Monday, September 28, 2009

Recipe of the Week #1

Every week I will be posting a new cooking recipe using Essential oils. When cooking with Essential oils, remember that they are in a very concentrated form. A few drops will be more than enough. Sometimes, all it takes is one drop! Also, be sure you are using Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. Lesser oils are extracted using harmful chemicals that can be toxic to ingest. Using Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils assures you that you are using oils processed using only the highest grade Organically grown plant material.

This week's Recipe of the Week is a marinade for chicken, fish, tofu or vegetables.

Fruity Honey Mustard Marinade
4 Tbsp honey 
2 tsp. Mustard 
2 drops each of Orange & Lemon Essential Oils 
1 Tbsp. apricot or peach jam
1 Tbsp. Oilve oil
Stir into a smooth paste. Coat and soak meat, tofu or veggies for at least 15 minutes. Soaking tofu overnight  makes it very flavorful.

Either bake, roast or grill, brushing the marinade on every few minutes, until thoroughly cooked.


Properties of Essential Oils

  • Anti-Bacterial: prevents the growth of, or destroys bacteria
Basil, Bergamot, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Cistus, Citronella, Clove, Copaiba, Dill, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Grapefruit, Hyssop, Lavandin, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Marjoram, Melaleuca (Tea tree), Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Orange, Oregano, Palmarosa, Peppermint, Ravensara, Rosemary, Rosewood, Spearmint, Spikenard, Idaho Tansy
  • Anti-Fungal: prevents & combats fungal infection 
Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Citronella, Clary Sage, Clove, Fir, Geranium, Hyssop, Lavandin, Lavender, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Marjoram, Melaleuca (Tea tree), Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Oregano, Palmarosa, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rosewood, Sage, Spikenard, Thyme
  • Anti-Microbial: resists or destroys pathogenic micro-organisms 
Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lemon, Lemongrass,  Melaleuca (Tea tree), Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Oregano, Patchouli, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme
  • Anti-Parasitic: prevents & destroys parasites  
Cajeput, Roman Chamomile, Citronella, Clove, Fennel, Lemon, Lemongrass, Maleleuca (Tea tree), Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Neroli, Nutmeg, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rosewood, Spikenard, Spruce, Thyme
  • Anti-Septic: destroys & prevents the development of microbes  
Cassia, Cedar, Cinnamon, Citronella, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Fir, Ginger, Grapefruit, Hyssop, Juniper, Lavandin, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Maleleuca (Tea tree), Mandarin, Marjoram, Neroli, Nutmeg, Oregano, Peppermint, Pine, Ravensara, Rosemary, Spearmint, Spruce, Thyme, Vetiver
  • Anti-Viral: inhibits the growth of a virus 
Basil, Cinnamon, Cistus, Clove, Cumin, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Helichrysum, Hyssop, Lime, Melaleuca (Tea tree), Melissa, Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Oregano, Palamrosa, Peppermint, Ravensara, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Sage, Idaho Tansy
  • Immune-Stimulant: stimulates the natural defense mechanism of the body
Cistus, Clove, Cumin, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lemon, Melaleuca (Tea tree), Mountain Savory, Orange, Oregano, Ravensara, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Spruce, Thyme

*research complied by Essential Science Publishing
Always use Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reference Books

I want to recommend a few of my favorite books to help you learn more about aromatherapy and how it can impact you and your family's health.

The first one is Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child, by Valerie Ann Worwood. I love this book, and use it often. Click HERE to check out the table of contents.

The second book I recommend is also by Valerie Ann Worwood. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy is a necessary resource for anyone interested in alternative approaches to healing. This book contains more than 600 easy-to-follow recipes for essential oil treatments and aromatherapy.

Essential Oils Pocket Reference, compiled by ESP, Is the most thorough and amazing guide to Aromatherapy. It is best for someone studying aromatherapy or health professionals using it in their existing practice. This handy portable reference guide lists oils, their medical properties, uses, historical data, and much more. It even lists the extraction methods used for each oil. The companion book, Essential Oils Desk Reference, is even more amazing, due to it's full color pictures and color coded tabs. It is very easy to find the information you are looking for. I use these books daily. They are very wonderful, and helpful, to have in your bookshelf.

Aromatherapy for Women and Children by Jane Dye, is a great resource. It is a comprehensive guide to using Aromatherapy for your family's health and well being. It has a great section on pregnancy, with an easily accessible alphabetical section. 

Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit: Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils, by Gabriel Mojay, is the first aromatherapy guide to synthesize Eastern and Western approaches to restoring emotional and mental health.
• Explains the esoteric and energetic healing properties of 40 essential oils to help restore balance to the body and psyche.
• Provides help for a wide range of common emotional and mental complaints.
• Includes full-color illustrations to guide readers through the massage and acupressure sequences.

In this unique synthesis of Eastern and Western healing approaches, Gabriel Mojay combines the practice of aromatherapy with the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. Mojay explains the esoteric and energetic healing properties of 40 essential oils and shows how they can be used to manipulate qi, the body's vital energy, to stimulate healing from negative emotional and mental states. Some forms of nervous tension, for example, are caused by stagnant qi energy, which can be released with essential oils. 

Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit provides help for a wide range of common emotional and mental complaints--including depression, low energy, lack of concentration, poor memory, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Easy-to-reference charts and full-color illustrations teach simple aromatherapeutic massage and acupressure techniques that restore balance to the body and psyche. I use this book daily. It somehow never makes it back into the bookcase.

These are just a few of the amazing books on Aromatherapy that I have on my bookshelf. A good place to look for books is Essential Science Publishing. Amazon also has great deals in their used book section. Aromaweb also has a list of 15 great books on Aromatherapy. Happy reading! 

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Here are a few different recipes for cough syrup. Some are very easy, some a little more labor intensive. I enjoy the process of making my own syrups, and it costs less than ones you can purchase at the store. Also knowing exactly what is in it makes me feel better about giving it to my family! Remember though, children under the age of a year are susceptible to to the bacteria Botulism, which can be found in some honey. Never give honey to a child under a year old, use Blue Agave Syrup or maple syrup instead of honey in the following recipes. Have fun!

Cough Syrup with Slippery Elm Bark

Place the following in a glass jar or bowl:

1 tablespoon each of  
  • Boneset 
  • Irish moss
  • White yarrow
  • Slippery elm bark
  • Horehound
  • Lemon balm   
Add to 4 cups of boiling water.  Steep for 30 minutes. Strain well.
    Add 2-3 drops of  

    • Peppermint essential oil  
    • Thyme essential oil  
    • Mix in 1 1/2 cups of honey. 
    Drink several cups of this liquid a day for coughs.

