Gratitude List (214 things I am grateful for)

What if, when you woke up tomorrow, you had only those things you had remembered to be grateful for today?

Note:  This is list is very specific to me and my situation, and is meant to be my example (and my reminder) only.  I’m well aware that I’m a highly privileged person, in AA and in life.


  1. AA
  2. AA literature, so much move available now than 30 years ago
  3. AA meetings that are plentiful and diverse
  4. Airplanes that are safe, accessible and affordable
  5. Anesthesia
  6. Animal shelters and the people who support them
  7. Antibiotics
  8. Antihistamines
  9. Antiques and heirlooms
  10. Art
  11. Artists
  12. Artificial body parts (my tooth, her knee)
  13. Artificial Sweeteners
  14. Authors who take the time to do the writing I can read
  15. Auto mechanics who are honest
  16. Babies
  17. Bandaids
  18. Beaches to visit, and as part of my landscape growing up
  19. Bed
  20. Bible
  21. Big Book (Alcoholics Anonymous)
  22. Big dogs I am brave enough to walk.
  23. Birthplace of Bill W and the people who preserve it for me to visit.
  24. Blogs to read from the comfort of my home
  25. Boats
  26. Bones for the dog
  27. Books on CD for the car ride
  28. Books to own and borrow without censorship
  29. Calculators
  30. Candles
  31. Candy
  32. Car
  33. Car insurance
  34. Caregivers
  35. Cat food
  36. Cat litter (was there life before cat litter?)
  37. Cell phones that help me contact people who are not in one place
  38. Change
  39. Charities that enable me to help people from right here at home
  40. Cheese
  41. Chemotherapy
  42. Children (adult children)
  43. (That my) Children have not been endangered by my alcoholism, that they only know me sober.
  44. Chocolate
  45. Christmas – although I have huge difficulties with Christianity, it is nice to contemplate this person that was Jesus and the ways in which he changed the world for good.
  46. Church bells I can hear from my house twice a day when I’m home.
  47. Church that is diverse, accepting and traditional
  48. Cities that are safe and interesting
  49. Clergy
  50. Clouds
  51. Coffee
  52. Computers at home and work and many other places
  53. Cook books
  54. Cousins (as an only child, they’ve meant a lot to me)
  55. Crocheting and a crochet teacher
  56. Democracy and elections
  57. Dental hygienists (I don’t know what they make, but it can’t be enough)
  58. Dental implants
  59. Dentists
  60. Dialysis
  61. Digital cameras
  62. Doctors who care about what they are doing, and who think about what they are doing.
  63. Dog parks
  64. Dog sighs
  65. Dogs
  66. Donations of time, money and material things people give to others who need them, to the world and environment.
  67. Drivers who drive people who are unable to drive
  68. Drivers who take others to AA meetings
  69. Ebay
  70. Electricity
  71. Electronic books (so handy!)
  72. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others who devoted their lives to equal rights for women.
  73. Employment in a safe, comfortable place – in a job that lets me serve others
  74. Employment of my wife, son and daughter – in safe, comfortable places in work they enjoy doing
  75. English as my first language – I’m grateful that I can speak English and that the places it is spoken and understood are so vast and varied and that I didn’t have to try to learn it as a second language.
  76. Eye doctors
  77. Eye glass designers, and technicians who help me find some
  78. Eyeglasses
  79. Eyesight that is good and easily corrected to perfect
  80. Faith
  81. Family
  82. Fire
  83. Fire fighters
  84. Five senses – touch, taste, smell, hearing, seeing
  85. (anti) Flea treatments – my life before them was often infested
  86. Food that is affordable, plentiful, safe and interesting
  87. Foster critters and the people who foster them
  88. Freedom of the press
  89. Friends
  90. Funerals, a chance to say goodbye and be present and possibly supportive of other survivors
  91. Gay – being openly, safely gay
  92. Glasses that correct eyesight
  93. God’s Grace that gives me good things I don’t deserve
  94. GPS
  95. Graduations – the ones I’ve achieved, and the ones my loved ones have achieved
  96. Grandparents, especially my mother’s parents, who helped raise me
  97. Gratitude and the ability to appreciate things
  98. Hair straighteners – I wish they had had these when I was young, although maybe a lack of straight hair taught me acceptance.  But I love it now!
  99. Hawaii
  100. Health insurance
  101. Heating pads
  102. Hillary Clinton and the historic campaign
  103. History and the people who recorded and preserved it
  104. Holidays
  105. Home remedies and the wisdom of the ages
  106. House that I love
  107. Imagination
  108. Intelligence
  109. Kittens
  110. Libraries
  111. Lifeguards
  112. Love
  113. Mammography
  114. Medical attention that is some of the best in the world
  115. Medical insurance that is excellent
  116. Medications that are plentiful and affordable
  117. Menopause (especially that I’ve lived this long)
  118. Message boards (internet message boards)
  119. Mobility and the ability to get from place to place
  120. Mouse traps
  121. Movies
  122. Music
  123. My mother
  124. Nail polish
  125. National parks (protected wild spaces)
  126. Nature
  127. Neighbors
  128. Netflix – so much info, so close at hand
  129. Neti pot
  130. Newcomers who make us remember what we’re here for, what is was like, and what we don’t want to return to
  131. Non-violence, the attitude my parents raised me with
  132. Novocaine
  133. Obama – love him, and that I got to see this and participate
  134. Ocean – seen from Hawaii, so beautiful, clean (looking) and warm, and fierce
  135. Oldtimers who don’t drink but keep coming to meetings
  136. Online communities
  137. Paid holidays, vacations and sick leave
  138. Pain killers, and a healthy fear of them
  139. Pain relievers – Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen and aspirin
  140. Pajamas
  141. Parents of people with disabilities, who show me by their example
  142. Parks
  143. Partners (in life, in work)
  144. Patience (my own, and that which is shown to me)
  145. Peace
  146. People of my prayer list
  147. People who back me up
  148. Pepsi
  149. Pets – current, past and future
  150. Pet food
  151. Pet sitters
  152. Photographs, especially those I’ve scanned and “backed up”
  153. Plants – to eat and grow for the yard, for the dog
  154. Poetry and poets
  155. Police
  156. Problems and difficulties that make me think and make me grow and (sometimes) enable me to help others
  157. Puppies
  158. Rain (every living thing needs water)
  159. Rainbows (are cheerful, no matter what)
  160. Reading – the physical and mental ability, and the desire and love
  161. Recycling, often made easy (curbside pick up)
  162. Relapsers who make it back
  163. Religion – freedom of and from
  164. Reporters, journalists and writers who go where I can’t or don’t want to
  165. Restaurants, the people who work them, the money to pay for them, and people to go with
  166. Road crews taking risks in the snow and ice
  167. Roads that are paved, plowed, salted and somewhat safe
  168. Safety – the relative safety of my environment, always
  169. Salt to melt the ice (I try to use it very sparingly, but sometimes it saves my neck)
  170. Scanner to digitize my old pictures
  171. School – good schools, for me and for my kids
  172. Seasons
  173. Second (third, fourth, fifth) chances
  174. Serenity
  175. Shopping over the computer.  I still hate shopping, but at least I can do it in my pajamas.
  176. Siblings – that my daughter has a brother and my son has a sister – that they enjoy each other and spend time together willingly
  177. Smoking – the ability to quit
  178. Snow – beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
  179. Snow tires
  180. Soap
  181. Sobriety
  182. Sonograms and sonogram technicians
  183. Spell check
  184. Spring
  185. Steroids for the itchy dog
  186. Stores – nearby, and well stocked with everything I need or want
  187. Sun and sunlight
  188. Taxes that pay for things we need
  189. Teachers
  190. Television
  191. Text messages that let me avoid talking to people
  192. Thanksgiving (a day for gratitude)
  193. Therapy and therapists
  194. Time
  195. Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  196. Town
  197. Transportation that is safe and available for going places near and far
  198. Tweezers
  199. Twelve and Twelve (Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions)
  200. Two pregnancies, two children
  201. Vaccines
  202. Ventilators (respiratory)
  203. Veterinarians
  204. Video, digital, and film recordings of so many things from the past.
  205. Water that is clean, safe and plentiful, and hot!
  206. Weather forecasts.  Although they can be wrong and wacky, I imagine a time when people had no idea what was coming, or when it would end.
  207. Weather that is safe and varied and not too extreme
  208. Wife
  209. Wireless internet
  210. Work partner Irene who covers for me when I need her to and who has been with me for almost 20 years
  211. Workers – people who I work with who try hard and mean it
  212. Writers who write things for me to read
  213. Yarn that is affordable, plentiful and interesting

