Feng Shui advice/consultation for business and house from Master Feng or his Consultants   


Seek Advice from the Best

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Are you stuck? Have you been dabbling in Feng Shui by yourself? Have you tried many other Feng Shui consultations, but your life or business is still going no where? It’s time to stop making time wasting, expensive mistakes and to:


If so, why not consider becoming a Feng Shui expert yourself by attending our unique Feng Shui course, and bring along a plan of your premise to the class for case study? It will be like a Panel of Feng Shui consultants, led by Master Feng, doing a consultation for you free of charge – two birds, one stone. One fee, two benefits: Become a World Class Consultant and get a free Consultation.

Still wanting a consultation? Here are:

8 Reasons why you need to let Master Feng or his trained consultants to help you out.

  1. The BEST Feng Shui Consulting Advice – Why? Master Feng knows his subject inside out and he has passed his 20 years of expertise to his trained consultants. He is a Descendant of the Founding Father of Feng Shui – King Wen, and a Pioneer of accelerated Feng Shui practitioner training.  He has a huge following in China, and has been called a ‘Feng Shui Legend and Genius’ by his students, and quoted as “one of the greatest Masters of all time” by The Australian Chinese Age.  He is also known as the creator of the “World’s Best Feng Shui Practitioner Course” and recognised by many as a World Leader in Feng Shui.
  1. Different & unequalled wisdom – From our Feng Shui course syllabus you can see that Master Feng and his personally trained consultants offer you unique wisdom, which you can’t get from any other source, to guide your business or life towards a new and exciting direction.   
  1. You don’t need to pay if you are not happy with our consultations. If, by the end of our Feng Shui consultation, you are still not convinced this is the best Feng Shui advice you have ever received to solve your problems, and worth many times your investment, you don’t need to pay.  However, you can rest assured you will receive the best advice without risking your money.
  1. Successful record & unique experience – “Success stories” in this page are some of the thousands of individuals, business owners and executives that we have helped to get out of stagnant states. Our customers range from public listed companies to small businesses. This means we know something that works for you and we are familiar with all types of personal and business issues.
  1. Our unique research – Through years of research into the world’s most successful individuals and finest Feng Shui wisdom. Master Feng or his consultant knows what it takes to get you there.     
  1. The only Feng Shui Consultants who know all major traditional Feng Shui schools of Feng Shui thought inside and out. Unlike most other Feng Shui consultations which tend to focus on about two or three different types of Feng Shui only.
  1. Flexible Payment Plan – This means you can start a consultation with Master Feng, or his trained consultant even if you don’t wish to make a lump sum payment.
  1. You will get on going support after the consultation at no extra cost. 

Benefits to your business 

This advice could make you tens of thousands of dollars, or hundreds of millions, or who knows, may be billions of dollars, depending on the size of your business and how big you wish to become.

  • Resolve your business problems, set a new direction, move forward and create a successful business that you will be proud of
  • Increase profit
  • Business name that attracts fortune
  • Branding of your business gives you good luck  
  • Feng Shui for sales, marketing and advertising that means more money for you     
  • A great premise that attracts and retain more profitable customers
  • A Layout that makes you more prosperous
  • A design that attracts and retains good staff
  • The colours that attract more business
  • Fewer obstacles, reduced chance of failure and bankruptcy
  • Improve productivity, performance and efficiency;
  • And much, much more…

Call us now and watch your business grow.


Benefits for your home

This advice could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars dependent on how much your property is worth. It’s even more priceless if you can get your life back. 

  • Resolve your life problems, set a new direction, move forward with your life and become the person that you are even more proud of
  • Remove obstacles, clear bad luck vibes for happiness and success  
  • Better relationships and communication, more love and harmony
  • Create or find a good Feng Shui land that gives you more prosperity for the rest of your life and generations to come
    property that offers you the energy for quality and enjoyment of life
  • The Colours, layout and design of the house for Good health and wealth, change your life for the better
  • And much, much more…

Success Stories

“We have enjoyed our best financial year ever and the team all enjoys working in their environment”   Steve Shepherd, Director, Kelly Services (Australia) Ltd 

“Our business has flourished, and doubled its clientele in the last 9 months. Hugh Godman, Director, Royal Ideas & Inventions

'Our work has won first place from among many other competitors world- wide'  James Brearley, Director, Brearley Urban Designers & Architects P/L

Our business began to grow rapidly' Sunny Sun, Managing Director, The Australian Chinese Age Group Pty Ltd

“Through his wisdom we have made some very prosperous investments and avoided some potential pitfalls.' Andrew Grey Weight Loss Consultant,  

'I'm very impressed by Master Feng's profound knowledge and expertise.' Dr Li Zhong Zhang, Senior lecturer, La Trobe University Bendigo


How we conduct the consultation: Over a 2-5 hr consulting session at your premise an MFI consultant will work with you to understand your needs and wants, find out all the Feng Shui problems, and show you how to eliminate them. You can take notes during the consulting session if you desire. We will send a written record of this session to you as a Report.

Our fees are higher than the market price because you will get the most value. You can easily get a consultation for a couple of hundred dollars, or you may get it free from library books. But from experience many of them often turned out to be a very expensive exercise.  

For all enquiries, ring now on
1300 361 678
International + 61 3 54100333

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