    Thyme Cough Syrup
    • Pour 2 cups boiling water, or warm water if using oils, into a glass jar
    • Measure 2 Tbsp of Thyme, or use 2 drops Thyme essential oil
    • Cool to room temperature
    • Strain if using dried herb
    • Add 1 cup of honey
    • Shake to mix well
    • Cover
    Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tablespoon several
    times a day for sore throats, colds, and

    Elecampane Cough Syrup
    • Boil a quart of water in a saucepan. 
    • When it comes to a boil add 2 tablespoons of dried Elecampane root. 
    • Turn down to a simmer and do so for 20 minutes.
    • Add honey to taste. Honey heals and soothes as well.
    • Add 2-3 drops of Lemon essential oil as well if you have it.
    • Strain and drink your natural cough remedy.

     Honey-Lemon Cough Syrup
    • 2 drops Lemon oil
    • 3 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
    • 1 tsp honey (or use blue agave syrup if desired)
    • 4 oz. warm distilled water
    Mix together in a cup, sip slowly and and repeat as often as necessary.

    Garlic Honey Cough Syrup

    • 1/2 c. honey
    • 1 tbsp. chopped garlic
    • 1 tsp. horseradish (fresh prepared)
    Mix well. Take 1 or 2 teaspoons as needed. If mixture is too hot, add more honey to taste. It has worked well for sinus problems and chronic bronchitis.

    Oregano Cough Syrup
    Place in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Keep refrigerated, use 2-3 times daily.

     Cherry Cough Syrup
    • Place 2 cups of cherries in a pan  
    • Add just enough water to cover. 
    • Add several lemon slices 
    • Add 2 cups of honey. 
    • Simmer the mixture until cherries are soft
    • Remove from heat
    • Remove the lemon slices and the cherry pits from the mixture.
    • Refrigerate, place in a glass jar
    • Take 2 Tbsp. as needed for coughing

    *If making your own syrup seems like too much work, you can always add 1 drop Lemon essential oil to 1 Tbsp. of honey, and take 3 times daily. 

    Friday, September 25, 2009

    Super September SALE!!!

    Save 10% On Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

    Young Living Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Get 10% off  Ylang ylang essential oil purchases between September 1 and 30, 2009.

    Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata) has a sweet, soft, flowery fragrance that has made it a romantic favorite. In Indonesia, the petals are often strewn across a marriage bed. Ylang ylang is effective for calming and bringing about a sense of relaxation, and it may help with releasing feelings of anger, tension, and nervous irritability. It has a long history in skin and hair care products, particularly in Asia, where it is used to promote luxuriant hair. Ylang Ylang has an approximate oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of 1,300,478 (TE/L). TE/L is expressed as micromole Trolox equivalent per liter.


    Relaxing Bath Oil
    4 tsps sweet almond oil or avocado oil
    4 drops Ylang ylang
    2 drops Rose or Geranium 

    Mix together, add to bath, lie back and relax.

    Stress Relief Massage Oil
    2 drops Lavender
    1 drop Ylang ylang
    2 drops Vetiver
    Add 2 drops Lavender, 1 drop Ylang ylang and 2 drops Vetiver to 5 teaspoons of V-6 massage oil base (or almond oil).  Stir gently to mix and massage into body.

    Uplifting Personal Blend for Nighttime Use:
    2 drops Rosewood
    2 drops Bergamot
    2 drops Ylang Ylang
    Add 1 drop Rosewood, 2 drops Bergamot and 2 drops Ylang ylang to 6 teaspoons of V-6 massage oil base (or almond oil).  Wear as a fragrance, use as a massage blend or inhale directly from the bottle. 


    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    Foot Care Preparations Using Essential Oils


    Foot baths are especially helpful in treating tired, aching feet, cases of ingrown toe nails, foot fungus problems such as athlete's foot or ringworm, injuries or sprains.

    Foot bath blends usually contain 8 to 10 drops of essential oils to 2 gallons of warm water.
    One cup of Epsom or sea salts can be added as well.


    1/2 cup arrowroot (or an equal part blend of baking soda, cornstarch and clay)
    8 drops essential oils of your choice (see suggestions below)

    Combine the arrowroot and essential oil, crushing the small clumps of oil between your fingers to evenly distribute them. This is made only with pure essential oils, no base oil is added. Be sure to wash you hands after handling pure essential oils to avoid any contact with the eyes or delicate mucous membranes.
    Find an airtight container, preferably with a closable shaker top (like a baby powder bottle. Pry off the top, add the powder, then replace the top. Aromatic foot powder is nice sprinkled in socks, tennis shoes, and boots to keep the feet dry and cozy.

    Suggested Oils: Any of the foot bath recipe blends or; cypress (especially useful for sweaty feet), pine, juniper, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, rosewood, and frankincense are all suitable.

    3 drops lavender
    3 drops rosemary
    4 drops lemon

    Add oils to 2 gallons of warm water and mix well. This blend comes in handy when you've been on your feet all day. The lavender soothes the feet and the rosemary and lemon refresh, revive, and stimulate circulation.


    4 drops tea tree
    4 drops lavender
    2 drops sandalwood

    Add oils to 2 gallons warm water and mix well. This combination of pure essential oils works wonders for people plagued with chronic athlete's foot problems. Tea tree is anti-fungal, as is lavender. The sandalwood conditions, softens and soothes sore, cracked feet and toes. Its antiseptic and soothing properties help keep feet safe from secondary problems that can arise from the open cracked skin. Patchouli could be substituted for the sandalwood as a skin regenerator. Patchouli also has fungicidal properties.


    3 drops peppermint 4 drops lavender
    3 drops Roman chamomile

    Add oils to 2 gallons of warm water and mix well. This blend is great for hot, weary feet that have been on the move all day. The peppermint cools and the lavender and chamomile soothe both feet and spirit. 

    ~After a nice soak, some self-reflexology is always nice. check out these "maps of the feet" to customize your treatment for your needs. 


    Wednesday, September 23, 2009


    Aromatherapy has become a widely used term. But how well do you really know your scents and the effects they have on your emotions, mind and body? Take this quiz to find out how much you know about this natural healing method.

