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Six Flags Magic Mountain, Los Angeles, Saturday, September 26th, 1-866-Dial-MFD

Celebrate Eid at the World's most thrilling theme park!
This mega American-Muslim event is organized by ICNA in 8 cities. In Southern California, Six Flags Magic Mountain will be the venue for this fun filled day where thousands are expected to attend.

TIME RUNNING OUT: Buy now, save money & time!
Online ticket sales are ending in 36 hours! Buy your tickets now to avoid paying extra and standing in lines at the gates! Due to park restrictions tickets are limited. Click here NOW!

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Only 5 booths are available. Reserve now! BREAKING NEWS: The vendor can keep 100% of sales amount.

What are others saying about MFD?
xSharingan01x: For the first time in my life I did not feel like a minority in US. I was surprised at how many people showed up! About 10,000 Muslims came to the Six Flags I went to the one in LA. The whole atmosphere was filled with joy...

Fathima Gani-darouich: I am so excited that I can go on the rides Inshallah. Last year, I was seven months pregnant, but I still had a blast with my family. I have never seen so many Muslims at one place before. The experience was awesome!!!!!! Alhamdulillah

Lubna Lasne: My daughter is really excited about the Muslim day at Six Flags. She says eventually we get to eat Halal food at six flags rather than just eating cheese pizza. Inshallah looking forward to it.

Sana K: MashaAllah it was a wonderful event, ICNA did an excellent job in providing this opportunity to Muslims here. My kids has a blast and this one Eid they will always remember, inshaAllah!
Buy Immediately!
Nelo Mercedes Mclaren: What a fun day with awesome weather. Great event and was worth it. =]
Sabrina Dahak: can't wait! counting down everyday :))

Vicky Younis: wow i am so happy thir doing it again man it it gona b so much fun..... Im so glad... Hope to c u all their.

Anila Ali: Sounds like riot!

Saher Pasta:omgomgomg i might be able to make it this event considering i might be in LA yayyyy :) Im excitedd.

Kristen Joy McCrumby: I say im gonna go every year

Adel Kamel:

Ebad 'Ebadly' Saghar: FINALY!!!! I am soooo happy to finally see huge companies and businesses acknowledging muslims. I'm hella going to attend this.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi: Roller coaster rides seem to be an addiction. Once you've been on one, you want another. You just dare yourself for the extreme!

imuslim: I had to hold my hijab on a ride and bite on to my niqab (although I really wanted to scream!). So while everyone else was screaming, I was concentrating on my hijab?it made the ride far easier though!! 

kd: MashaAllah, the event was amazing! It's such a great feeling to be around so many Muslims and makes me wish there were more events, such as this one, uniting us all throughout the year. May Allah facilitate this for the ummah in America inshaAllah and may Allah bless ICNA for their great work! Ameen!

Atiat Lamptey: ALLAHU AKBAR!!! the park will belong to the Muslims....we went last year and had a serious blast...Masha Allah!!

Safiyyah Edley: wondering if it will be like last year...we had a blast out here in CALI, alhamdulillah

Rahmah Qadriyah Popal: I'm going to make it, along with my other thousands of family members and friends (lol) inshaa'Allah.

Hebba Saker: i went too..i had a blast beign around people of my religion...the lines were incredibly small for the roller coasters.

Hend Ibrahim: I was there too, It was AMAZING, I loved being there with my Muslim sisters/brothers, I felt everyone is my family, the food was delicious, everything was just great mashaa Allah
Hira Awan: SounNDDzz LIke DUnn 2 Meee.. DEf. CUMMIN!!!! DISCoUnnttt ... RIDEzz... FUN!!! WOohhoOoO!!!!!!!!!!!