Sunday, September 4, 2011

30 Things Photo Challenge

Self Portrait
Favorite Shoes

I'm doing a 30 Things Photo Challenge along with my friend, Cynthia. She is very artistic behind the lens of a camera, so basically, I'm going to just try to learn from her. The real challenge is suppose to be 30 things in 30 days, but I am in no way that ambitious. So Cynthia and I decided we could do two items a week on the challenge. Here is my first two: Self Portrait and Favorite Shoes.

I have to tell you that there is a very funny story and some unbelievably embarrassing shots that go along with the favorite shoes image. The self-timer on my camera is only 10 seconds, which seems like a lot of time unless your wearing high heels, a long tulle skirt and have to jump to position yourself in the middle of a king size bed. I can tell you that I worked up a sweat!!! I know, it just sounds wrong! I'm sorry I just gave you that horrible visual! I never achieved the right angle, position or composition for my original idea, so I had to think up something different. In the end, I held the camera and worked my core muscles to hold my feet in just the right position to get this photo. More trouble than it was worth.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

The image on the bed is tooooooo funny. I got a great chuckle. Your self portrait is fabulous. I have tried to do that many times, and that is definitely hard. Love the shoes. They really are wonderful. Hugs, Marty

Unknown said...

OMG Janie, I laughed my A** off over that story. I can totally picture it. I love the result though. I really thought you cheated and took a magazine photo. It's balanced, uncluttered and nicely composed, plus the stronger core bonus. Your SP is pretty too.
Today's a good day to take cloud shots for our next week assignment. I didn't see any last week so you best take advantage. Cyn

Rae said...

That story totally cracked me up as well. If we can't laugh at ourselves life is not very fun!