the shit . i watch it every thursday at 7:00 p.m.
    stephan is the sexyest one. he is so cute. elena is so cool . i would love to be a vampire. doamno he aint ugly he aint cute. he is okay. i dont like him because u think he killed elenas mom.

  16. heey

    i love these books, but I live i Denmark and I cant find the books anywhere. if someone knows a link where I can read it please send it to my email m e l l e _ _ r @ h o t m a i l . c o m

  17. the books suckkkkkkkkk!
    show is soo much better.
    fan of damon and stefan salvator.
    i wouldnt mind being katherine or elena cuz i wouldnt mind hittin either of those two…even maybe at the same time.. ;)

    • damn right girlfriend!!
      those boyz r the shyznik!
      id totally let damon bite me
      and stefan can dazel me with his charm and sexy body <3 *roarrr*

  18. I am sooooooooo in love with Vampire Diaries & lyk some of the other people l cant open the books online. This is a serious plea to anyone who can email them to me. My email address is Otherwise, Stefan is soooooooooo HOT!!!

  19. the vampire diaries is so good i love damon he is so fucking hot i wish elena (that bitch)and damon would just get together

      • I think everyone here should agree that VAMPIRE DIARIES is about a million billion trillion times better then Twilight. For one, Edward (A.K.A. ROBERT PATTINSON) is uglier then hell. Jasper may be cute in the movie, but he doesn’t play a major roll. Both Stefan and Damon Salvatore (and their actors, duh!) are mega cute. Anyone who doesn’t agree can go to hell. Klaus can handle you then. :)

  20. i cant even get the vol 1 book at my library its always gone so im tryin to read it online can someone tell me how cause imasuper super twilight fan and i’ve read it 6 times so i figured id try this vampires diaries thing but since i cant find the vol 1 its not workin out so well can someone help me please my email it

    • Lol I have noticed that too! Also I wanted to say that Twilight will never be outdone by niether the books or shows! They are good I give them that but Twilight is just AWESOME!

    • That’s what a I tell al my friends. Most of them read as much as me, though not as much, and they can barely spell. In 5th grade, my reading level was PHS. (Post High School, for those of you who are challenged by abbreviations.) *Cough, cough..*

    … Maybe Twilight does beat The Vampire Diaries, but you say that
    as if Twilight was written first and the rest of the books were written AFTER Twilight, or somehow others are trying to copy Twilight. But, actually, Twilight copied characters, content, topics, and even wording from The following 2 book series:
    The Vampire Diaries, copyrighted 1991-Present
    The Sookie Stackhouse Series, copyrighted 2001-Present

    Twilight was released and copyrighted in 2005!

    To see the similarities clearly, you have to start with Twilight and
    read backwards to the Sookie Series and then Vampire Diaries, you will
    be shocked to see 99% of Twilight in these previous series. Though I’m a Twilight fan, it’s clear it’s a slight twist here, a small change there on the idea and concepts of the author, Charlaine Harris’ books. How did Stephenie Meyer get away with it?? I don’t understand.

  22. this book has saved my soul, you could say. when this year first started, i saw two of my friends drown, and 12 moths latter, i am still plauged by nightmares and life is awful. this book gave me hope. she might have… drowned, but she lives on.
    Thank you, Unique and Xola. I will never forget you.

  23. Hi anyone reading this I am so confused whats up with the characters in the book, whos meredith and aunt judith. Isnt it aunt jenna and whos magaret. Is the series different to the book? And anybody got book 3 and 4 please send to and any parts of season 2 vampire diaries. Thanx highly appreciated.

    • A lot of the stuff is diffrent. In the T.V. show, Elena has a brother (a total pot-head, might i add) who’s about her age. I can’t remember his name. And anyway, in the books, she has a little sister instead, which is Maragret. Aunt Judith is her aunt, obviously, and she might have a diffrent name in the T.V. show, i don’t remember that either. Anyway, there is some diffrences, which might be confusing to…diffrent people. *Cough, cough…* >.>

  24. The books are nothing like the tv episodes. ive read all the books and watched all of the episodes so far and if you ask me they are nothing alike. however i absolutly love both the books and the shows. i have read all of L.J Smiths books and hope she continues to write lots more.
    And althoug i also love the twilight saga i have to agree with ‘kissi’ as twilight has stolen loads of l.j smiths ideas.

  25. I love vampire dairies and Twiligt both. Maybe Stephanie got her ideas from vampire dairies but when it come to writing style Stephanie’s is so much better. Vampire dairies book is just normal, not the story(the story is great),but the writing is very normal. But Twilight’s writing-osom! the humor, sarcasm everything. It is seductive. I don’t think any fiction writer can top Stephanie’s style on Twilight saga. Vampire dairies is better to watch, good to read and twilight is better to read and a bit better than good to watch.

  26. These books are great…i cant sleep without reading it…its very captivating…i just wouldnt stop at one chapter,when i decide i will read the rest next day,and end up finishing the whole book and then i crave for more…the shadow souls is my fav….am in love with damon.. but the tv series is completley diffrent and its awesome but i just hope that the they stick as close to the shadow souls when they decide to make it…

  27. urgh dam iv read a bunch of these except the two first ones im so into it right now and i cant find it anywere here or on the internet =[ any one know were to get it?

