Facebook Chat on Yahoo Messenger

Posted: February 24, 2011 in Facebook, Social Media, Uncategorized
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Yeah! You got that right, Facebook Chat can now be access on your yahoo messenger even if you don’t open your page on any browser.  Isn’t that cool!


I’m starting to use this new messenger now and it really is social and user friendly. So I would suggest you download and upgrade your Messenger now and it will make your online experience way much cooler! (Just click on the image and it will direct you to the messenger download page)

Update [05/06/11]

I have been using this for than a week now… and i just want to share that if you sign in to your mobile, you will still get messages from fb chat (of course, that is if you have connected your fb to your Yahoo Messenger).

Enjoy! I know I am 🙂

  1. hasnian says:

    yahoo is best

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