6 responses to “if you’re a business or organization, don’t get personal on facebook.

  1. I know a few businesses here in Oswego that use personal profiles as their page, where I work included. Thanks for the info, I’ll have to get on that and switch ours over!

  2. Tim Nekritz

    STEVEN: Thanks, and good luck!

    ALAINA: I have to say … your blog post is better than mine. I’m posting it on the end as an update. Thanks!

  3. Tim, I’m flattered that you’d share my post and that you referred to me as your friend. Thanks! I thought your post was great, too. 🙂

  4. Melissa

    Okay, I don’t understand why people say a nonprofit’s personal page will be deleted. It clearly states – You will not use your personal profile for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser).
    This just simply does not pertain to a nonprofit. I feel like there would be room to dispute this if they tried to remove the account. And, I find the benefits of a personal page as a nonprofit to be much more than an org page – you can actively “friend” rather than waiting for a like, you show up more in the news feed, you can be tagged in pics, etc. Just seems more personal and dynamic than a page.

  5. Pingback: Weekend read: My weekly share on Twitter, with favorites – Denise Graveline

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