Buns…Deep-Fried Banana-Flour Bread

Buns!!!…You mean the hamburger buns?


You mean the buns that we used to get in India…maska bun?


You mean those sweet breads that we used to get at the local baker in India?


These are Mangalore Buns.They are a sort of a spongy poori made of maida kneaded with mashed bananas ..kinda sweet from the banana and kind of a mild kick from the black pepper.

In case you are wondering,that is not a typo error. I really mean Mangalore.Mangalore is small town in Karnataka and yes, it is a completely different entity than Bangalore.As far as I am concerned,this city is the center of all things Konkani.There might be many to disagree with me. But hey, my blog, my rant. S and I stayed in Mangalore for a couple of months immediately after we were married.Though I mentally prepared myself for the change it would be for a city-bred-Mumbai-snob that I was (and still am to some extent),I just wasnt prepared for the culture shock that I was in for. Mind you, growing up with my Bapama (Paternal Grandma), I knew all the traditions, rituals etc.that is Konkani. It wasn't the traditions or the small town, it was just the sheer number of amchigeles(as we like to call ourselves,loosely means "our people") around.In the vast diversity of mumbai, I had never been in such close quarters with amchis that were not my relatives. Its a feeling I couldn't shake as I left the city to head towards the new world, so to speak. But, I digress.

These buns are generally a breakfast item in Mangalore, but my bapama used to make them as an evening snack, too. Its a great way to use up an overripe banana. In fact,my mother-in-law keeps aside a banana to let overripe so that she can make these.

Now that you know what they are and whence they cometh from (I am into Shakespeare these days),you might as well know how to make them.

Mangalore Buns…

Maida or Regular flour 2 cups

1 overripe Banana

1/2 buttermilk or (yogurt + water beaten together)

3 tbsp sugar

1/4 tsp black pepper

1/8 tsp Baking soda


Oil + ghee for deep frying

Peel the banana and mash them with a fork in a large vessel.Add the buttermilk. If you are using yogurt, beat it and dilute with enough water to make 1/2 a cup.Add in the sugar,salt, pepper and baking soda. Mix together. Add the flour and keep forking it till it all comes together and forms a dough. You might have to add more flour or water depending upon the consistency of the buttermilk you are using. If its thick, may require extra water or if its too watery, may require more flour. Knead for a minute or so (isn't that great?). Apply a tbsp of oil all over the dough,cover and keep in a cool place (I keep it in my non-hot oven) for at least 4 hours.

Heat oil, add 2 tbsp of ghee to it. You don't want to fry this in just oil, they wont taste as good.Shape ball sized dough pieces into round shapes about 3-4 inches in diameter and a little thicker than a poori.Use extra flour to help roll them. Sprinkle some on the counter and rub some on the rolling pin. Use sparingly or you will be left with a gross black sediment in your oil rendering it un-reusable.Been there , done that.You might also want to roll and fry one at a time instead of roll all pooris and then deep fry. This being a maida dough, you will be left with a 2 inch diameter thick rolled poori. Not good.

Deep fry on medium heat. As soon as you put the dough in oil,keep poking at it with the slotted spoon and pressing it into the oil till it puffs up. At this point, I would like to say that the oil is HOT, be careful and please don't sue me if you meet with an accident. You deep fry at your own risk!! 🙂 . Now that you have read the disclaimer, we can move ahead. Once it puffs up, turn over and let the other side fry up. Remove from oil and drain on paper towels. They are not going to be as crispy as a poori would be , they are not supposed to be.When you bite into them, they are going to be crispy and spongy all at the same time.If they are,you have just made a perfect Mangalore Bun!!!.

43 thoughts on “Buns…Deep-Fried Banana-Flour Bread

  1. That one in the photo looks so pretty and puffed up, I just want to poke it. Ya..I’m sadistic that way. 🙂

    One order of mangalore buns coming up at our house. What should I serve them with? A curry or a chutney?

    Great recipe and gorgeous photo Vee, you made me go WEE. 🙂

  2. Indira, There is no traditional accompaniment for it other than the coffee. We just dunk it in coffee. Since it is kind of on the sweeter side, I dont think a Chutney would go well with it. You can try a curry.
    And oh yes, go ahead and poke it. I do it, too. Its Just Fun…

    Priya,Yes, they are as good as they look….

  3. Wow! looks gorgeous. I have never tasted it. Getting into the kitchen and making some looking at your recipe is the only choice I guess. The picture is really tempting.

  4. What a coincidence. I made the same thing 🙂 You know my mum is Malvani so I wasnt exposed to a lot of Konkani dishes (though my dad is from Karwar we learn from our mums dont we) and then at my hubby’s home my MIL told me “I am going to make buns tomorrow”. Super cool I said thinking of baked buns with butter and jam 🙂 These buns are waaay better than those..and thank my MIL for teaching me how to make them!

  5. hi Vee…
    I am from north kerala…very close to mangalore…n v have a number of konkanis there…all ur recipes make me nostalgic…i’m just kinda confused as to what bananas u use to make them…do u use the small yellow ones???i cnt view the pics somehow…
    And, Indira…these buns r generally served with sambhar…the slightly sweet udupi sambhar!!!
    they taste awesome…my mouth is watering at the thought of it!!!I have thought of so many things to make this weekend

  6. Hey Rashmi,
    Welcome to my blog!!…We always had these buns with coffee, never anything else. But, sambhar would be good. Hey, everything is good with sambhar :)….I use any banana that is in the house.Can;t find the small yellow ones here …:(

  7. Hi Vee,
    I have read many recipes in different websites and tried them too. But i haven`t found such good explanation in any of those. I will surely try it .I feel your better than sanjeev Kapoor.You have explained each and every step very well.
    Archana Ganiga

  8. Hi Vee!
    Thank heavens I managed to locate this recipe with google. I remembered you posting this, but unfortunately couldn’t find it in any category in the blog. Making this tomorrow to satisfy a craving; my neighbor in Mumbai would always make these!

