Tag Archives: Communications Plan

3 Steps To Prevent ‘Drowning’ During A Crisis

It’s awkward to catch yourself staring at the wreckage of a media relations crisis.

All you have to do is look at a television newscast, read a newspaper or browse a social media channel to see someone who’s being criticized, chastised or lambasted for an opinion, action or belief. It’s similar to slowly driving by an accident while in the comfort and safety of your own vehicle.

Flickr Photograph By www.audio-luci-store.it

Flickr Photograph By http://www.audio-luci-store.it

Scenarios and actions are similar:

  • Leaders weren’t prepared or equipped to handle the situation.
  • They’re unable to properly act, answer questions and communicate.
  • There’s a lack of trust in the leadership, the team, advisers and, possibly, the crisis media relations experts they’ve assembled.

It’s heartbreaking because those of us experienced in crisis media relations can immediately identify ways to help them.

There’s an amazing parallel between helping an organization in a media relations crisis and a safety drill that’s required to complete SCUBA diving certification. In fact, the drill was one of my most lasting SCUBA diving memories.

When someone faces the possibility of death by drowning while SCUBA diving, the greatest act of self-giving you can provide is your air source.

When you’re 40-feet below the ocean’s surface and the person you’re paired with gives you a signal that they don’t have air, you immediately take a breath of the compressed air from your tank and give your buddy YOUR air source. Then, you calmly reach behind your tank, grasp your alternate air source, and begin breathing.

Divers practice rescue breathing. Photograph By TauchSport_Steininger

Divers practice rescue breathing.
Photograph By TauchSport_Steininger

There’s no time for judgment, problem solving or finger pointing. Your buddy needs air to live. You have the resource your buddy needs and you provide it as quickly and calmly as possible. Then, you slowly return to the surface. A rapid return to the surface can result in decompression sickness.

When first learning this emergency procedure, one can panic if the back-up air source can’t be located when reaching for it. You can’t ask for your buddy to return your primary air source. It’s not productive for both of you to fight over the air source because no one’s going to win that battle. You need to be patient and confident as you provide air and restore a sense of control and calm.

Parallels of Drowning, Facing A Crisis

When considering the 24-hour news cycle and the exponential spread and growth of bad news through social media, a crisis for your organization can be similar to drowning while diving–you find yourself 100 feet below the surface, unable to communicate, and on the verge of panic. However, SCUBA divers train and prepare for a number of situations they might confront while under water and not able to rapidly return to the surface.

Flickr Photograph By Jose Kevo

Flickr Photograph By Jose Kevo

Preparation: Just as divers must prepare for problems before jumping in the water, leaders must make crisis management an integral part of their communications strategy and toolkit.

Leaders must frequently communicate with all stakeholders and remind them of the importance of two-way communication, organizational integrity, and the all of the elements that contribute to trust in the organization and its people. When facing a crisis, all team members must know their roles and responsibilities. Here are some starter questions:

  • Who is in charge?
  • Who is handling media inquiries?
  • What’s the approval process for statements to the media, talking points, social media posts or other communication tactics?
  • What’s the expectation for responding to media inquiries with regard to timeliness and prioritization?
  • Who is the spokesperson?
Flickr Photograph By Charles Atkeison

Flickr Photograph By Charles Atkeison

Practice: Divers must demonstrate their ability to perform various rescue techniques to become certified. By demonstrating their ability to execute a crisis plan, leaders show their commitment to the overall concept, along with specific processes and procedures. Leaders can model confidence and competence so others throughout the organization will understand and accept the importance of the drill. This can be accomplished during an annual planning conference, a staff meeting or a similarly appropriate time where key leaders and stakeholders can learn or review fundamental concepts.

Perform: When your organization faces a crisis—and it’s inevitable that some human being connected with your organization is going to make a mistake, an error in judgment or an intentional and inappropriate action—your leaders must be ready to quickly and effectively respond. Leaders can’t troubleshoot all scenarios. But developing and adopting a crisis plan will provide your organization with some ability to manage many situations.

