Innovate Consolidate : Clever Little Mouse

Clever Little Mouse

This was a University set brief when in groups your meant to create a solution for a problem that exists.  In my group we decided to create a solution that helps out ICT Professionals in dealing with stress by equally distributing the work amount.

Our Final outcome was a System called “Clever Little Mouse” which will help in controlling stress. Below is how it works.

Clever Little™ Mouse is one of our stress measuring peripherals for use with the Clever Little™ System. It can measure 3 different indicators of stress of the user.

TEMPERATUREWhen a person gets stressed, they go into “Fight or Flight”, this means that the blood moves from their extremities to their torso and central organs. As a result the temperature of their extremities (such as their hands) will reduce. The lower the temperature of their hands the more under pressure a person is.

FORCESomeone under pressure is more likely to move erratically and use more force in their inputs. By measuring the force of their movements and button presses on the mouse, the higher the force, the more under pressure the user is.

GRIPThe more pressure applied by the users grip, the more under pressure they are.

Mouse Design

My main role in the project was to design the actual mouse below are the developments I went through.

I started of by researching the different sensory areas on our hands so  can design a mouse that will maximise the contact area of the palm.

After that I done some rough sketches of different mouse designs that we might potentially use.

Everyone in the group decided and they liked the last sketch.

The next step was to make the sketches into vector line drawings in Illustrator then transfer them into Cinema 4D so I can make it 3D.

I used Cinema 4D to create an actual 3D model of the mouse to see how it would look and everyone was pleased with the outcome. Lucky enough at my University I found out they have a Rapid Processing machine that allows you to make 3D models of anything from Cinema 4D. Even though the mouse itself won’t be working its good to have something that will show what it could look like is produced.

The images above is what comes out of the Rapid Processing machine an actual 3D model from the Cinema 4D rendering. As this was my first attempt I messed up the ratio settings in the program so it came out smaller then it should be.

I finally got the mouse correctly scaled and it came out better than I thought considering this was my first time using this method.

I also designed full editorial pieces below.

Double page spreads


Clever Little brand logo and website designed by ( Andrew Talbot )

Clever Little Program Interface and Packaging designed by ( Jon Cleave )

 All work copyright : Kudzai Dyirakumunda, Jon Cleave, Andrew Talbot, Peter Smart

To see how we worked and our methodology please visit this site

1 Response to “Innovate Consolidate : Clever Little Mouse”

  1. 1 Book Design « KudzD Trackback on October 18, 2011 at 7:52 pm

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