Rose Petals!
Your Wedding!
Fun and Romance!
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Frequently Asked Questions

How much do I need to cover our reception tables with roses?
Depending on the amount of coverage, 1 box will cover about two 60" round tables (about 40 sq. feet).
What about a flower carpet runway?
One box will cover 20 sq. feet for a beautiful lace effect runway. Of course, for more complete coverage, 1 box will cover 15 sq. feet.
Can my flower girl use decorative, dried rose petals?
Absolutely! Decorative, dried rose petals are perfect for flower girls because they don't stain woodwork and carpets like fresh rose petals do. (We suggest that you talk with your church first.)
How much do I need for Flower Girl baskets?
One box should gnerously fill a normal Flower Girl basket with some left over to decorate the head table.
How far in advance should I order my rose petals?
Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. We might also suggest ordering earlier.
Are there other ways to use decorative, freeze-dried rose petals for my wedding?
Your imagination is your only limitation! If your reception is outdoors, the bride and groom can be showered upon their entrance. We also suggest rose petal favors for your guests. Allow 2 tablespoons for Tulle Bags. They make wonderful sachets!
What about cleanup?
It's easy! If you're outdoors, the petals will ground down into the lawn. In the church or reception hall, simply sweep or vacuum!
What is the price, amount and colors available?
Please refer to our how to order page for the specifics on our freeze-dried rose petals for your wedding.
Can my guests throw rose petals everywhere at my party?
Yes, and it's a fun thing to do. One box should be enough for about forty guests. Small tulle bags tied with ribbon are a good way to distribute them. Fluff up the petals in a large bowl and fill each bag with about 1/3 cup of loose measure. Because dry rose petals are very light, it is hard to throw them in the traditional sense, especially in windy conditions. Instead, consider having your guests strew them in front of you. This will also leave your walk covered with beautiful petals (Be sure to secure facility's approval ahead of time). NOTE: Do not use dry rose petals in wet conditions, especially on hard surface walkways, stairs, or on carpets - read our safety warning first!
Where else can I use rose petals?
The bedroom is a traditional place. Use Rose Petals Everywhere!TM to create a oerfect mood for romantic adventures.
Anything else I should know?
Rose Petals Everywhere!TM are all natural, and environment friendly. Because Rose Petals Everywhere!TM are dry, they are much less likely to stain carpets, floors, and clothing. Concerns with safety and staining are causing churches and reception/party facilities to prohibit inside strewing or tossing of almost everything else - fresh rose petals, rice, birdseed, butterflies, and even bubbles. Rose Petals Everywhere!TM resolve most of the problems, and we have samples available so you can show them.

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