  28. twilight is the stupidiest piece of crap ive ever read it made my eyes bleed and the movies were boring as shit. these books are the most amazing thing ive ever read and the show… there are no words for howobsessd i am

  29. Hi can someone send me the Vampire diaries all the books by email or a link to get them i live in a small town and they dont carry that kind of stuff i read the first book while visiting family for the summer and seen season 1 and now i am finishing season 2 online i love the show i am eager to read all the books I have to admit i love the Twilights also they are similar but they have thier own different twist to them which is what i love If there is any way someone can send me the link or email me the audios for my lil sister i would love that too she is blind so i read to her she love vampire stories i found the audios for twilight and she still listens to them. She loves the stories cause it has so much vivid details that most people consider boring and a waste but those details are what gives you a clear picture of whats going on and what to invision. Please send me the books thank you

  30. I just finished the first book and it was fab I really wanna read the next ones but all the online book stores need credit cards and my mum won’t let me have one :(

  31. you shoud read katies hellion and katies hope by lizzie ford they are beautiful book with gods angels vampirea a strange world

  32. I’ve already read the first book!…It’s a marvelous masterpiece..a kind of book that will keep you awake each night,craving for more mysteries each of the characters is hiding,and gives you blurry eyes in the morning…soooo fast moving!!!! how I wish I can have all the books and read all of them!!!

  33. i think that twilight has better books than vampire diaries but the vampire diaries series is a lot better than twilight

  34. This sucks! I really thought you would have more online Vampire Diaries books up fir people to read. Like the new one that had just come out. Shame. :-(

  35. I luvvvv VAMPIRE DIARIES, it is so hot nd cool serial i hav ever seen… i love u DAMON (IAN SOMERHALDER), i wanna hav date wid u nd stay away from that bitch elena….. damon is awesome…. nd vampire diaries is thousand times cool than twilight… but anyway robert pattinson is also hotiee… i luv them both equally….!!!! damon i wanna meet you…!!!

    • I didnt see where to post a comment but I was wondering for those who have read the books I was wondering what happens in the end? does elana become a vampire? but mainly do her and damon ever get together and are together in the end or does she choose stefan? please let me know thanks!!

    • I totally agree I lovvvve the VAMPIRE DIARIES!!!! My fav is Damon two he is soooo hot!! The only thing that I don’t agree with is Robert Pattinson, my fav on twilight is Jasper or ( Jackson Rathbone)!! Bye!!!

  36. Anyone ever read Stefan’s Diaries? I think they’re better than the normal series. They (of course) tell about how Stefan and Damon came to be vampires, and what happened for a few weeks and then 20 years later. Definitly awesome books…:P

  37. Oh, and Twilight isn’t nearly as good as this. Because some cheap-ass pale guy who has to have Robert Pattinson play his part gets some hick preggers. (Insert me barfing here)

  38. I love the VAMPIRE DIARIES they are amazing!!! My fav is Damon though, he is so HOT!!!! He is totally a 10 in my book!! Stefan would be an 8!!!! Everyone in th whole intire Vampire Diaries would be an 100!!! I think the book should have Jermey in it but everything else is Amazing!!!!!!!

  39. Well well well i thought i’m the only vampire lover but now i’ll have to change my thinking. By the way i was really pleased to see a good collection and THE VAMPIRE DIARIES is an awesome book . So on whole i liked it a lot n enjoyed reading it.

  40. I am having some trouble right know can you please help????????

    I don’t know who to choose that I like the best One Direction Or The Vampire Diaries!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can you help me choose the one I like best???? Please reply!!!!!!

  41. Damon <3 Stefan <3 dam itz hard 2 choice both sooo hot sometimes i want Damon but other times Stefan cant blame Elena for stringing them along

  42. Can all of you please stop judging the actors on the basis of their hotness? seriously, both the guys love both the girls for who they are! (A side note, maybe Stefan likes Elena jus’ cause she likes him, and i honestly think Edward was right; Bella loves Edward like she compares a tree to a forest. She does not love him as much as he her.) And Damon, yeah, i agree, he’s a son of a btch and btch stealer, but thats upto the writer to put the character the way he/she wants to.

  43. Edward is sooooooooooooooooo GAY!!!!! PUHLEEEEEEEESE!!!! Definitel Vampire Diaries ROCKS!!!!! Stefan and Damon are “THE BEST”..!!!

  44. I only started reading the first page and nothing sounds like the 1 episode and plaese tell my that Edward is not as hot as Damon oh btw one one of the episodes on season 3 which i’m watching right now is that he says “I won’t feel guilty for this and kissed her and i think she liked it.

  45. It is so coooooooooooooooooool.
    Damon is so hot!
    N because of The Vampire Diaries I Gonna FAIL my exams!

  46. please……… vampire diaries is nice but twilight is great.because they were logical about their every myths.when i read vampire diaries it was a nice fancy story.yes twilight has less action.but when i was reading twilight, it makes me feel that the story was real.perfect writing scale from stephine meyer.

  47. oh thank u so much……….. i have always longed to read it but never got time…….. so i watched all the epis but readin is a other pleasure so now i get to read it even during my work………. ;D

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