    Hey, did you try the Recipe page or the Recipe listing on the side bar? Next time just email me, I will send you the link. Thank god for google.

  9. Oops sorry! One question… is the 4 hr rest time absolutely essential? I don’t suppose there’s any way it could be reduced?

    I would recommend the 4 hours, else you will end up with crisp banana pooris instead of soft buns, though sometimes its not a bad thing 🙂 ..Patience is a virtue ,M. Accept it ! 😉

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you Vee!!!
    They came out perfectly; exactly like how my Konkani neighbor aunty used to make so long ago!
    Also, your besan laddoo recipe is kick-ass! Thanks to you, I’m renowned in my circle as the besan laddoo expert. Even made a large batch to take to my boss’ thanksgiving dinner.
    Thanks again and keep up the great work!

    Hey M, nice to know they are working out so great for you. Buttering the boss with besan ka ladoo, now why didn’t I think of that. Oh wait, cos my boss is an american and prefers pies for thanksgiving. Shoot Just my luck! 🙂

  11. To me, they look like the perfect breakfast food, something to eat with a cup of rich, milky coffee. I’m going to get my wife and daughter to make a batch of these… simply because I’m useless at cooking…

  12. These buns taste good with dal (dalitoy, a konkani preparation of dal).You can also make these buns without the banana if you don’t prefer them too sweet like me. This is a great blogspot Vee, I get to find recipes for all those konkani dishes that I long for here..Thanks

    Welcome, Roopa. Just name a recipe you want and can’t find and I will post it, if I can.

  13. Pingback: Vindu » Weekend Et.al

  14. Is it also called BooBoos Rotti in Bombay as my mom and Vanhi used to make it many times.But I am not sure whether w/ or w/o banana and may be sugar is added.

  15. Hi Vee,

    Buns was a big hit recently with our German friends. My husband started googling for an official stmt. after one of them asked later if it was spellt ‘B-A-N-T-Z’ !! I have just gone through a few pages here from work and am already a fan of yours 🙂
    Keep writing!


    PS : We make it with cumin instead of black pepper.

    Soumya, Interesting, the use of cumin. will have to try it soon. I am already liking cumin with these set of ingredients. Will let you know. BANTZ!! 😆

  16. I must give these another try – part of the taste is always the nostalgia with childhood. And I have none with this one – nostalgia, I mean.

    Is there a chutney or pickle that may be served with these?

    See below. Many folks have suggested Sambhar, too. I am partial to the coconut chutney, though. 😀

  17. You can actually have any chutney with coconut base, in my opinion. Hotels in Mangalore/Kasargod serve that way 🙂

    Thanks for the suggestion, Soumya. I never had these outside of home, so didn’t know what they are usually served with.

  18. Pingback: Feasting on Mangalore Buns « A Goan’s Kitchen

  19. Bubbus roti I think is what we call these… I can so relate to your “amchiphobia”. I get that at any amchi and math related events that I may attend.

    My husband says he ate these with coconut chutney in Hubli. I might make them this weekend.

  20. Thanks for the recipe Vee! I’ve been craving these ever since I moved away from home. These blog is great, btw! It lets me impress my mother by telling her all the konkani dishes I’ve been cooking… without having to call her every time I want to make something. I was wondering, do you have the recipe for bibbe and tendle upkari posted somewhere?


    will post it soon! Impress away, Athma. That’s the point of the blog 😀

  21. Hi, just stumbled upon your blog while searching for a really good Batura Recipe. Was looking for a good alternative for Puris/Batura’s ..etc for a new years brunch and found your Mangalore Bun Recipe. Am making a South Indian brunch and since most of them are steamed… was looking for a good “fried” dish…. Am planning to make one with cummin and the other with pepper!
    Will update after tomorrow! Thanks in advance!

  22. Hi, what a co-incidence. I too, like Shri (above) was looking for a bhatura recipe and stumbled upon your blog via Google. The bhatura’s turned out to be excellent and now I will have to try out Mangalore buns. Keep the recipes coming. Cheers and a happy New Year!

  23. Hiya,

    Another of my questions for you… and to give you a background… I make quite decent puris, good vastad rotis, terrible phulkas/parathas and my first attempt at the yummy buns was quite tragic!!! So HELP!!!
    When i TRIED preparing the dough, the consistency didnt come out right.. lemme explain… for eg. if its a roti dough, when you pull off a bit to roll into a ball, the dough stretches before coming off, right? But with this dough that i made there was no stretchy feel at all, it was kind of falling apart 😦 and for the life of me i didnt know if i needed to add more curd or more flour… 😦

    Cant wait to get this right and serve mlore buns with hot coffee to my hubby!!! Cheers!

  24. I used to eat them in La Shangrilla in Manipal during my medical college days in 60s for breakfast dipping in coffee. I have not eaten them since 70. Few weeks back I just recollected those days and the buns.

    I happened to see the recipe and asked my wife to make them next week. She never tasted them. We live in the Caribbean.

    Thanks for the recipe.

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