My birthday

On Friday I6st of September its my birthday!!

it is next week!!

Here is the worst things about it:

i might not get prezzys!

i am not allowed my ears pierced untill i am officially 9!

and last year i opened one of my brothers prezzys so he gets 2 open 1 of mine!


Worst of all after school on my birth day  i have to go to a rugby world cup game!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate rugby!!!!! It was my dads choice and I think it is Samoa vs n.z! I don’t know who to go for?Our family will stay  at hamilton because the game is there. I will go out and riding and we will come back on sunday.



                                                                                                                                                             i think i will have fun!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           by Zizi:-)

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