i study hispanic american literature, but i was born in brasil (yes, with "s", like "i'm so sorry") in case that you don't know, here we speak portuguese.i like tea and maté and cats and plays and vegan food and reading and writing and i really really really hate to waste my time watching movies, taking baths or sleeping too much.
Reblogged from ancientbruises-blog  6,298 notes

Too many of us still believe that “self-respect” for a woman means chastity and modesty. If she’s wearing revealing clothing, enjoys attention, and maybe even likes sex outside of a committed monogamous relationship, we call her a “slut” — and accuse her of not respecting herself. Perhaps she does respect herself, perhaps she doesn’t. (Promiscuity is not perfectly correlated with low self-esteem, despite what a lot of pop psychologists tell you.) But in the end, it doesn’t matter. Women aren’t commodities whose value is based on their own fluctuating sense of self-worth. By Hugo Schwyzer (I want my daughter to grow up in a world in which all men are safe, responsible, reliable — The Good Men Project Magazine)

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