Japan’s Growing Awareness of Losing it’s Power in Light of Recession, China and the US

In recent month the news environment in Japan mirrors the general feeling of ambiguity about its position in the world and within Asia. People start to receive news with an attitude that lead to assumptions of a growing awareness of Japan’s losing power as this is different from the after dealing of the 1990’s bubble recession. [This is a continued research …]

Market Related Indicators

Japan’s National Competitive Advantage

In the past Japan could build on its national competitive advantages that was such as advanced and minimize technology, the search for quality in light of an satisfied customer, its close network of suppliers within a location that lead to a Just-In-time model to minimize storage/inventory but still able to meet customer demands in terms of time and quality.


Indicators for the Growing Awareness

The change within the luxury brand and the rise of so called “recession brands” or “fighter brand” is one indicator that people facing a growing awareness about the changes that will be coming more imminent during the next years or as the JapanTimes has put it “growing reality that their country is no longer an economic powerhouse” (Inagaki 2010).

Society Related Indicators

The car as expression in reaching a certain lifestyle level is loosing its influence ライドシェア「あいのり」- The Way of Car Sharing in Japan as people looking for alternatives to travel.

Other influences such as education and families Japan and its Challenge with the Economic Environment and Influence on the Social Stability showing signs of change.

Political and Policy Related Indicators

  • US
  • Japan’s Media
  • China’s Export Power and the Change in Asia  Power Balance


Inagaki. K (2010). Low-cost ‘fast fashion’ trend here to stay, JapanTimes Online accessed 8 Jan 2010

One response to “Japan’s Growing Awareness of Losing it’s Power in Light of Recession, China and the US

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