‘A Night to Honor Israel’: Pastor Hagee gives $8.25 million for Israel


Audience members spontaneously waved Israeli flags throughout “A Night to Honor Israel” evening.

In a time when the world is being critical of Israel, it is facing renewed danger from Iran and peace negotiations are in a tenuous phase, more than 8,000 Christians and Jews gathered on Sunday, Oct. 10, at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio for the 29th annual “A Night to Honor Israel,” and millions more joined to watch the event live on television and the Internet. The event was sponsored by John Hagee Ministries, the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston and Congregation Rodfei Sholom in San Antonio.

This year, Pastor Hagee committed $8.25 million to 40 Israeli organizations, including Nefesh B’Nefesh for people making aliyah from North America; Migdal Ohr for troubled children; the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to support Holocaust survivors and the elderly; the Leo Baeck Education Center; Ben Gurion University; the Hadadi Center for Breast Cancer Survivors; and several hospitals, including Barzilai Medical Center.


Pastor John Hagee presents a $250,000 check for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to Benjamin Warren.

Pastor Hagee also contributes an annual gift of $250,000 to the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston Annual Campaign, which benefits Jewish organizations in Houston, Israel and around the world. Since 1981, John Hagee Ministries’ A Night to Honor Israel has raised more than $73 million for various Jewish and Israeli organizations.

This year’s event included a keynote speech by John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and current senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; a speech by Pastor Hagee; and remarks by the new consul general of Israel to the Southwest, Meir Shlomo, whose brought down the house when he spoke in flawless Spanish. The event also featured Hebrew and English songs by the Cornerstone Concert Choir and Orchestra.

“The Night to Honor Israel is an overwhelming and surreal event,” said Rob Shoss, chair of the Federation’s Community Relations Committee, which organized the Houston community participation.


Amb. John Bolton

“To experience the unadulterated passion and commitment to Israel is something that can’t be communicated in words and is incredibly moving. Then, as if the night itself isn’t enough, Pastor Hagee and his church raise and distribute millions of dollars that, in many cases, dramatically change Israeli lives. There is no better friend to Israel, and our community is forever appreciative and grateful to Pastor Hagee and his church for their stalwart work and commitment to Israel,” Shoss said.

Iran threat
Pastor Hagee, in his address, spoke about Christians and Jews coming together for the sake of Israel “till the enemies of Israel are defeated and Israel achieves a just and lasting peace.”

He also spoke about Iran and other threats to Israel, saying that a nuclear Iran would be a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire Middle East region, Europe and the United States.

Pastor Hagee’s organization, Christians United for Israel, is circulating a petition to the United Nations to prosecute Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The petition demands that he be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court for the crime of incitement to genocide. So far, it has been signed by more than 100,000 people. (To sign, visit cufi.org.)

Bolton, who gave the keynote address, also spoke about threats to Israel historically and currently; why the current peace negotiations are forced, misguided and potentially dangerous; and the threat of Iran and a nuclear Middle East.

“Imagine the risk of a multi-polar nuclear Middle East with many countries looking at each other wondering who will strike first,” he said.

He also warned that the day likely will come when America has to make a decision whether to let Iran become a nuclear power or use preemptive force to stop that from happening.

The current thinking that “everything will get better, if you can impose peace on Israel, is 100 percent wrong,” he said. Bolton added that peace cannot be imposed; it must be brokered between two willing parties who are able to negotiate on behalf of their people.

Federation relationship
The Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, which has had a relationship with John Hagee Ministries and has been involved with A Night to Honor Israel since it began in 1981, sends a delegation from Houston each year, including members of its leadership.

This year, about 75 people attended and several Houston community leaders accepted checks on behalf of Israeli organizations, including Benjamin Warren for the Joint Distribution Committee; former Federation Community Relations Committee chair Steve Finkelman for Nativ; former Jewish Agency for Israel Board of Governors member Stephen Breslauer for JAFI’s Ben Yakir Youth Village; and Gary Swartz for Migdal Ohr.

“A Night to Honor Israel makes a strong statement of unconditional support for Israel at a time when Israel is under assault from so many of her detractors,” Finkelman said.

