clock tower map

"Reproduced by permission of Geographers' A-Z Map Co Ltd & with kind permission of Ordnance Survey"

Chaos Corner Clarendon Hotel The Clock Tower Customs House Gordon Promenade Gravesend Hospital Harmer House Harmer Street Milton Rd '&' King St The New Inn New Road St. James Church

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Clock Tower Gravesend

The Gravesend Clock Tower oldcrest

The clock tower was erected as the 'Jubilee Clock Tower' to commemorate Queen Victoria's golden jubilee.
The building costs were raised by public subscription, and the foundation stone was laid by the mayor, William Fletcher, on 6th September 1887. Lord Grimthorpe was instrumental in the design of the clock which was based on Big Ben. The chimes were donated in 1890 by Alfred Tolhurst and were possibly those from the old Rosherville clock tower. The brick-built tower was faced in Portland stone with bands of Dumfries stone, and originally had four gas lanterns at the base.


crest The Gravesend Clock Tower 2000

The area around the Clock Tower has recently been renovated. This includes the re-instatement of columns and balconies on either side of Berkley Crescent. Also replacement of the pavement in the immediate vicinity by old style blocks, with stone curbs. As well as this there are now new 'old fashioned ' street lights around the tower.