Comic Books

52 First Issues Coming to DC Comics in September

If you keep up with the comic book world, you may have heard that DC Comics is launching a complete restart and reboot of their most popular comics – 52 first issues are due to come out in September. This is a risky move, and it seems obvious to me that DC is looking to breathe some fresh life into their creations. The storylines will begin with the conclusion of this summer’s event, “Flashpoint” – and as most comic “events” go, (“Age of Apocalypse”, “House of M”) this will be due to some universe-ending-destiny-changing-mystical-force. Titles like “Detective Comics”, “Justice League”, “Catwoman”, “Wonder Woman”, and “Superman” will begin at #1, some with completely new backstories: Superman is rumored to be “shacked up” with Wonder Woman, and in “Flashpoint” it is revealed that Thomas Wayne is Batman because Bruce died instead of him in this alternate reality. It’s all very confusing, as most events to a comic timeline usually are.

Expect plenty of female leads as well. Catwoman returns with a new #1 issue, Birds of Prey gets rebooted, and Harley Quinn is the front-woman for the Suicide Squad. One title I’m personally surprised and very intrigued about is the new “Batgirl” comic. DC has placed Barbara Gordon back into her old Batgirl costume, which is a HUGE departure from the Batman universe continuity. Back in 1988, Barbara was shot and paralyzed by the Joker in Alan Moore’s “The Killing Joke”. She then assumed the role of Oracle, helping Batman from her hideout while confined to a wheelchair. I think it is safe to say, by the Adam Hughes cover to the left, that Barbara is no longer in a wheelchair. Here’s what DC says about this new series:

Yes, it’s really happening!
Barbara Gordon is back as Batgirl – and she’s going to have to face the city’s most horrifying new villains as well as the dark secrets from her past. You won’t want to miss this stunning debut issue from fan-favorite BIRDS OF PREY writer Gail Simone!

It’s unclear how many titles will last for more than a couple of months, but odds are that with 52 issues, they are bound to hit the bullseye on at least a few. For your viewing pleasure, I have provided a slideshow of my favorite upcoming covers. For all the covers and brief descriptions of all 52 titles, head over to the DC Comics blog.

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2 thoughts on “52 First Issues Coming to DC Comics in September

    • I’m really just more confused than anything else. I have a hard enough time keeping up with canon storylines, and now I have to start all over. Maybe this is a good opportunity to really dive into comics again…

      Thanks for stopping by. 🙂 I love love LOVE your blog, even though I haven’t commented on it yet. Follow me on twitter (@spcebaby), and we can share some atheist, pro-palestine views 🙂

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