36 thoughts on “Gratitude List (214 things I am grateful for)

    • Loved your list of graitudes
      I write a gratitude list each evening but you really have made me realise there is so much more I could add to my daily lists I thank you God bless Lorraine x

  1. Pingback: What Outside Forces Keep You Sober? « Don't Drink and Don't Die

  2. I was intrigued with the list from A to … then I came to Gay. It’s your choice, that’s true. It’s still wrong.

      • I’m sorry you feel that way, and I would also have trouble if the situation was reversed. In case future additions change the numbers, #128 is Obama. I freely admit that I fell way short of being grateful for EVERYTHING good and bad when the President was a shrub.

  3. Pingback: My Gratitude List « Don't Drink and Don't Die

  4. Way too soon to tel if Obama should be on my gratitude list. For now no.. I am grateful for the freedom to comment without fear. I’m also very grateful for the 1st amendment, my grandson and a chance to try to help children in the part of the world where I now reside.

  5. I am grateful for my new consciousness e.g. , that when I dwell in my ego I live with fear; when I dwell on my higher, I I live with love.

  6. Nice List. YOUR list. It’s unfortunate how people feel the need to have to judge and impose their views instead of just “Living and Letting Live.”

  7. I am grateful for AA. I only wish that more people would be willing to participate. My family had a life changing accident with an alcoholic. Not that anyone died, but, it change our entire outlook on life and an extreme prejudice against people who drink to excess. We have removed a whole group of friends from our lives.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to make me think. One thing I have on my list is the Air I breathe.
    That is a daily gratitude to my Creator. Also a few you have…the Sun, Water, my eyesight, the food that our Creator has given us to enjoy and make us healthy.
    Thank you so much for your service work and I’m grateful to you Lydia!!

  9. Pingback: Search Terms that Brought you Here | Don't Drink and Don't Die

  10. Great gratitude list. I have no opinion of your sexual preference, it’s your choice. Enjoy live and live it to the fullest.

  11. Appreciate your list. I do a gratitude list every morning with 5 new entries daily. Although I probably often repeat gratitudes, my list is now close to 4000 entries. This is from someone who before entering the program probably couldn’t have come up with 10 things to be grateful for.

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