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Take time out for play, so you don't take things too seriously. Artist unknown, c19th century {{PD-Art}}

The 17th

7 PM PDT the Moon opposes Saturn and h.Zeus; Now it all becomes about reality-based progress, and how well our ambitions and desires are materializing–and of course that doesn’t sit well with the emotional state, which wants to feel we’re making progress. In this instance focusing on action (Moon in Aries) may shift things just enough to make for a truly productive review of our circumstances–otherwise we may burn out in our intense effort to examine every nook and cranny of the life.

The 18th

11 AM PDT the Moon trines the North Node, setting a tone of ‘Action for Accomplishment.’ This is only a problem if we put on blinders and are too intent on our own Path. Leave room for others, for interaction, and for a touch of playfulness, to avoid taking things too seriously. This is the kick-off for a Moon/ NN/ Mercury Grand Trine that could bring some frustration, as we are late in the retro cycle and so chomping at the bit to go forward with our ideas. If we can employ patience and perspective, chiefly by recognizing we can’t do all things at once anyway! we’ll achieve a fair amount of balance.

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Well worth the read, visit this commentary at ‘Oculus Divinorum’ on flow and beginner’s mind here