Sandwich: Rachel’s Lazy Sandwich

I always had rice or noodles when I was back home. When I started travelling around, having lunch is such a waste of my valuable time when I am visiting one historical sites. From there, I have learned to pack my own lunch if the hostel has a kitchen and buy food before I start the day. Walking around with some friends else where too taught me to pack sandwich for lunch. Winking smile

Since I am not staying in a hostel here, I get to cook my own lunch. But I have limited choice since I prefer to eat just vegetable in the house because Frank is a vegetarian. I have to be honest I get confuse just to cook vegetable alone. I am used to mix meat in all my food.  So I have been eating Cheese Sandwich for lunch and after a month I craved for something warm for lunch just the way I like it.

I decided to make my Fried Egg Cheese Sandwich. Very simple and I enjoyed every bite of it!

Ingredients: Whole Wheat Bread, Jonge Komijnekaas, Smoked Cheese, Chili Sauce, 2 Eggs, Black Pepper


Get 4 slices of bread and make sure you put butter on all 4 sides.

1) Fry the egg sunny side up and put the cheese on it the moment you break the egg in the pan.


2) Wait till the egg is half cooked and the cheese to melt.

3) Put some black pepper or white pepper as you like.

Put the fried egg and cheese on the bread and spread some chilli sauce and you are good to go!!!


Bon Appetit!!!

Rachel Raymond

About Sarawakian in Holland

Borned and breed Sarawakian, now living in the Netherlands.
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