    1. You feel the need of a little morning boost to get you going. What scented lotion will help to get you on your feet?

    a) Rosewood

    b) Rosemary

    c) Sandalwood

    d) Vanilla

    2. You find yourself feeling a little down and sad. What essential oil can help with these emotions?

    a) Lemon

    b) Lavendar

    c) Bergamot

    d) Sweet orange

    3. You tend to feel tired in the afternoon hours. Which aroma can help you to feel energized?

    a) grapefruit

    b) lemon

    c) juniper

    d) peppermint

    4. You wake in the night and have difficulty getting back to sleep. What scented oil will have a calming effect?

    a) sweet orange

    b) rosemary

    c) peppermint

    d) sandalwood

    5. You have a temper that tends to flare up on occasion. Which of these oils will help to soothe your psyche?

    a) jasmine

    b) sandalwood

    c) oatmeal

    d) peppermint

    6. You tend to be shy in social situations. Which scent can help with your shyness?

    a) bergamot

    b) rosewood

    c) Jasmine

    d) Ylang ylang

    7. You tend to overeat when the option presents itself. Which aroma can aid as an appetite suppressant?

    a) lemon

    b) sweet orange

    c) grapefruit oil

    d) bergamot

    8. You often feel anxious and overwhelmed. Which scent can aid in reducing anxiety?

    a) ylang ylang

    b) peppermint

    c) lemon

    d) vanilla

    9. You sleep lightly and often wake tired. Which oil can be utilized as a sleep aid?

    a) patchouli

    b) Clary sage

    c) Sandalwood

    d) Rose

    10. Your sex drive could use some assistance. Which essential oil can act as an aphrodisiac?

    a) Patchouli

    b) Ylang ylang

    c) Jasmine

    d) Rose


    1. C – sandalwood helps lower fatigue levels and aids in boosting immunity.

    2. C & D – sweet orange and bergamot can help to balance mood swings

    3. B & D – Both lemon and peppermint help to rejuvenate mind, body and soul.

    4. A, B, C & D – All of these essential oils are known to have a calming effect.

    5. C – Oatmeal can soften the temper as well as your skin.

    6. C – Jasmine can boost confidence by aiding relaxation in social situations.

    7. C – Grapefruit oil can help those who tend to overeat.

    8. A & D – ylang ylang and lemon can help reduce stress and tension.

    9. B & D – Clary sage and Rose can aid in achieving a deeper sleep.

    10. A,B,C & D – These scents are all considered aphrodisiacs.

    8-10 correct: Aroma Savvy

    Congratulations! You know your scents. You are on your way to becoming a true Aroma Pro.
    5-7 correct: Aroma Friendly

    Very Well Done! You know some scents and their uses, but you could use a refresher course.
    0-4 correct: Aroma Newbie

    Nice Try! You may be new to the topic of aromatherapy. There are many great ways to learn more about these wonderful scents and their uses.

    *this quiz was written by Elizabeth Smith* 

    How To Make Herbal Tinctures

    Herbal tinctures are potent, spirit based, liquid extracts. They are made using fresh plant material and liquid base such as vodka, brandy, vegetable glycerin, or even apple cider vinegar.

    Selecting Your Spirit

    Most commercial preparations are made with 198 proof grain alcohol. A simple and very effective choice is 100 proof vodka. It's clear, affordable and easy to obtain. 100 proof means it is exactly half water and half alcohol. This makes figuring dosages easy as most dosages recommended by herbalists are based on the assumption that a tincture was made at 50% - 1/2 water, 1/2 alcohol. If you are concerned about ingesting the alcohol, I recommend placing the bottle of tincture in boiling water for 1-2 minutes which will remove about 1/2 the alcohol. You may also use glycerin or cider vinegar. These won't be as strong as alcohol based ones, but they will still be effective and are often a good choice for children's remedies. *note: If using vinegar heat it slightly before pouring. It should be warm, not hot.

    How To Make Herbal Tinctures

    • USING FRESH HERBS: After picking your fresh herbs, pick through them and remove any dirty or damaged parts but don't wash them.
    • Coarsely chop stems, leaves and roots. You can leave flowers whole.
    • USING DRIED HERBS: use half the amount of fresh herb.
    • Put your herbs in a clean and dry glass jar, and fill with the liquid of your choice. The herbs need to be completely immersed in liquid.
    • Cap the jar tightly with an airtight lid.
    • Label your creation with the ingredients and date and store in a dark place for 6-8 weeks, shaking occasionally.
    • Strain out the herbs and pour tincture into clean, dry bottles. Label with the date and ingredients used. 

    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Essential Oils & Skin Care

    Essential oils can benefit the skin, hair and nails. This post will be dedicated to the skin, how to restore, and maintain it, keeping your skin healthy and youthful. ALWAYS USE THERAPEUTIC GRADE OILS. CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT WHY THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Many cheaper oils contain harmful chemicals used to process the oils in a cheaper manner. You do not want to use cheaper oils due to the toxins and the lesser quality essential oils they contain.

    • To rejuvenate and heal, use Rosewood.
    • To prevent and retard wrinkles, Lavender, Spikenard and Myrrh can be helpful.
    • To regenerate skin, try Geranium, Helichrysum, and Spikenard.
    • To restore skin elasticity, use Rosewood, Lavender, or Ylang Ylang with Lavender

    Mix the following recipe into 1 TBSP. of high grade, unperfumed skin lotion (or use Olive oil, Sesame seed oil or Almond oil). Apply on face, neck and decollete twice daily. AVOID THE EYE AREA!
    • 6 drops of Rosewood
    • 4 drops of Geranium
    • 3 drops of Lavender
    • 2 drops of Frankincense
    Mix together the following oils into 1 cup of unperfumed lotion base (or use V-6, or Avocado oil). Apply as often as needed. AVOID THE EYE AREA!
    • 3 drops Rose oil
    • 3 drops Roman Chamomile oil
    • 3 drops Sandalwood oil
    Mix together the following oils into 1 cup of unperfumed lotion base (or use V-6, or Avocade oil). Apply at least morning and night. Use as often as needed.
    • 3 drops Rosewood oil
    • 3 drops Patchouli oil
    • 3 drops Geranium
    Acne results from an excess accumulation of dirt and sebum (oil produced by the hair follicle) in the follicles and pores of the skin. As the pores and hair follicles become congested, bacteria begins to feed on the sebum. This leads to inflammation and infection and the formation of a pimple or blackhead around the hair follicle.
    Essential oils are outstanding for treating acne because of their ability to dissolve sebum, kill bacteria, and preserve the acid mantle of the skin.

