See your shop shine with a little graphic design- The Winners Design!

Those of you who are regular readers to my blog may remember that a short while ago I ran a little competition to celebrate the launch of my ErroZero Folksy shop (now also on Etsy) where a lucky entrant could win the design of the folksy or other handmade shop banner and avatar. I followed that post up with the name of the lucky winner, whom I contacted promptly and got cracking on a design for!

Well, the design is now finished and has taken pride of place on the sellers shop. Millicent was the name of the winners shop, ran by the charming Janet, who was really great to work with. I was really excited to be working on this shop banner as Janet’s cats and mice are absolutely adorable and I would be really happy to have one in my house – turns out Janet is a very generous lady and very kindly offered me one of her wonderful cats as a thank you for her banner and avatar design! Here he is happy as larry on my window sill:

Linziloop's cat from Millicent

Now I’m sure you’re all itching to know what the banner design looks like so without further ado, here it is!


I decided that with such great characterful creations in the shop it would be a shame to not have them feature in the banner so I used the two cats as the l’s of Millicent and even got a cheeky mouse in there with his very own speech bubble. Avatar was also made to match. These things always come into their own when you actually see them on the shop so please do take a trip over to Millicent on Folksy and check out the banner on the shop, and have a browse through the lovely cats and mice – I can tell you all, they are VERY well made, super cute and will make a great addition to your home!


I’ll be back soon with Part 4 in my “makings of a craft stall” series and some very exciting news I have regarding my next stall venture! Take care everyone, until next time!

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  1. Janet Allinson

     /  April 8, 2011

    Thank you so much for my lovely new banner – I’m just over the moon with it.X

    • You are most welcome Jan, I too am over the moon with my cat! He needs a name though! I shall have to think of something suiting!


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