Holy Cuffs

All finished making the holy cowl and scratching your head as to what to make with the leftover yarn?  Look no further.

Grab that skein of Lion Brand Natural Choice Organic yarn (these are in mustard),   Size 10 straight needles, and a darning needle.  They’ll be finished before you can say “Did I really just watch back to back episodes of America’s Next Top Model?”

Cast on 20 stitches (with a single strand) and follow this stitch pattern:

Row 1:  K1 ( yo, k3tog, yo, k3).  continue () to last 7 stitches. yo, k3tog, yo, k4.

Row 2: Purl

Row 3:  K4 (yo, k3tog, yo, k3).  Continue () to last 4 stitches.  yo, k3tog, yo, k1.

Row 4:  Purl

Continue rows 1-4 until the cuffs measure 7 inches long.  End with a Row 1 or Row 3.  Bind off.

Fold the cuffs in half with the right side facing in and stitch a seam from the bind off edge for 4 1/2″.  Leave about 1 1/4″ opening in the seam for a thumb hole.  Then stitch the rest of the seam.

I wore mine last night with the cowl and a friend told me I looked like a knitting super hero.  I’ve been called worse so I’m taking it as a compliment.  While they may not be the most practical accessory,  they’re a perfect use for leftovers and I think every good knit should be part of a matched set.

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  1. wendy

     /  April 27, 2010

    These are great pieces! They look fantastic. I can’t wait to try the patterns out. Thanks for sharing them with us. (Found a link on Ravelry.)

  2. Jordan Haggard

     /  April 28, 2010

    HOLY COWL, you are awesome! I need to take my mom to Shepherd’s Cross. That is basically her life dream. Love your blog, friend!

    • Yes – we should to make a day of it. They offer mother daughter discounts on all their classes! Thanks friend.

  3. susie

     /  February 13, 2011

    We need a hat!!!!!


  4. Shaly Loveless

     /  August 10, 2011

    Please. I am really trying to bind off with a row 1 or 3, but I can’t why please help me…. Shaly..

    Thanks in advance….

    • Hi Shaly, You can really bind off at any point, but the lace pattern looks best if you bind off after a row 1 or 3. Work a row of the lace pattern, then use the following knit row as your bind off. Hope that clears up the confusion, I’ll take a look at the pattern and see if it needs some revising. Happy Knitting!

  5. Linda

     /  December 5, 2011

    Do you have a video of yourself making this pattern? I have been trying to knit the cowl and I can’t get it. I am very new at knitting and I find that a video is very helpful.

  6. i have tried to copy the holy cowl pattern twice all 17 pages & twice it stops printing after page 6 Help

  7. Linda

     /  December 9, 2011

    so sorry feel like such a dummie

  8. I’m about to knit the “gloves” but in the pattern you have a big O and I don’t know what that means. Could you please help because I want to get started as soon as possible!

    • Hi Joanne, I think the big ‘O’ is just two parenthesis back to back. () – Just repeat the lace pattern again until the end of the row. Hope that helps!

  9. Emily

     /  February 26, 2012

    i am going to make holy cowl and holy Cuffs and give them to my ganny

  10. Bev

     /  January 23, 2013

    For the Holy Cowl, what does it mean or how do you cast on holding the yarn doubled?

  11. Mikki Flowers

     /  March 15, 2013

    If it says yo, knit 3 do you do the yarn over once or onallmthree of the knitted stitches?

  12. harriet tabachnick

     /  May 7, 2013

    I bought the organic yarn to make this cowl..used size 13 needles..and i couldnt get the needle thru 3 stitches to k3 tog..too tight and it wouldnt go thru..so put the yarn away and hopefully can use it for something else..tried and tried


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