JustTheWord API Documentation
This is a simple REST-style API. There is only one method (so far). It can be called from server-side applications or from client-side javascript using JSONP.

Method: combinations
Returns the set of combinations of an input word.
  • word (Required) The query word or phrase
  • callback (Optional) The default is to return a JSON encoded object. If you include a callback function, then a JSONP response will be made - ie JSON wrapped by the callback function.
  • key (Optional) Your API key if you have one.
Format: JSON or JSONP (see callback parameter)

The response contains a list for each different part of speech. Each list contains sublists of the form (pattern, cluster num, phrase, frequency, strength)
       "list":[ ["V obj N*",1,"kill pig","32",5],
                ["V obj N*",1,"slaughter pig","4",1],
                ["V obj N*",2,"eat pig","9",2],
                ["V obj N*",2,"feed to pig","7",2],
                ["V obj N*",3,"behave like pig","5",2],
                ["V obj N*",4,"breed pig","4",1],
                ["V obj N*",4,"buy pig","12",3],
                ["V obj N*",4,"keep pig","38",5],
                ["V obj N*",4,"see pig","17",1],
                ["V obj N*",4,"sell pig","6",1],
                ["article N*",1,"some pigs","10",1]]
       "list":[["V* ADV",1,"pig out","11",3]]
Errors are returned as follows:
 "errstr":"error information"