Yes Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 4/3Gs 4.3.5/4.3.4/4.3.3 Using FastSn0w Jailbreak

August 5, 2011 3:52 pm - FastSn0w Tool Can Unlock and Jailbreak iPhone 4 and 3Gs on Any iOs including 4.3.5

Yes you read that right ! The newly released unlock iphone 4/3gs 4.3.5/4.3.4/4.3.3 is FastSn0w 0.9.5b5. All you need is the latest iOS 4.3.5 firmware for iPhone4 and 3Gs or iPod touch 2G (non-MC Models) and you can jailbreak and unlock it using FastSn0w on Windows and Mac. Again, this is strictly for iPhone 4 3Gs and 3G and iPod touch 2G (non-MC models) only.

To Unlock your iPhone Visit The Official website

The iPhone has just released an updated version 0.9.6b2 of FastSn0w which is based on FastRa1n exploit and it can jailbreak and unlock iphone 4/3Gs iOS 4.3.5 on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad and iPod touch 4G / 3G / 2G (Non MC Model only).

Besides, this new version also offers custom boot land recovery logos for the older devices like

iPhone 3GS iPod touch 2G (Non MC), and iPhone 3G, along with the ability to let Windows users restore to a custom IPSW files that are cooked using PwnageTool for Mac.

For either Mac OS X or Windows, this build takes advantage of geohot's recent limera1n exploit (the same used by greenpois0n and PwnageTool), leaving the SHAtter exploit to (hopefully) be saved for another day, according to the Dev-Team Blog.

The instructions are exactly similar to the ones posted earlier for both Windows and Mac OS X users.

One incentive to the development of jailbreaking is the opportunity for many more people to have an iPhone. A bigger incentive to this is that by having the ability to unlock iPhone 4 and 3gs, an owner does not have to be limited to using AT&T as their phone carrier. With an unlocked iPhone , a consumer can easily insert a new SIM card with their preferred carrier and be happy. This rising jailbreak movement will most likely continue to result in a loss of loyal customers for AT&T.
Simply download FastSn0w 0.9.6b2 for Windows or Mac from the links given below, and then follow the complete step by step instructions posted here (for Mac OS X), and here (for Windows) to jailbreak iOS 4.3.5.

For this PR, please contact

David Andrews


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