Welfare drug testing to be introduced in Oklahoma

welfare drug testing. Following in the steps of others like Florida, Missouri and Arkansas, Oklahoma representative Guy Liebmann wants mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients, and will introduce the bill in the 2012 legislative session. Applicants who test positive for controlled substances will have to get treatment or give up their benefits for a year. Unsurprisingly, the controversial proposal is receiving overwhelming support from some areas. Others state the face that DHS estimates 22,000 Oklahomans receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Such drug testing may pose a huge burden for an already cash strapped Department of Human Services – “If somebody is not willing to undergo a drug test, should we be really trying to help them,” said Laura Alhers. Rep. Guy Liebmann says no. He is proposing everyone who accepts government assistance say no to drugs. “We are facing a significant shortfall next year about $32 million and that is significant, so anything like this would result in a significant impact for us,” said Guy Beutler, a DHS spokesperson. Beutler said DHS is willing to work with Liebmann’s office to ensure the bill doesn’t prevent some 18,000 Oklahoman children from getting benefits. There is the usual outcry that this is an invasion of privacy, and the questions previously mentioned as to how we can ensure this won’t affect children from receiving benefits, but on the whole there is a lot of support for this proposal. With the economy still suffering, and unemployment staying at high levels, taxpayers want to ensure that their money is being well spent.]]>

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