Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Couch Potato to 5 K - Something New

When was the last time you started something new? We were driving in our car on Sunday morning heading to church when my husband nonchalantly mentioned he was going to start running again. Earlier in the year he had began running consistently, and even participated in the annual Pear Blossom 10 Mile Run. But, summer had come, vacations were happening, and he hadn't been running in a couple of months. When he stated that he would be starting up again the next day, that is when it happened. I popped off with the comment, "maybe I'll go with you." I thought he may have to pick his jaw up off the ground.

Let me explain...I am NOT a runner. If anything, I am the opposite. I even went as far as faking a knee injury in High School so my Mom would write me an excuse to not have to run the "Huff and Puff", a mile and a half run they did on Fridays in P.E....for 4 years! Pathetic, I know, but true. I don't know why I said I would join him, but I did, and so now here I am on a journey. It's called the "Couch Potato to 5 K" journey.

This really is a plan. It's a 9 week plan that claims to take someone like me, 3 days a week, and ease them into being able to run a 5 k which is 3 miles. I am not doing this necessarliy to lose weight, though that will be a benefit. I am doing this mainly because my family has expressed concern that if I don't exercise there is a high chance of me becoming immobile the older I get. At 37, I already am faced with issues like stiffness, sore joints, back problems, etc. In 20 years from now, they want to see me healthy and active, and I just began to realize that so do I.

Day 1 is complete now... I did it, and it wasn't that bad. I am sore and moving a bit slowly, but I am very excited to pursue this. I plan to write through my journey, not to get "pats on the back", but because it keeps me accountable. I loved having Sean there with me, he is a great coach. It also helped having Bruno Mars blaring through my Ipod singing "girl you're amazing, just the way you are"! lol



  1. Im sitting in my room with my workout clothes on...dilly-dallying around on Facebook :) Thanks for the motivation! I'm getting up and going outside for my run!! Good Luck with the 5k! Hope you enjoy the journey.


  2. I think your going to fall in love by the end of this 9 week program. Running is so addictive, the way it makes you feel is undescribable (spelling?). I look forward to reading more about your journey, and am so excited for you!!!