“This support is expressed on multiple levels–moral, political, spiritual and, yes, financial. The important thing is this support, while under the incredible leadership of Pastor John Hagee, is backed up by millions of individuals,” he said.

The “Night” came about after Pastor John and Diana Hagee visited Israel in 1978 and returned with a strong appreciation for the Jewish state. Then, in June of 1981, Israel bombed the nuclear facility in Iraq, and was criticized around the world for its actions. That is when Pastor Hagee told Diana that he wanted to do something to honor Israel.

On Sept. 10, 1981, Pastor Hagee held the first Night to Honor Israel at the Majestic Theater in San Antonio. The Jewish Federation of Greater Houston has partnered with the pastor since the beginning acting as the conduit for the funding.

Several years ago, the Houston Federation took on more of an advisory role when Pastor Hagee appointed a committee including Jewish Federation president and CEO Lee Wunsch, executive director of Christians United for Israel David Brog, and Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg of Congregation Rodfei Sholom in San Antonio, to vet all requests for money and to make recommendations.

“Pastor Hagee feels very, very passionate about Israel, based on both his love for the State of Israel and his faith,” Wunsch said.

“He continues to spend a lot of time and energy and resources to advocate and speak out for the State of Israel. It’s not just the money, which is significant, it’s his mobilization of 500,000 Christians in America supporting Israel, and his flying around the country speaking at these Nights to Honor Israel, and taking groups to Israel,” he said.

A Night to Honor Israel in San Antonio is the main event of several Nights hosted in cities around the country. Each host church collects money from its supporters throughout the year and donates it at its own community event. Cornerstone Church makes the largest donation each year.

Before taking up collections to begin the donations for 2011, the pastor’s son, Pastor Matthew Hagee, said the monetary donations are “one of the great demonstrations of sacrifice and love for the nation of Israel. We are not here to love Israel for a moment; we are here to love Israel for an eternity.”

John Hagee Ministries Israel Gift Recipients 2010

Nefesh B’Nefesh $1 million

Migdal Ohr $500,000

Jewish Agency for Israel $450,000

Ashdod Emergency Medical Center $400,000

Barzilai Medical Center $400,000

Bikur Cholim Hospital $400,000

Laniado Hospital $400,000

Netanya College $400,000

Or Movement $300,000

Ben Yakir Youth Village $250,000

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee $250,000

Kiryat Yam Absorption Center $250,000

Ohr Torah Stone $250,000

Save a Child’s Heart Foundation $250,000

Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity $250,000

Avukat Or $200,000

Gush Katif $200,000

Yeshivat Hesder at Akko $200,000

Afikim Family Enrichment Centers $150,000

Gush Etzion $150,000

Council of Young Israel Rabbis in Israel $150,000

Leo Baeck Education Center $100,000

Ben-Gurion University $100,000

Bikur V’Ezras Cholim $100,000

Eretz Nehederet $100,000

Just One Life $100,000

Meir Panim $100,000

One Family Fund $100,000

Orr Shalom $100,000

Shurat Hadin Israel Law Center $100,000

Women’s International Zionist Organization $100,000

Eshel Yerushalayim $75,000

Leket Israel $75,000

Hadadi Center for Breast Cancer Survivors $50,000

Israel Emergency Aid Fund $50,000

Israel-Help in Kiryat Gat $50,000

Koby Mandell Foundation $50,000

Nativ $50,000

Or L’Doron $50,000

Jewish Federation of Greater Houston $250,000

TOTAL GIFTS $8.5 million

Reader Comments
Andrea Cohen
DEC 24, 2010  •  Wanting to say Thank you for what you do for the Jewish Organizations and Israel. I got to see Benjamin Netanyahu several years ago and that was an amazing moment in my life to hear him speak
Luz M. Parker[email protected]
OCT 18, 2010  •  Thank You Mighty Lord for Pastor Hagee. I pray more christian Pastors be and act like him. He is not only donating to different Israeli organizations, He is teaching and making disciples
pro Israel all over the world. Blessings to Israel, Pastor Hagee and his family.
OCT 18, 2010  •  Thank you pastor Hagee for your faithfulness and to the many people that support you so that you may continue to support these organizations.