    Acid mantle has a particular level of acidity characterized by pH from about 4 to 5.5. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, above 7 is alkaline, and below is acidic. The pH of acid in the human stomach, for example, is usually from 1 to 2, which is highly acidic. The skin, on the other hand, is mildly acidic. In addition to helping protect skin from "the elements" (such as wind or pollutants), acid mantle also inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. If acid mantle is disrupted or loses its acidity, the skin becomes more prone to damage and infection. The loss of acid mantle is one of the side-effects of washing the skin with soaps or detergents of moderate or high strength.

    Topically apply essential oils such as Tea Tree to problem areas. Tea Tree was shown to be equal to benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne by the Medical Journal of Australia. Use 3-5 drops, and either dab onto a clean face with a cotton round, or massage gently into the affected area 1-3 times daily. AVOID THE EYE AREA!!
    Other oils that can be helpful for treating Acne are
    • Geranium
    • Lavender
    • Eucalyptus Radiata
    • Orange
    • Clove
    • Lemongrass
    For sensitive skin, dilute 50:50 with a light high quality oil or serum.

    The following essential oils can be used full strength on a cotton round. Use 2-4 drops on affected area and apply daily. AVOID THE EYE AREA!
    • Lemon oil
    • Tea Tree oil
    • Orange oil
    • Geranium oil
    Make this sugar scrub in a glass jar that has a tight fitting lid. You do not want to get water inside of the jar, as it will dissolve the sugar.
    • 1 cup brown sugar
    • 3/4 cup Olive oil, V-6 Oil or other high quality vegetable oil
    • 2 drops Lemon oil
    • 2 drops Lavender oil
    • 1 drop Geranium oil
    • 1 drop Orange oil
    Mix all ingredients in the jar. Use a dry spoon to take out 1 tbsp for facial use. Rub into the face, neck and decollete, in circles lightly. AVOID THE EYE AREA! Leave on for about 5-10 minutes. For use as a body treatment, use 1/4 cup . Stand in the shower and scrub your damp body with the sugar mixture, letting it melt onto your skin. Sugar is a natural glycolic acid, and will dissolve the built up dead cells and sebum on the surface of your skin, leaving your skin soft and smooth. Leave on for 5 minutes, and rinse with warm water. Be careful, the oils can make the tub a little slippery.

    Apply 1-2 drops of Oregano on the mole, 2-3 times daily.

    Mix the following oils in 2 glass jars with tight fitting lids. Add to 1/2 cup of V-6 or Avocado or Carrot oil. Use daily for best results. AVOID THE EYE AREA!

    • 3 drops Tangerine oil
    • 3 drops Cypress oil

    • 8 drops Patchouli oil
    • 5 drops Cypress oil
    • 5 drops Geranium oil
    • 1 drop Sandalwood oil
    Most commonly associated with pregnancy, but can also occur during growth spurts and periods of weight gain, and during adolescence. Dilute the following oils 50:50 with V-6 or Olive oil, and apply on affected areas 2-3 times daily.
    • 3 drops Geranium oil
    • 3 drops Lavender oil
    • 2 drops Myrrh oil
    • 1 drop Frankincense oil
    • 1 drop Spikenard oil
    • 1 drop Elemi oil
    Mix the following in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Use on the affected area 2-3 times daily, AVOIDING THE EYE AREA!
    • 1 cup V-6 oil, Olive oil, Avocado oil or Carrot seed oil.
    • 6 drops Sandalwood oil
    • 5 drops Geranium oil
    • 3 drops Lavender oil
    • 6 drops Frankincense oil
    • 1 drop Rose oil

    Monday, September 21, 2009

    The Top 10 Foods that Benefit Your Skin the Most

    I found this great information on and wanted to share the insights on here...
    Aside from giving you a lot of benefits health wise, consuming these food items will help your skin remain luminous, elastic, smooth to the feel and healthy.

    Take a look at the top 10 foods that will give you great skin:

    1. Avocados

    This rich tropical fruit is filled with vitamins C and E which works well towards fighting the effects of skin aging.


    Although it is considered to be high in fat content, the type of fat that avocados have is monounsaturated.

    This means that the fruit is also loaded with Omega-3 fatty acids that help improve the quality of your skin.

    *Also making a facial mask of mashed Avocados is amazing for the skin. Just apply and leave on for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

    2. Berries

    Blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries are all beneficial for your skin. It is even better if you can consume the exotic Acai berries which come from the Amazonian forests in Brazil.


    Acai berries have the most potent antioxidant content among any other fruits in the world, which is the reason why it is called a ‘superfood‘.

    When you load up on foods which are rich in antioxidants, the effect on your body is that free radicals will be neutralized.

    These free radicals are the culprit behind premature skin aging and cell damage.In addition, berries are a great source of vitamins C and E, Riboflavin and fibers.

    More importantly, these tiny fruits have a natural ingredient which helps the body manufacture collagen – which makes the skin supple and smooth. Not bad for really small fruits, right?

    *Also try Ning xia Red, it contains these amazing fruit, as well as wolfberry!!

    3. Dark Chocolate

    dark chocolate

    Surprisingly enough, the oh-so-sinful dark chocolates do have a high antioxidant content which helps improve the flow of blood to the skin.

    It also gets rid of the rough feel to your skin while at the same time protecting it from sun damage.

    4. Green Tea

    If there’s one food item in our list which is also considered as the ultimate health drink, it is none other than green tea. This beverage is considered to be healthier than water and when it comes to the health of your skin, it is the one to beat.

    green tea

    Did you know that green tea is even used as a natural remedy for acne? Green tea is also a potent antioxidant. When you drink green tea regularly, you will get the daily dose of vitamins C, D and K that the body needs.

    As you can see, there are numerous benefits that you will get to enjoy by drinking green tea while also improving the quality of your skin – so ditch the caffeine and substitute it with a cup or two of green tea now.

    5. Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines & Fresh Tuna

    You may notice how all of these fish variants are on the oily side.


    Don’t think that just because they’re oily, it already means that they will not contribute to the health of your skin at all.

    These types of fish actually contain the healthy and essential fatty acids in the form of Omega-3 oils.

    What it does for the health of your skin is to decrease the chances of your skin clogging up while at the same time improving its elasticity. All in all, aside from the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids to your health, it also generally improves the quality of your skin – making it suppler and younger looking.

