When you are a teen it is frustrating because most things online require you to be 18 years or older. There are lots of ways to make extra money online but most of them are for adults. Are there any programs that will help you make money online that 15 year olds can sign up for? Is there anything that will send you your money that you earn by check in the mail?

There is and the site is called Survey Team. Now this is NOT A JOB as it is just a good way to earn some extra spending money. You will get $3.00 for just signing up and you can make more money after that by participating. It is free to sign up and you will be taking surveys and getting paid to do them. You have to be 13 years or older to join. This site has been around for a long time and it is free to sign up and you never have to pay anything. THEY WILL NEVER ASK YOU FOR MONEY.

Do you need extra spending money? How about some extra money that will help you buy that new video game you want? Again, Survey Team is not a job but just a cool way to earn some extra cash and who can't use some of that?

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