Jimmy Wahlsteen – my sound / live setup

Hello everybody! I´m getting a lot of questions on Facebook and Youtube about my sound and what kind of equipment I use.

I´m happy to share it with you so I thought I´ll make it official here on my blogg. Enjoy!

Guitars: Larrivée. I use a LSV-11 and a L-09. Both fantastic sounding beautiful instruments.

Pickups: I use the wonderfully sounding K&K system. I use the (K&K) pure mini together with the Sunrise pick up each runing through different preamps. The K&K pick up goes through an L.R Baggs preamp. and the Sunrise goes through Sunrise´s own preamp gear that looks like a little black box.

I mix the two signals in my little Mackie mixer. The Sunrise pick up has nice bass sound so I max the low knob on the

input for the Sunrise signal and I handle the K&K eq on the L.R Baggs preamp.

Now it starts to get complicated. The left channel on the Mackie board goes direct to the “Front of house” mixer board. The other master output runs through my Boss Loop Station which can be muted with a channel switch and a Volume pedal.

FX: From the phones output on the Mackie I send a 3rd signal that splits into stereo in my Multi FX board from TC electronics. I use the G-natural. It´s got all the TC reverbs, delays, choruses etc and sounds amazing.

Here´s a picture of the setup.

Hope this have been helpful. Good luck to all of you!

jimmy wahlsteen


  1. Hi, Jimmy!
    Thank you for sharing your setup, it’s really helpful!
    Are you going from the preamps directly to the line inputs on the Mackie? My eyes are bad..

    Hope you are well,

    • Hi Jon. Yes, I am going direct from the 2 different preamps into the input jacks on the mixer. Let me know if you need more info.

      peace bro`

      jimmy wahlsteen

  2. Hi Jimmy I caught your show with Don Ross in Thunder Bay in November. I just got your CD back from a friend. Really impressed with the songwriting and guitar playing. With your technical guitar playing abilities it is nice to hear such well developed songs (as opposed to just blazing chops). Best of luck in the future. Hope to see you again (in Eurpoe somewhere). Regards, George

    • Hi George! Thanks for the support, man. I´ll be doing some cool dates in Europe by the time of my release in the fall. Two gigs in Munich in october and then I´m supporting Tommy Emmanuel throughout the whole of november. Hope you have the possibility to come and see a show.


      jimmy wahlsteen

  3. Hi Jimmy,
    Thanks or showing your setup.

    The sounds on your CD are so crisp and clear, no rattles, hums or buzzing. I don’t know how you play so cleanly – it’s great.

    Are you planning on coming to Australia?
    I would love the chance to see you live.
    I think I have almost worn out 181st songs and will be getting All Time High soon.

    Cheers Stan

  4. Hi Jim!
    thx for your share about those weapons :p

    btw, im from indonesia, jakarta. and same question with stan, are you planning to come over asia? cause australia is near my country man! hihi. you have a fan base here in indonesia. and they really love watch you live man! including me 😦

    • Hi Arief!

      Yes, coming over and play my music in Asia is a great priority for me. Just looking for the right connections and opportunities.
      Glad to hear I have some listeners in Indonesia. Your support means a lot!


      jimmy wahlsteen

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