Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Have A Business Card, I Don't Have A Job?

I have come back from attending NCPA's Annual Seminar this past weekend where I met a lot of new faces.  Quite a few of those faces were looking for jobs.  When I asked them, do you have a business card with your contact information on it, most said no.   If you are looking to network in the hopes of getting a job, you need something to give people so they can contact you.

A great site for 250 FREE business cards is  (You do pay about $5.00 for shipping.)  Keep your card simple, white or light beige if possible.  Put only your name, address, phone and email on there. Do not put any fancy pictures or slogans on it, those take away from the relevant information on the card.  When you hand someone your card, on the back, you can hand write what areas of the law you want to go into.  For me, I always ask this when someone hands me their card and I write it on the back of their card.  Then, when I hear about job openings, I can look through them and send an email as appropriate.


  1. Great post, Patti. I know some people think business cards are old-fashioned, but I still think they are the easiest way to exchange contact information quickly. I also ask job seekers to send me a contact invite on LinkedIn, and an email reminding me what they are looking for. I've made a few new friends and passed on quite a few job postings that way.

  2. Business card is the most important element of your visual identity. It's the first thing people see when they meet you. Plastic Card

  3. Good are meant to present yourself so i think every professional must have i always prefer
    plastic business cards as they are more charming and captivating....

  4. Nice post with great details. Business cards are the easiest way to exchange information. That's why i had printed plastic business cards.