    6. Oysters


    Although they are popular as aphrodisiacs, oysters actually are an excellent source of zinc.

    What this does for your skin is to help renew and revitalize it, while assisting with the production of collagen at the same time.

    7. Pomegranate Fruits & Pomegranate Juice

    pomegranate fruits pomegranate juice

    Just like Acai berries, pomegranate is also considered to be a super food because of its high antioxidant content.

    Whether it’s the pure juice form or the fruit itself that you will eat, you will get to enjoy a unique benefit to your skin – which is to prevent the appearance of varicose veins.

    This is due to the fact that pomegranate contains Anthocyanins which help strengthen the walls of the tiny blood vessels which in turn supply the skin with the nutrients that it needs.

    *Also try Ning xia Red, it contains this amazing fruit, as well as wolfberry!!

    8. Spinach


    Popeye’s power veggie is something which you should also be eating a lot of.

    Spinach is rich in alpha-lipoic acid and lutein – these two compounds work great against skin aging and also have anti-inflammatory benefits.

    9. Tomatoes


    Plump, red and juicy tomatoes are a great source of lycopene.

    This does not just work well as an antioxidant to benefit your skin, but lycopene helps prevent the occurrence of certain cancers as well.

    10. Walnuts


    Just like fish oils, walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

    The result when you feed your skin with this is that you will have smoother skin, and your body will be more able to battle inflammatory diseases.

    Fill your grocery cart with these items the next time that you go shopping and watch nature work wonders on your skin!

    For more information, visit


    Thursday, September 17, 2009

    113 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

    In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications.

    • Sugar can suppress the immune system.
    • Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance.
    • Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children.
    • Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
    • Sugar can adversely affect children's school grades.
    • Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
    • Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
    • Sugar can cause kidney damage.
    • Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs).
    • Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
    • Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
    • Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
    • Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
    • Sugar may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum.
    • Sugar can cause colon cancer, with an increased risk in women.
    • Sugar can be a risk factor in gall bladder cancer.
    • Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
    • Sugar can weaken eyesight.
    • Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which can narrow blood vessels.
    • Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
    • Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
    • Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
    • Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
    • Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair.
    • Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
    • Sugar can promote tooth decay.
    • Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
    • High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
    • Sugar can cause a raw, inflamed intestinal tract in persons with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
    • Sugar can cause arthritis
    • Sugar can cause asthma.
    • Sugar can cause candidiasis (yeast infection).
    • Sugar can lead to the formation of gallstones.
    • Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
    • Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease.
    • Sugar can cause appendicitis.
    • Sugar can exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
    • Sugar can indirectly cause hemorrhoids.
    • Sugar can cause varicose veins.
    • Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraception users.
    • Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
    • Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
    • Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
    • Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
    • Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
    • Sugar can decrease growth hormone.
    • Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
    • Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
    • Sugar can change the structure of protein causing interference with protein absorption.
    • Sugar causes food allergies.
    • Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
    • Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
    • Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
    • Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
    • Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
    • Sugar can cause cataracts.
    • Sugar can cause emphysema.
    • Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
    • Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
    • Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function.
    • Sugar can cause loss of tissue elasticity and function.
    • Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
    • Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
    • Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney.
    • Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
    • Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention.
    • Sugar can cause constipation.
    • Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).
    • Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
    • Sugar can cause hypertension.
    • Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
    • Sugar can cause an increase in delat, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly.
    • Sugar can cause depression.
    • Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high- sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
    • Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.
    • Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
    • Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of blood clots.
    • Sugar increases the risk of Alzheimer Disease.
    • Sugar can cause a increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves.
    • Sugar can cause depression.
    • Sugar increases the risk of gastric cancer.
    • Sugar and cause dyspepsia (indigestion).
    • Sugar can increase your risk of getting gout.
    • The ingestion of sugar can increase the levels of glucose in an oral glucose tolerance test over the ingestion of complex carbohydrates.
    • Sugar can increase the insulin responses in humans consuming high- sugar diets compared to low sugar diets.
    • Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.
    • Sugar increases the risk of colon cancer in women.
    • There is a greater risk for Chron's disease with people who have a high intake of sugar.
    • Sugar can cause platelet adhesiveness.
    • Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
    • Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
    • Sugar can lead to the hypothalamus to become highly sensitive to a large variety of stimuli.
    • Sugar can lead to dizziness.
    • High sucrose diet significantly increases serum insulin.
    • High sucrose diets of subjects with peripheral vascular disease significantly increases platelet adhesion.
    • High sugar diet can lead to biliary tract cancer.
    • High sugar diets tend to be lower in antioxidant micro nutrients.
    • High sugar consumption of pregnant adolescents is associated with a twofold increased risk for delivering a small-for- gestational-age (SGA) infant.
    • High sugar consumption can lead to substantial decrease in gestation duration among adolescents with high sugar diets.
    • Sugar slows food's travel time through the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in stools and bacterial enzymes in the colon can modify bile to produce cancer-causing compounds and colon cancer.
    • Sugar is associated with a substantial decrease in normal time of gestation among adolescents.
    • Sugar can cause a depletion in chromium which is tied to the development and progression of nearsightedness.
    • Sugar can be a risk factor of gallbladder cancer.
    • Sugar is an addictive substance.
    • Sugar can be intoxicating, similar to alcohol.
    • Sugar can exacerbate PMS.
    • Sugar suppresses lymphocytes.
    • Decrease in sugar can increase emotional stability.
    • The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does starch.
    • Sugar can cause inappropriate behavior and decreased performance in children.
    • Sugar can worsen the symptoms of children with attention deficit disorder (ADD).
    • The sugar in chewing gum can cause dental caries.
  • This list was written by Dr. Mercola, and taken from the website

  • Using alternatives to sugar such as Agave Syrup and Stevia are a much healthier option.


    Wednesday, September 16, 2009

    Lavender Product Story

    Lavender essential oil has been beloved and treasured for thousands of years as one of nature’s greatest gifts for healing. Recorded usage of lavender dates back to Biblical times where it was used for bathing as well as a key ingredient in many of the most effective remedies of that time.

    In the late 1900s, Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist and perfumer, discovered the amazing skin benefits of lavender oil after using it to treat his severely burned hand, which was healed completely without any trace of an infection or scar. Today, lavender essential oil is used in many skin care products, however, many companies dilute the oil, or use synthetically altered versions. The products in Young Living’s Lavender Signature Series contain only the finest Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ (YLTG) lavender essential oil, ensuring the maximum benefits of lavender oil are delivered.

