Monday, March 31, 2008

Another Photo Shots

Just bought a Manfrotto tripod last week and once again me and my colleagues went to Souk Madinat Jumeirah for photography hunting. This time I really used manual mode for all my shots, I'm quite satisfy with my camera (Lumix DMC-FZ18) after tried on the manual mode.

The pictures are much more details than my previous small compact digital camera.

Reflexion of Burj Al Arab

Wonderful Colour

Nice Scene

The Main Road to Burj Al Arab

Lumix DMC-FZ18 Rocks!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Journey is Back!

Hello everyone, I'm back! Sorry for long time no update, my office internet access is very limited and only can be used during lunch hour. Furthermore I'm getting more and more and more... busy now days with my work until no time for sh*t. Now I'm looking forward to have internet access at home, now still waiting the service provider to install it.

Anyway, I got a good news to all Journey's fans, this legendary rock band is back to life! Yeah... Finally they found a vocalist who really sounds like Steve Perry (Original 1st singer) or Steve Augeri (after Perry left the band).

Journey (Present Line-up)

I got this news via email from my old friend, I was so excited to take a look who is that singer, and I was surprise the new lead singer is from Philippine! He is Arnel Pineda. Neal Schon (lead guitar) found out this guy from youtube and decided to ask him for audition, and now he is officially new member of Journey!

Check out his powerful voice, I can't wait to listen to their new album with this new vocalist.

*Related post about Journey is HERE

Journey is Rocking Back!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Awards + Bad News

I got these 2 same awards in the same time by 2 different of my lovely blogger friends, first was ErinaLaw then Huei also given me these 2 awards again... Thanks a lot to both of you.

2 Awards

I should be happy with these 2 awards, but today we got a very bad news, start from tomorrow our office internet line will be restricted, only head of each departments are given the internet access. I'm just a 'slave' here, that means I'll not have the access anymore.

So... start from tomorrow I'll not have internet access to update this blog anymore. Now we're still applying internet access in our house, I'm looking for that, if not I'll missing in action for a long long time...

Imagine we are working aboard from Malaysia to Dubai, without internet access how are we going to communicate with our family and friends in Malaysia? How I going to do internet banking after this? Furthermore the internet service charge in UAE is bloody hell expensive, I really can't afford to apply it.

Now I really upset with the top management's arrangement, our welfare is getting bad to worst, I just wait and see how long I can stand with it. I may quit and come back if the welfare matters still no improvement.

See Yah!!!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dubai Desert Rock Fest

When my home country (Malaysia) was busy for general election going on, I was busy with Dubai Desert Rock Fest (DDRF). What to do? I can't go back for voting so I just stay here to enjoy the rock fest, anyway, you will never find such rock concert in Malaysia, but I do hope it will happens in future.

Rockers' Line Up

It was 2 days concert (7 & 8 March 2008) and also the largest rock concert in Middle East, So I'll never miss this golden chance right? Me and my colleague decided to get the 2 days pass. The 1st day was on Friday which we don't need to work, but the second day I only can go after my working hour.

Long Queue at the Entrance

The 1st day we went before the show, it was a long queue up out there, we spent about 1 hour plus to enter the arena. It was so nice when we saw beers are available in there! I was really surprise about it, furthermore UAE is a pro-Islamic country and yet so open on this occasion.

Beers Sessions... I Like!

It was the Metal Day for the 1st day, in the beginning I still can stand for it, but by evening I really exhausted and my brain almost gone crazy with the whole day Metal Musics. Anyway, it was my first experience to attend such grand concert ever in my life with international rock bands.

The Main Arena

Rocking Sessions

The Crowds Still Not Tired

Day One's climax moment when 'Machine Head' and final band 'Korn' came out to rock all pants off.


The 2nd day I was quite pissed off with the event management, they were not allow me to bring my camera in, they said can't bring in on that day, but when I entered I saw many were holding cameras around. It was a waste that I can't snap some nice photos with my camera, I just only can use my camera phone which the quality is bad.

Slash with Velvet Revolver

Anyway, at least I can see one of my favorite guitarists played on stage, when Slash (Velvet Revolver) stood up, the crowds went crazy included me... hehehe. I think the whole show climax was when Slash cames out, he still got his killer style to play his guitar like when he was with Guns 'N Roses. I lost my voice after I shouting for the whole Velvet Revolver's show played on stage.

The last band on the show was MUSE, I wasn't manage to get a better shot without my camera, too bad.

Rock Arena

On the 2nd day show, I wore my Dream Theater T-shirt for the show, suddenly got one big fella came to me and pointed at me, I shocked for a moment, I thought he wanted to create problem with me, who knows... He said... "Dude! That's a cool & great band!" Then I replied "YEAH!!!" After that we both showed the Rock Hand Sign to each other... Many people there thought I'm a Japanese, some greeted me in Japanese language, I just smile and greet them back in English... Hahaha... How cool yah?

Night View of The Stage

I really felt good after the concert, it was so WILD, FREE & PEACE. Many thought rockers are violent, they do look violent but I don't see any fighting happened there, I just saw everyone from different countries group together and enjoy the rock musics together and making more friends. I'm looking forward the next year Dubai Desert Rock Fest!

DDRF Rocks!!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Nokia Firmware Update Cheating Customers!

Last week I was searching for Nokia mobile phone's firmware update, I was just do a little favor for my colleague who planned to buy a Nokia phone in Dubai, the problem is all the mobile phone selling here without Chinese character support.

Nokia Firmware Update Page

My colleague wants to buy the same model with my Nokia 6300, so I just tried to update the firmware from Malaysia Nokia website to see have any Chinese character support or not, after I updated, my Nokia mobile firmware has been updated to v5.50.

Updated Firmware

After updated then I only found out my Nokia mobile only can support English, I lost the Chinese and Malay languages support! Now I can't read or write any in Chinese characters now.

Only English Selection

Then I seek some help from Nokia Customer Support, you know what they answered me? They were asking me to send back to Nokia Customer Care Center to fix it! Not only that, I must send back to any Nokia Customer Care Center in Malaysia!!! The service centers in UAE doesn't has Chinese character support!

If the firmware update is not reliable, why must let all customer to update it? Is it the way they are earning more from customer? I felt this service really cheat us, imagine now days so many people like me working aboard from Malaysia, and the service can't solve via online, so what the hack of implementing such service?

To all my readers, please bare in mind, do not simply go update the firmware if you still want other languages support on you Nokia mobiles, you'll regret like what I face it now. "Nokia Connectiong People"? NO!!! It's "Nokia Cheating People"!!!

Nokia Cheating People!!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Funny Pics

Note: All pictures below are taken from my email, hope can cheer up you all for the weekend. My weekend is over, anyway... wish you all have a great weekend.


How much a PUMA shirt? I think it's quite costly, now got a simple and cheap method (DIY) that makes you can own a PUMA shirt. I think it's cool if anyone wear it out because it look damn real compare to the original one...

New PUMA Shirt Design?

If you dream to be a good motorcycle rider like Valentino Rossi, or Casey Stoner (Current MotoGP World Champion), the best way is you have to train very hard, even when you are sleeping!!! No joke man... I don't think Mat Rempit can do it leh...

Motorcycle as Bolster?

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