My Story

After university, I joined the professional world as a Mechanical Engineer in 2007. I quickly became depressed and bewildered. A year later, I discovered yoga and the struggling economy led to my unemployment.  This unexpected freedom gave me the opportunity to deepen my practice and expand my understanding of myself and our world.  

After, some explorations around the world, I began to study yoga, meditation, subtle body healing, and the unmatched power of the mind. I also developed a greater understanding of world history and the causes of our current social and environmental crises (globally and locally). My heart was tender, grieving the loss of an idealized American Dream, but I was driven to support positive social impact and cultural change.

I teach mindfulness through an integrated presence cultivated by meditative practices.

For over 10 years, I have organized and facilitated transformational events and retreats for wellness coaches and communities.

Common Themes:

  • Holistic Body, Mind, Spirit Wellness

  • Exercising your Power to Choose

  • Tapping into the Flow of Creation

  • Living Life by Your Design