    Product Summary

    Young Living’s Lavender Signature Series features a collection of all-natural personal care products infused with pure therapeutic-grade lavender essential oil.

    What Makes These Products Unique?

    Along with adding lavender essential oil to each product in this collection, great care has been taken to create all-natural and eco-friendly formulations, by ensuring that every ingredient used comes from sustainable sources. Lavender Hand & Body Lotion and Lavender Bath & Shower Gel also utilize a unique plant-based preservative system that is completely all-natural and free of synthetic components, which can be irritating to the skin.

    Did You Know?

    + Traces of lavender were found in King Tutankamen’s tomb when it was opened in
    1922. These traces even had a slight scent after being sealed in the tomb for more than 3,000 years.
    + The methods used to distill lavender essential oil thousands of years ago are the very same methods we use today to distill essential oils.
    + In the 16th century, lavender was used to protect people from cholera outbreaks.

    Lavender Signature Series Products

    ~Lavender Foaming Hand Soap

    Lavender Foaming Hand Soap, the newest addition to Young Living’s Lavender Signature Series, is a gentle, cleansing addition to our all-natural product line-up. Soothing and rejuvenating to even the most sensitive skin, just a small amount of this fragrant soap cleanses and conditions your skin without leaving it dry or irritated. Infused with lavender essential oil, Lavender Foaming Hand Soap is sure to become a household favorite.

    ~Lavender Hand & Body Lotion

    Bring life back to your skin with this all-natural lightweight moisturizer infused with skin-loving lavender essential oil. Added nutrients such as wolfberry seed oil fortify your skin’s natural moisture barrier to maintain long-lasting hydration.

    ~Lavender Bath & Shower Gel

    Relax your body and rejuvenate your mind with a soothing bath of nature’s finest lavender essential oil. All-natural ingredients work to refresh and condition your skin as you unwind from your busy day. Pour directly into the water for a luxurious bubble bath, or drop a quarter-sized amount onto a bath sponge and lather.

    ~Lavender Lip Balm

    Repair and moisturize lips with nourishing blend of ingredients such as lavender essential oil, jojoba oil, and vitamin E.

    ~LavaDerm™ Cooling Mist

    Bring relief to stressed skin with a blend of gentle skin-soothing ingredients including lavender essential oil and aloe vera. Spray directly onto the affected area and repeat every 10–15 minutes until desired relief is achieved.

    ~Lavender-Rosewood Bar Soap
    Soothe and soften the skin as you cleanse with a nourishing all-natural formulation of ingredients such as aloe vera, jojoba oil, and nature’s finest lavender essential oil.

    ~Lavender Essential Oil (15 ml)

    Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has a fresh, sweet, herbaceous aroma that is soothing and refreshing. Lavender is an adaptogen, and can aid the body when adapting to stress or imbalances. It’s also great for relaxing and winding down
    before bedtime, yet has balancing properties that can boost stamina and energy. Young Living Therapeutic Grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty.


    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    give away contest!

    Have you become a fan on 
    facebook yet? If not, click on the link 
    on the main page of my blog, or go to

    My 100th fan will receive a RELAX aromatherapy kit...

    so help out by telling your friends and family about this contest. AND for all of your help and hard work, 2 of my existing fans will receive a mini RELAX aromatherapy kit for themselves!!

    Essential Oil of the Month-
    September: Frankincense

    September is dedicated to introducing yourself to Young Living frankincense essential oil—the oil for promoting healthy skin and increased spirituality.

    Frankincense (
    Boswellia carteri) essential oil is used to support skin health. Its earthy, balsamic scent has calming properties that can increase spirituality and inner strength. Useful for visualizing, improving one's spiritual connection, and centering, it has comforting properties that may help focus the mind and overcome stress and despair.

    Frankincense is considered the holy anointing oil in the Middle East, where it has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. More recently, it has been used in European and American hospitals.

    The purity and potency of Young Living frankincense essential oil is all about the sourcing. Last year, Young Living Founder Gary Young explored the Middle East and Africa in search of the best frankincense available. On this journey, Gary and his team visited Young Living frankincense supplier’s harvesting and distillation operations and were able to verify, through observation and testing, that Young Living’s frankincense is one of the best true frankincense oils in existence

    How To Use Frankincense

    • Apply 1–2 drops to your face and neck daily to help repair sun damage, renew healthy-looking skin, and to minimize oil production and breakouts.

    • Drop on to minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises to reduce redness and discomfort.

    • Massage several drops on your temples or back of your neck for stress relief.

    • Diffuse to enrich prayer and meditation.

    • Inhale or diffuse to deepen breathing and induce calmness.


    Friday, September 11, 2009

    First aid for insect bites

    I woke up one morning last week with a huge mosquito bite!! It was so bad, it didn't even itch! It just hurt. A LOT! I decided to use my essential oils right away. Because of their outstanding antiseptic and oil-soluble properties, essential oils are ideal for treating most kinds of insect bites. Essential oils such as Lavender and Peppermint reduce insect bite induced itching and infection.

    First I dabbed on a little Lavender, which calmed down the throbbing feeling. Then after about an hour I put on Young Living's Purification blend. Then I made a little "Bite Blend" as I like to call it. It works wonders. The bite felt better within a few hours, and is now almost completely healed.

    Here is the recipe:


    2 drops Thyme
    10 drops Lavender
    4 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
    3 drops German Chamomile

    You can either use neat, or dilute 50:50 with high quality vegetable oil, like V-6 oil, for children and sensitive skin types. Apply 1-2 drops of the blend 2-4 times daily.

    To purchase Therapeutic Grade Essential oils, click HERE.

    Saturday, September 5, 2009

    Make your own cleaning products!

    Making your own household cleaning supplies is easy. Most modern synthetic cleaning products are based on age-old formulas using natural ingredients that were passed down through the generations. Going back to the original, naturally derived, ingredients is a way to make cleaning products that work, don’t pollute, and save you money. Most are found in your kitchen cupboards. Mix and match with well-chosen and environmentally friendly green cleaning products now found in most grocery stores, and you can easily and simply transform your home into a non-toxic and safe environment for your family.
    Making your own nontoxic cleaning kit will take you no time at all with these simple, straightforward directions, and with this kit you will be supplied with enough cleaning product for months of cleaning.
    As an added bonus, ounce for ounce homemade cleaning formulas cost about one-tenth the price of their commercial counterpart—and that includes worthwhile essential oils, and concentrated, all-purpose detergents for homemade recipes.
    Baking soda
    Washing soda
    White distilled vinegar
    A good liquid soap or detergent
    Essential oils: Tea tree oil, Thieves blend, Lemon oil,and Purification blend.
    6 clean spray bottles
    2 glass jars
    Simply pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda into a bowl, 3-5 drops of Lemon essential oil, and add enough liquid detergent to make a texture like frosting. Scoop the mixture onto a sponge, and wash the surface. This is the perfect recipe for cleaning the bathtub because it rinses easily and doesn’t leave grit, and the Lemon oil is antiseptic, as well as a clean scent.

