Posted in gaming, kids, online community, Safety/Privacy, virtual worlds

Dir of Community Engagement for National Geographic’s Animal Jam

It’s true!  I got a fantastic opportunity to work with an insanely talented team of designers on one of the country’s most beloved brands, National Geographic.  The game is out this summer and it’s BEAUTIFUL.  So excited, stay tuned for updates.  😀

Joi Podgorny Joins National Geographic’s Animal Jam Team

Online Child Safety Veteran to Lead Community Engagement in New Virtual World

Washington, DC and Salt Lake City, UT (PRWEB) January 25, 2010 — Smart Bomb Interactive announced today that Joi Podgorny has joined the company as the Director of Community Engagement for National Geographic’s Animal Jam, an online virtual world for kids 5-9 launching in the summer of 2010. In her new role, Podgorny will architect and oversee all aspects of community management for Animal Jam, with the goal of creating an online destination that is an industry leader in child safety, parental engagement, and pure fun.

“This team and this project are a perfect fit for me,” said Podgorny. “Kids who love animals are going to be immersed in a fascinating virtual world of unprecedented depth, and they’ll be part of an online community that parents can feel good about letting their children explore. “

Podgorny is considered one of the industry’s foremost experts in online community and children’s marketing, specifically in the under-13-year-old demographics. Her management and production accomplishments range across six international children’s entertainment properties. She most recently served as Head of Community for Mind Candy, where she oversaw phenomenal growth in the user community of She is a frequent contributor to conferences and forums on online child safety and digital engagement with children.


Joi Podgorny has spent the better part of the past 2 decades working on the bleeding edge of the technology and entertainment industries, from content/brand development and production to leading international support, moderation, community and social teams. Most recently, Joi founded Good People Collective, a consulting agency focused on helping companies and organizations establish, assess and pivot their internal and external cultures to help maximize their potential. She and her team are currently working on an exciting new software project, combining corporate training and virtual reality.

4 thoughts on “Dir of Community Engagement for National Geographic’s Animal Jam

    1. Welcome back 巔巔兄I was able read several blogs at last after 24 hours or more and eenyrove BLOGGED about the Internet failure.We are TOO OVER relied on Internet these days.

  1. Hey I play aj ! It is amazing please tell me your username! I beg you I will not tell anyone else! Maybe just my sister (90582) Thanks! Oh yeah heads up getting my membership back on Monday! I am such a BIG fan! if YOU DO tell me your username send it to the parent email which is the one I used to write yo you Thanks! Joi

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