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The Archiving Problem
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Archiving - The solicitors problem 

Indexing, archiving and ready access of information from archived files is a key requirement for many firms and it is not unusual for solicitors firms to encounter problems with document storage & retrieval.

Storage space is expensive and, for firms that undertake large volumes of residential property transactions, storage costs are likely to increase with the introduction of Home Information Packs in June 2007.

A paperless society is unlikely ever to exist. Certain documents and files need to be kept in hard copy, often for long periods. Office space is at a premium and off site storage has become the norm for many firms.

Conventional off site methodologies of storing files in banker’s and/or similar boxes provides for the movement of files subject to relevant retrieval service standards and the associated transactional cost of locating and transporting files. Whilst conventional off site storage appears cheap and convenient the cost implications of the retrieval services can be relatively high. In addition, there is an element of risk, as the file may not be returned to the correct banker’s box and/or the correct filing site.

Many solicitors will be familiar with a story of a missing paper file, the content of which is key to the matter in hand and the implications of non-accessibility are serious.

Delays in obtaining a stored file may cause difficulties with clients, which in turn can damage long-standing client relationships. Large firms may have the scale, volume of work and profitability to create their own technology led solution to their file archiving requirements. However, many smaller firms continue to rely upon the conventional banker’s box storage and retrieval services that were created before the technology and digital revolution took place.

Banker’s box services are typically offered as follows:

The Standard Service
High Storage Prices
Same Day/Next Day Retrievals at Standard Prices
4 Hour Emergency Retrieval Service at Premium Prices

Deep Storage
Lower Storage Prices
48 Hour Retireval Service at Higher Prices
No Emergency Service

Logicstore - The solicitors solution 

However, there is now another, better way of providing archiving services to firms of solicitors. Logicsore understands the file indexing, scanning, retrieval and descruction issues that many firms of solicitors face.

Logicstore exists to provide intelligent file indexing, scanning, archiving, retrieval and destruction solutions for firms who wish to outsource their archiving requirements and benefit from 21st Century technology via the touch of a button.

Whatever the reason for the access, ready, ideally instant access of the information and knowledge contained within a file would be an ideal requirement for many firms. Not only would this save time and minimise risk but also it would help to reduce costs, increase profitability and allow a more efficient service to clients. The latter being an important differentiator in competitive times.

Some conventional storage companies have recognised that the digital age now allows scanning and imaging of files and now offer some scanning services in addition to the conventional service. However, Logicstore has recognised that a firm not only requires an affordable, competitively priced local service, but also a service that provides:

Unique individual flat pack filing boxes for each file or series of files (not mixtures of different files in a banker’s box)
Security sealing of boxes
Local off site archiving
Choice of fire proof cabinet archiving and non fire proof archiving
File identification system to match existing methodologies
Collection of files
Scanning and indexing
Archiving of files
High security on line availability and CD production of scanned files via existing filing methodology
Powerful search facilities
Tracking of the whereabouts of a file
Retrieval and delivery of files with different service levels
Re-collection and re-archiving of files
Destruction of files

Logicstore puts control back in the hands of the firm – not in the hands of the storage company - and most, if not all, archiving costs can be passed on to clients as disbursements instead of being a drain on a firm’s profitability.

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