Your Next Step

Jonathan Mueller, one of my SCUBA buddies in 2009. Photograph by Joe Mueller

Jonathan Mueller, one of my SCUBA buddies, in 2009.
Photograph by Joe Mueller

Would you want to shop for help during a crisis? Or, would you rather have a relationship with someone you know and trust beforehand?

Most organizations don’t think twice about regularly allocating and spending resources for legal, engineering, accounting or management expertise. Why would they be reluctant to make a commitment or invest in public relations or communications counsel when a crisis could cause serious or irreparable harm?

Leaders must be good stewards of their organization’s resources. Leaders must constantly survey the landscape, provide for their employees and stakeholders, and protect them from harm.

It’s my sincere hope for all organizations that if they suddenly find themselves–figuratively–struggling to breathe, in deep water and without a trusted source for air, they will know how to survive.

Join Me For 2-Hour Course On Developing Your NPO’s Communications Plan

NPML LogoMany people who find themselves responsible for their nonprofit organization’s communications fall into one of two categories.

One, their organization doesn’t have a viable communications plan and they’ve been delegated that responsibility.

Or, two, their organization has a communications plan and they have no training or experience in communications.

If you fall into one of these categories, or if you would like to learn how to develop an effective communications plan for your nonprofit organization, you’re welcome to join me for a two-hour non-credit course at the University of Missouri-St. Louis Nonprofit Management and Leadership Program.

Developing an Effective Communication Plan for Your Nonprofit Organization
Wednesday, October 20, 3-5 p.m.
J.C. Penney Conference Center
University of Missouri-St. Louis

Click Here To Register Online

Download A Printable Flyer (PDF)

Course Description: Nonprofit organizations are faced with an increasing demand for their services and a more challenging fundraising environment. Perhaps more than ever before, success or failure is determined by how successfully NPOs commuicate their mission and services. Whether you’re an executive director, board or staff member, plan to join us as we help you develop an integrated communication plan and strategy for your organization. We’ll look at ways to measure success and help you define and develop marketing and communication channels.

We’ll look at integrating traditional communications channels as well as social media into a plans for orgainzations of all sizes. We’ll also review some fundamental elements that must be in place for any communications plan to succeed in a nonprofit organization.

My goal is that every person who attends this course will leave with at least one or two strategies–if not an entire plan–that will help their organization achieve a mission-based goal.

See you then!

Ideas Shared, Strategies Developed At First NSC Communications Circle

Debby Edelman, Public Relations Director of Riverbend Head Start, Janelle Floerke, Operations Manager of The Clarkson Eyecare Foundation, L. Carol Scott, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Missouri Child Care Resource and Referral Network, and Carmen Garcia, Communications Manager at the Nonprofit Services Consortium, (from left) attended NSC's first Communications Peer Circle


The first Communications Peer Circle on Thursday, March 3, 2010, at the Nonprofit Service Consortium was great experience.  Participants reviewed how an organization can develop a communications plan in tandem with building a committee of volunteers to execute the plan.        

The most beneficial part of the two-hour session was the exchange of ideas. If one goes into this type of conference or seminar with an attitude that they can come away with something of value for themselves or their organization, they usually will. Plus, you might contribute an idea or solution that will help an individual or organization made a tremendous improvement in fulfilling their mission.    

NSC exists to strengthen the region’s nonprofit organizations and the nonprofit sector. It provides programs services and resources that inform, promote and connect nonprofits as they work to improve people’s lives. (Read more about NSC’s mission, vision and values…)    

A special note of thanks to Carmen Garcia, Communications Manager at NSC, for making the Communications Peer Circle a reality. NSC started with Development Peer Circles to assist those in all areas of fundraising for charities and nonprofits. (Donna McGinnis, MBA, CFRE, leads this group and their next is scheduled for Thursday, April 1.)    

Register for the next Communications Peer Circle. It will be from 9 to 11 a.m. on Thursday, May 6, 2010, at NSC. We’re kicking around the idea of talking about social media. As soon as we have the topic refined, we’ll publicize it.     

 You’re welcome to leave a comment on future topics or anything else you find on the blog. The slides that guided Thursday’s discussion are below.