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Data organisation

VMap0 provides worldwide coverage of geo-spatial data and is equivalent to a scale of 1:1000000. The data are structured following the Vector Product Format (VPF) and can be downloaded from the NGA VMAP0 download page. Most of the Maps-For-Free layers are based on one of the thematic data vmap0 layers which are describe in the following.

bnd - Boundary: Political boundaries and names, ocean areas and names, coastlines
dq - Data quality (included mostly for tile references, so can refer back to original data
elev - Elevation: Contour lines and point elevations
hydro - Hydrography: Rivers, streams, canals, lakes, wet areas, wells, dams, rocks and wrecks in water
ind - Industrial: Mines, oil and gas fields, fisheries, storage features
phys - Physical: Ground surface, cliffs, depression, land and sea ice
pop - Population Features: Cities, towns, villages, landmark buildings, settlements, monuments
trans - Transportation: Roads, railroads, trails, airports, airstrips, transportation structures
util - Utilities: Pipelines, utility lines, power plants, substations, pumping stations
veg - Vegetation: Cropland, grassland, scrub/brush, swamps, bogs, forests, tundra

Political Boundary Point Features (bnd/polbndp)

f_code (text) nam (text) na2 (text) na3 (text)
FACC Feature Code
FA001: Administrative Area
UNK: No entry present
Second Name
AC: Antigua and Barbuda, AQ: American Samoa, AV: Anguilla, BD: Bermuda, BF: The Bahamas, BH: Belize, CA: Canada, CJ: Cayman Islands, CO: Colombia, CS: Costa Rica, CU: Cuba, CW: Cook Islands, DO: Dominica, DR: Dominican Republic, EC: Ecuador, ES: El Salvador, FJ: Fiji, FP: French Polynesia, GL: Greenland, GP: Guadeloupe, HA: Haiti, HO: Honduras, IC: Iceland, JM: Jamaica, JQ: Johnston Atoll, KQ: Kingman Reef, KR: Kiribati, LQ: Palmyra Atoll, MH: Montserrat, MQ: Midway Islands, MX: Mexico, NU: Nicaragua, NZ: New Zealand, PC: Pitcairn Islands, RQ: Puerto Rico, RS: Russia, SC: Saint Kitts and Nevis, TK: Turks and Caicas Islands, TN: Tonga, US: United States, VI: British Virgin Islands, VQ: Virgin Islands, WF: Wallis and Futuna, WQ: Wake Island, WS: Samoa
Classification Name
A: Asia, E: Europe, N: North America, S: South America, U: Australian Area

Coastline Line Features (bnd/coastl)

f_code (text) acc (integer) exs (integer)
FACC Feature Code
FA001: Coastline/Shoreline
Accuracy Category
0: Unknown, 1: Accurate, 2: Approximate
Existence Category
0: Unknown, 1: Definite, 44: Approximate/About, 55: Unexamined/Unsurveyed

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