Nowadays, Wylie lives and works in Cunninghamhead, a quiet hamlet in the heart of rural Ayrshire, where the surrounding farmland provides a continuing inspiration for his striking landscape paintings.

If you are interested in Jim Wylie's work, please see the Exhibitions page which details where any new work is regularly on show and any forthcoming exhibitions, or see the Commissions and Prints Available sections below.

Prints Available
You can now purchase high quality digital prints of some of Jim's work direct from the Scotland's Artists' website. Please click here for details and purchase.

From time-to-time Jim accepts commissions to make a particular painting. Please contact Jim if you are interested in a commission.

E-mail Jim
Contact Jim by e-mail on

E-mail the webmaster
Please e-mail Rachel on this address if you experience any difficulty or have questions about this site.

Rothesay Harbour
Rothesay Harbour