    Note: Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin to the mixture and store in a sealed glass jar, to keep the product moist. Otherwise just make as much as you need at a time.
    1/4-1/2 teaspoon liquid detergent
    3 tablespoons vinegar
    2 cups water
    Spray bottle
    Put all the ingredients into a spray bottle, shake it up a bit, and use as you would a commercial brand. The soap in this recipe is important. It cuts the wax residue from the commercial brands you might have used in the past.
    1/2 teaspoon washing soda
    A dab of liquid soap
    2 cups hot tap water

    Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake until the washing soda has dissolved. Apply and wipe off with a sponge or rag.

    ~ADD 5-7 drops of Essential oils; Thieves blend, Tea Tree oil or Lemon; to the spray cleaner to make it antibacterial/antiseptic. Use in the bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere!

    ~use tupperware or recycle an old plastic container with a sealed lid to make antibacterial wipes. Just fill the container with strong washable wipes, or strong paper towels, folded up. Then fill the container with the all purpose cleaner + essential oil blend. Keep tightly sealed so the wipes don't dry up.

    1/2 teaspoon oil, such as olive (or jojoba, a liquid wax)
    1/4 cup vinegar or 3-5 drops of Lemon essential oil
    Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto wood surfaces. Cover the glass jar and store indefinitely, you can also put into a spray bottle.


    Nothing natural works for pet smells, mold, and mildew as well as this spray. I’ve used it successfully on a moldy ceiling from a leaking roof, on a musty bureau, a musty rug, and a moldy shower curtain. We used this a lot when our puppies were learning how to potty train! It is also wonderful for near the kitty litter box! Thieves oil is strong, and a little goes a very long way. Note that the smell of the oil is very strong, but it will dissipate in a few days.
    2 teaspoons Thieves oil
    2 cups water
    Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse. Makes two cups.

    10 drops of essential oil: Purification blend, Lavender or your favorite scent
    2 cups water
    spray bottle

    Mix in a spray bottle, and use on linens, in closets, bathrooms, kitchen etc... I use Lemon in my bathroom spray for it's antibacterial properties, and Lavender in my bedroom, due to its relaxing properties. You can experiment with different scents.

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009

    Aromatherapy For the
    Immune System

    This year flu season is expected to hit harder than usual. Be prepared by supporting your Immune System. The best way to do this is by getting adequate nutrition, supplementing with Therapeutic grade essential oils, and washing your hands often.

    Making sure your body has everything it needs to function correctly is essential to good health and maintaining a healthy Immune system. Eating fresh vegetables and fruit is optimum, but sometimes that isn't possible. Using a multivitamin to supplement the diet can be very helpful. Make sure the supplements are food based so the body can recognize and utilize the contents. Young living makes a few different kinds, so finding the right fit is easy. The best one for children is the Kidscents MightyVites.

    Using essential oils to fortify the immune system is easy. Up to 40% of Immune system function is in the intestinal tract. Another 40% is found in the thymus gland, which produces immune-stimulating cells. Dietary supplements containing essential oils can boost immune system function. ImmuPro, Exodus II, Sulfurzyme, ImmuPower, ImmuneTone, Super C, Thyromin and Mineral Essence each have their own benefits. They can be taken together or alone, creating a regimen which can be tailored to your own individual needs and concerns.

    Essential oils can be used to support the Immune system. Always be sure to use Therapeutic grade essential oils, as they have been grown with high standards, and processed without hazardous chemicals. Cheaper oils processed with lower grade plants do not have a high amount of healing compounds, and have substances that can actually poison you rather than help you. Young Living carries only Therapeutic grade essential oils.

    The following oils have proven useful:

    SINGLE OILS: Frankincense with ravensara, thyme, helichrysum, oregano, rosemary, chamomile, Idaho tansy, mountain savory, melissa, lavender, grapefruit, lemon, cinnamon, clove, cumin, cistus, melaluca, myrrh, myrtle, rose, vetiver or lemongrass.
    BLENDS: Frankincense with Thieves, ImmuPower, Abundance, Humility, R.C., or 3 Wise Men.

    Using a diffuser to reduce airborne pathogens and viruses that can overwhelm the immune system is a good way to use Essential oils for healing. Most oils need to be diluted for use topically. Always use a high quality vegetable oil such as V-6, almond or olive oil works well also. Add 1-4 drops of Essential oils to water or rice/almond milk, or use capsules to use oils internally. Follow the directions on the bottle of each oil for specific dosage information. *When using Essential oils with children, mix 1-2 drops of desired oil with 1 tbsp. of V-6 oil or other vegetable oil, then apply to the bottoms of feet, or other area of concern.*

    Some of the most important products for killing germs are in the Thieves line. Read the history of Thieves here to find out it's amazing story of healing. I recommend the Thieves essential oil blend, the foaming hand soap and the waterless hand sanitizer for the back to school crowd. These three products will really help your kids to ward off the germies, without the side effects of Triclosan, the agent used in other antibacterial products. Triclosan is being held responsible in the creation of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, including the MRSA type infections we are seeing in schools all over the country. Teaching kids good hygiene is important and very necessary to stop the spread of germs. Using Thieves waterless hand sanitizer makes it easy for kids to do.

    To order Therapeutic Grade Essential oils and other Young Living products click HERE

    What does Therapeutic
    Grade mean?

    Anyone Can Claim to Be Therapeutic Grade. Only Young Living Can Claim Young Living Therapeutic Grade™.
    The process Young Living uses when planting, cultivating, harvesting, and distilling a batch of oil is crucial to retaining its vital compounds. Without the exact blend of naturally-occurring plant chemicals, an essential oil can lose its beneficial properties and fail to produce the desired effect.
    Young Living Therapeutic Grade (YLTG) means that every essential oil Young Living distills or sources has the optimal naturally-occurring blend of constituents to maximize the desired effect. Young Living is able to make this assertion because of our strict cultivation process—illustrated by the Four Ps—that guarantees the optimal potency of every Young Living essential oil.
    Cheaper oils may contain toxic chemicals used to extract the oils from plants that are of a lesser quality. The chemicals can enter your body when using cheaper oils, and do more harm than the benefit of the Essential oil itself. Always make sure you are using Therapeutic Grade to avoid exposure to these toxic chemicals.




