About Us

Paul Yeager and Sherry Coven get annoyed easily and like to talk about it. That might be considered bad news if you get a dinner invitation, but it’s good news if you want to learn about language and grammar from experts who have a sense of humor.

Paul Yeager is a professional writer and editor, as well as a former managing editor and content manager. His books, Literally, The Best Language Book Ever, and Weather Whys: Facts, Myths, and  Oddities, were published by Perigee Publishing.

Both are available in bookstores, as well as on many online booksellers, including Amazon.com (Literally, The Best Language Book Ever, Weather Whys: Facts Myths, and Oddities) and barnesandnoble.com (Literally, The Best Language Book Ever, Weather Whys: Facts, Myths, and Oddities.)

He was also a contributor to Huffington Post.

Sherry Coven is a writer and editor with more than 20 years of experience. Her writing credits include print magazines, Web sites, and newspapers, and her editing experience includes business and academia. She also edits cereal boxes, menus, and cold medicine labels–which might explain why she gets easily annoyed.

Contact Information

Update: As of January 16, 2010, comments for all posts have been closed.

If you wish to contact us about speaking engagements, writing assignments, or editing projects,  you may contact Sherry or Paul at pyeager123@comcast.net.

Unfortunately, due to the volume of requests, we are not be able to respond to other questions or comments.

Represented by the LKG Agency.