Entity Framework: Sorting EntitySets According to parent-child relationship using Context properties

Posted on June 5, 2009. Filed under: Entity Framework |

Some month ago while I was working with Entity Framework V1 in data access layer, Client ask me to make a backup of the db  from a generic place. Because client wants a flexibility to use any db storage(MS Sql server ,MySql, may be VistaDB ) with same schema. So I need to make a backup system from a generic place. So what I did (I don’t know it was a good idea or not) was that, I serialized the all the EntitySet graphs and store into some files and then compressed and encrypt them in a single file.  So, when a user wants to restore the DB , I need to  decrypt and de-serialized all the entity objects and attach or add the DB . To attach or Add I have to maintain the order of parent child relationship. So When I store in into File(what I say as Backup) I follow the parent child relationship of the Entity set and maintain the order like – Root First and then The child. During restore I also have to do the reverse way. I mean to say I have attch or add the child first and then the parent. So to do that I have sort the entity set in a parent Child relationship. To make this, first I make a dictionary where I find the references of each entity set. So the key was the Type entity set and value is List of Type of Entity Set those are references the the key Entity set.

/// <summary>
/// Get Current Relationship Dictionary of Entites
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Dictionary of Current Entites</returns>
public static Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> GetCurrentDBEntityRelationshipChildren<T>() where T : ObjectContex
        //Take a dictionary
        Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> objectCollection = new Dictionary<Type, List<Type>>();
        //Get al properties contex
        PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();

        foreach (var item in properties)
            //Pickup the properties only those represent entitys of database   
            if (item.PropertyType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(ObjectQuery)))
                //Get Propety value 
                Type entityType = item.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First(); ;
                if (null != entityType)
                        AddToDictionary(objectCollection, entityType, null);
                        PropertyInfo[] entityProperties = entityType.GetProperties();

                        foreach (var entityProp in entityProperties)
                            if (entityProp.PropertyType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(RelatedEnd))) //Collection Property
                                #region Detail Reference - Add on "* to 1" relationship
                                Type detail = entityProp.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First();
                                if (null != detail)
                                    AddToDictionary(objectCollection, entityType, detail);
                                }//end if 
                            else if (entityProp.PropertyType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(EntityReference)))
                                #region Master referance - Add on "1 to 1" relationship
                                bool addInDictionary = false;
                                Type master = entityProp.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First();
                                if (null != master)
                                        IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> props = master.GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(EntityReference)));
                                        if (null != props && props.Count() > 0)
                                            foreach (var p in props)
                                                if (p.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().FirstOrDefault().Equals(entityType)
                                                     && p.PropertyType.BaseType.Equals(typeof(EntityReference))
                                                     && !IsInDictionary(objectCollection, master, entityType))
                                                    addInDictionary = true;
                                    catch (System.Reflection.TargetException ex)
                                        throw ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler.WrapException(ex, ErrorCodes.DB_EntityRelationship_Error_Code);
                                    catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
                                        throw ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler.WrapException(ex, ErrorCodes.DB_EntityRelationship_Error_Code);
                                    if (addInDictionary)
                                        AddToDictionary(objectCollection, entityType, master);
                                }//end if
                    }//end try
                    catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
                        throw ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler.WrapException(ex, ErrorCodes.DB_EntityRelationship_Error_Code);
                    catch (EntityException ex)
                        throw ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler.WrapException(ex, ErrorCodes.DB_EntityRelationship_Error_Code);
                }//end if 

            }//end if 
        }//end foreach
        //return the dictionary od priority list
        return objectCollection;
    catch (Exception ex)
        throw ErrorHandling.ErrorHandler.WrapException(ex, ErrorCodes.DB_EntityRelationship_Error_Code);

#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Add Value into into Dictionary on checking old data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Dictionary">Dictionary</param>
/// <param name="Key">Key</param>
/// <param name="Value">Value</param>
private static void AddToDictionary(Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> Dictionary, Type Key, Type Value)
    if (Dictionary.ContainsKey(Key))
        List<Type> prevValue = Dictionary[Key] as List<Type>;
        if (prevValue != null && null != Value)
            Dictionary[Key] = prevValue;
        }//end if 
    {//add new entry with default priority
        if (null != Value)
            Dictionary.Add(Key, new List<Type>() { Value });
            Dictionary.Add(Key, new List<Type>());
    }//end else        
/// <summary>
/// Is in dictionary ?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Dictionary"></param>
/// <param name="key"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static bool IsInDictionary(Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> Dictionary, Type key, Type value)
    if (Dictionary.ContainsKey(key))
        foreach (var item in (Dictionary[key] as List<Type>))
            if (item.Equals(value))
                return true;
    return false;

Now I  was going to  Sort this Using an Sorting algorithm , To make that First I  declared a enum –

public enum EnitySetRefType
    None = 0x00,
    ReferencedBy = 0x01,
    RefAndRefBy = 0x02,
    References = 0x04

And make a Wrapper class  Of EntitySet Like this –

/// <summary>
/// Wrapper class of EntitySet
/// </summary>
public class EntitySetTypeWrapper
    #region Data Members

    // member variables
    public static int MaxLen;
    public static readonly SortedList<string, EntitySetTypeWrapper> sortedList = new SortedList<string, EntitySetTypeWrapper>();