    An oil's potency can be affected not only by selecting the proper plant to cultivate, but also by where the plant is grown, the quality of soil in which the seed is planted, and even the time of day it's harvested.
    Young Living has extensive experience selecting the correct species of plant for desired oil potency, planting under optimal conditions, using ideal soil and natural methods to encourage growth, and knowing the precise time to harvest each crop. Only those plants that produce the most active and widest array of therapeutic compounds are selected.




    Once the optimal soil, plant, cultivation, and harvesting conditions have been adhered to, the plants must be distilled properly in order to meet YLTG standards. Young Living uses a gentle, proprietary technique for steam-extracting the most potent essential oils, which remains unmatched throughout the essential oils industry.
    To meet YLTG distillation standards proper temperature must be maintained throughout the distillation process, and pressure, length of time, equipment, and batch size are strictly monitored.




    YLTG standards prohibit the acceptance of any diluted, cut or adulterated oils. Every product Young Living produces—essential oils, oil blends, nutritional supplements, or personal care—meets strict purity standards.
    Every batch of essential oils is subjected to rigorous, state-of-the-art analysis at the Young Living chemistry lab. Using some of the most advanced equipment in the world, our scientists subject every batch of essential oils to Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer testing, and heavy metals analysis. Oils that exhibit even the slightest hint of possible adulteration or tampering are rejected.




    The culmination of the preceding three stages, Potency means that the naturally occurring compounds contained in each essential oil product are of the highest and most consistent bioactive levels. Without strict adherence to the YLTG standard in the Plant, Preparation, and Purity phases, the final product would not have the necessary potency to create the desired effect.
    This information is from the Young Living website.
    To order Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils click HERE

    Everyday Nutrition and Essential Oil Supplements

    Hectic schedules and increasing personal demands make eating a well-balanced diet seem impossible. The average person consumes only a fraction of the recommended nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and as a result needs nutrient-dense vitamins and minerals to supplement his or her diet. In fact, current research indicates that more than 64 percent of American adults are either obese or overweight—a 14 percent increase from 20 years ago.

    Poor nutrition can lead to a variety of health concerns like fatigue, a compromised immune system, and poor digestion. Young Living makes it easy to combat these issues and incorporate better eating habits into your busy schedule. From the energizing, replenishing, and fortifying benefits of NingXia Redto a wide array whole food-sourced multivitamins and great-tasting, essential oil-infused meal replacements, Young Living has unique, effective solutions!

    Improved Wellness with Essential Oil Supplements

    Infusing nutritional supplements with the added benefit of essential oils enables nature's living energy to provide internal bodily support. Products like Longevity and Omega Blue contribute to overall wellness by balancing dietary insufficiencies and infusing the body with essential oils.

    Multivitamins for Core Nutrition

    The average person consumes only a fraction of required daily nutrients, so it is important to take vitamins and minerals to supplement your diet. Enhancing your diet with a whole food-sourced multi is an excellent way to ensure optimal wellness, regardless of age or individual nutritional requirements. The benefits of Young Living's whole food-sourced multivitamins far surpass those offered by synthetic supplements.

    Enzymes and Minerals for Core Nutrition

    The modern diet is comprised primarily of convenient, pre-packaged meals. These nutrient-deficient choices are full of synthetic flavor enhancers and lack the important dietary minerals our bodies require. Young Living offers a variety of detoxifying enzymes and mineral supplements to help rid the body of unnecessary and potentially damaging substances.

    Young Living's Most Popular Product Recommendations for Everyday Nutrition

    • NingXia Red: A superfood-sourced, essential oil-infused supplement, plus the vitamins and antioxidants your body requires.

    • True Source: The Young Living multivitamin with the widest array of whole food-sourced nutrients.

    • Longevity: A potent blend of fat-soluble antioxidants.

    • Omega Blue: Clinically proven to supplement the body with crucial levels of omega-3 fatty acid nutrients.

    • Life 5 Probiotic that builds and restores core intestinal health.

    • Essentialzyme: An advanced multi-enzyme complex that promotes digestion and assists in the assimilation of nutrients.

    • Mineral Essence: An excellent way to provide the body with vital nutrients.

    *This information is from the Young Living website.
    To order click HERE

    KidScents MightyVites

    Young Living carries whole food nutrition in a chewable form for children. MightyVites are a great tasting (wild berry and orange cream flavors), chewable multivitamin formulated from whole food extracts, especially for children in their early growth years (and also for adult maintenance in late years). Made with Ningxia wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) MightyVites uses nutrient dense suprefruits, plants, and veggies to deliver the full spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all in their whole, synergistic and easily-absorbable form.

    KidScents MightyVites contain: Vitamin A (alpha & Beta carotene), Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) from oranges, Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl acid succinate), Vitamin K (as phytonadione), Thiamine (vitamin B 1 as thiamine mononitrate), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (as niacinamide) (Vitamin B3), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxal-5-phosphate), Folate (as Folic Acid), Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin), Biotin, (Vitamin H), Panthothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate), Iodine (as potassium iodide), Magnesium (as magnesium oxide), Zinc (as zinc yeast complex), Selenium (as selenium yeast complex), Copper (as copper yeast complex), Chromium (as chromium yeast complex), choline (from soy lecithin), Ningxia wolfberry (lycium barbarum) fruit, tocotrienois (from natural palm oil), lecithin (soy), malic acid from apples, olive (olea europea) leaf extract, curcumins (from tumeric rhizome), broccoli (brassica oleracea) floret, barley (hordeum vulgare) grass, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), spirulina (s. platensis) algae, boron (as boron AAC), lutein (from marigold flowers), natural flavors [orange juice powder, cherry juice powder, grape skin powder (30% polyphenols), strawberry juice powder, and other natural flavors], sorbitol, fructose, citric acid, silica, magnesium stearate, and dicalcium phosphate.

    Directions for use:

    Children 6-12 years old, take three chewable tablets daily. Can be taken before breakfast, lunch, or dinner or in one daily dose.

    Caution: Do not exceed recommended dosage. If pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use.

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