    // Instance variables
    private List<string> _referencedBy = new List<string>();
    private EnitySetRefType _refType;
    private string _name;


    #region Properites

    /// <summary>
    /// Get/Set for ReferencedBy
    /// </summary>
    public List<string> ReferencedBy
        get { return (_referencedBy); }
        set { _referencedBy = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Get/Set for RefType
    /// </summary>
    public EnitySetRefType RefType
        get { return (_refType); }
        set { _refType = value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Get/Set for Name
    /// </summary>
    public string Name
        get { return (_name); }
        set { _name = value; }


    #region Constructor

    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="row"></param>
    private EntitySetTypeWrapper(string _name)
        Name = _name;
        if (Name.Length > MaxLen)
            MaxLen = Name.Length;



    #region Methods - Private
    /// <summary>
    /// Private Method
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="referenceType"></param>
    private void AddRefType(EnitySetRefType referenceType)
        if (_refType == EnitySetRefType.RefAndRefBy)

        _refType |= referenceType;

        if (_refType == (EnitySetRefType.ReferencedBy | EnitySetRefType.References))
            _refType = EnitySetRefType.RefAndRefBy;

Now What I have to do , I should make a Comparer class to sort the entity set Using this wrapper class . So I make a class named EntityInfoComparer  which is inherited from IComparer<EntitySetTypeWrapper>

public class EntityInfoComparer : IComparer<EntitySetTypeWrapper>
    /// <summary>
    /// Compare Two Entity
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x"></param>
    /// <param name="y"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int Compare(EntitySetTypeWrapper x, EntitySetTypeWrapper y)
        // Invalid Data
        if ((x == null) || (y == null))
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid data type");

        // Objects are the Same
        if (x == y)
            return (0);

        // Sort by Category Number - Object X is in a LOWER Categroy than Object Y
        if (x.RefType < y.RefType)
            return (-1);

        // Sort by Category Number - Object X is in a HIGHER Categroy than Object Y
        if (x.RefType > y.RefType)
            return (1);

        // Sort by Category Number - Object X and Object Y are in the SAME Category
        // Is this a Category 3
        if (x.RefType == EnitySetRefType.RefAndRefBy)
            if (IsInReferenceList(y.Name, x))
                return (-1);

            if (IsInReferenceList(x.Name, y))
                return (1);

        // As a last resort sort by name
        return CompareName(x, y);

    /// <summary>
    /// Compare Two Entity
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">First Entity Defination</param>
    /// <param name="y">Second Entity Defination</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static int CompareName(EntitySetTypeWrapper x, EntitySetTypeWrapper y)
        return (x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name));

    /// <summary>
    /// Is in Reference List?
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="entityName">Name of Entity</param>
    /// <param name="entityInfo">Entity Defination</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static bool IsInReferenceList(string entityName, EntitySetTypeWrapper entityInfo)
        // Nothing to compare
        if (entityInfo.ReferencedBy.Count == 0)
            return (false);

        // This Entity is Referenced By Entity 
        if (entityInfo.ReferencedBy.Contains(entityName))
            return (true);

        // Recursive call
        foreach (string childEntityName in entityInfo.ReferencedBy)
            // Looking for a child of this entity
            if (IsInReferenceList(entityName, EntitySetTypeWrapper.sortedList[childEntityName]))
                return (true);

        return (false);

So , Going to sort using the above dictionary and wrapper class of entity set.So I am going to write an static mathod who First make a dictionary using the method GetCurrentDBEntityRelationshipChildren and then make a SortedList<string, EntitySetTypeWrapper> using the dictionary contents and at the end I sort the SortedList using EntityInfoComparer.

/// <summary>
/// Create a sorted EntitySet list
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static List<EntitySetTypeWrapper> CreateSortedEntityListOnChildFirst<T>() where T : ObjectContext
    // Retrieve Tables and Foreign Key Relationships
    //DataSet dataSet = GetDatabaseTableInformation();
    Dictionary<Type, List<Type>> entries = GenericDataAccessHelper.GetCurrentDBEntityRelationshipChildren<T>();

    // Add All Tables to a List
    foreach (Type key in entries.Keys)
        EntitySetTypeWrapper tableInfo = new EntitySetTypeWrapper(key.Name);
        sortedList.Add(tableInfo.Name, tableInfo);

    // Find Reference Table Information For Each Table
    foreach (var item in entries)
        EntitySetTypeWrapper entityInfo = sortedList[(item.Key as Type).Name];

        List<Type> valueRange = item.Value as List<Type>;
        if (null != valueRange && valueRange.Count > 0 && entityInfo != null)
            foreach (var value in valueRange)
                string childTable = value.Name;

                if (childTable.Equals(entityInfo.Name))

                // Add Child Table to Current Table
                if (!entityInfo.ReferencedBy.Contains(childTable))

                    // Add Reference Type Enumeration For Both Referenced and Referenced By Tables
            }//end foreach
        // Sort Referenced By Tables By Name
    // Perform the Sort with the Custom Sorter
    List<EntitySetTypeWrapper> list = new List<EntitySetTypeWrapper>(sortedList.Values);
    list.Sort(new EntityInfoComparer());

    return (list);

That’s the end of  story here…Still its working good with the Domain models of Entity set .  Hope it will help you also. Feel free if you wanna comment on this.

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