During the course of your interview, you may be asked many different questions. We have provided for you a sample list of questions that are sometimes asked of the candidates during interviews. Please note that this list is not intended to be a complete, all-inclusive list. It is provided for informational purposes only. Please close this window when you are finished.
Tell me about yourself.
You can see on my resume some of my experiences and accomplishments in college and the military, but here are some things the resume doesn't tell you about me: I grew up in Moline, Illinois. Probably the greatest influence on my life is my father. He enlisted into the military when he was 16. He did not have a very good start as a child. But, all his life, I watched him work hard, lead by example, and continuously improve himself. Today he is the plant manager for a medium size company in Illinois. Throughout my life, I have followed his example.

Why are you leaving your current job?
ABC is a fine company. But their progression within the industry is not what I had anticipated. I enjoy the work and I have learned a great deal from my experience and improved my skills. And I look forward sharing those experiences with your company and assisting you in reaching your corporate goals.

Why did you choose your college?
Illinois State University agreed with my personality. It was smaller than other state schools with smaller class sizes. Its mission was to educate undergraduates, not conduct postgraduate research. I knew all my professor's names and they knew mine.

Why did you choose your major?
I chose Mathematics and Economics because I enjoyed theoretical and analytical studies, and I knew that they would serve as a sound base for problem solving.

What is your leadership style?
I build a team. Leadership is about dealing with problems. I make folks a part of the solution by letting them make the decisions they are capable of making and when that is not possible listening to their input and letting them know why I make the decisions I make.

Tell me about the most significant problem that you have solved.
At Fort Lewis, I designed the warehouse portion of a system to manage repair parts. My system will save Fort Lewis $500,000 monthly. I am especially proud of this accomplishment because in order to succeed, I had to tie together my knowledge of the Army supply system, Army structure, a new computer system and people to form a synergetic solution. I also had to work as a team member to insure that my portion of the solution would not interfere with the other pieces, and finally I also had to sell the idea.

What are your strengths?
I am an excellent problem solver. I take an analytical approach and I get the team involved. Also, I know how to motivate a team and create enthusiasm in a group.

What are your weaknesses?
I look at a weakness, as areas for improvement. I am a very positive person and always look to better myself. You can never have enough education and that is an area that I am always looking to improve. I try to register for at least one class every semester.

Give me an example of when you motivated a group?
As the repair parts chief of a new logistics headquarters I motivated my new team to perform its best. We had the quickest start and the fewest problems. I did this by establishing the values and setting direction and goals. I then lead by example becoming a subject matter expert in my field and being on the floor. People respect that.

Tell me what you would do if you could not motivate someone?
Sometimes there are personal problems, which distract folks. I believe people are good and want to do a good job. If a person has a problem, I help them solve it. As a last resort, I would assist them in finding employment elsewhere, because my company will not be a welfare organization.

How do you feel about unions?
Unions were established to protect the individual worker. I think that sometimes they lose sight of that goal. I can work with them though. The way that Army officers deal with individual soldiers is quite similar.

How do you feel about shift work?
I am open. I can take advantage of the off time to pursue other interests outside of work.

If I asked your last supervisor what your greatest asset was, what would they say?
I don't know when to quit. I give 100% effort and don't leave anything left undone when the day is over. I can get rather passionate about my work, as I believe everyone should.

Why did you join the Military?
I needed a way to pay for college and gain some working experience. Also, for patriotic reasons and because I wanted some adventure before I settled down.

Why are you leaving the Military?
I am leaving the military because I am not being developed to my full potential. I like the people and the organization, but I am ready to move on to bigger challenges.

What would you bring to this company?
The primary motivation of the military is readiness the ability to wage war. Every decision I made had that objective in mind even though it sometimes conflicted with my personal goals or other individual goal. General Robert Wood Johnson's credo is Customers, Employees, Community, and Stockholders. The primary motivation of your organization is to create maximum long-term wealth for the company owners. I would find sound analytical solutions, and build enthusiasm with the people I work with to implement the solutions that achieves that credo.

What happens when you must start an unpopular program?
I think the most important aspect of implementing an unpopular program is setting the example. When I implement an unpopular program, I explain its significance in terms of its objectives and how they relate to the company values. I then set the example.

What kind of work are you looking for?
I am looking for a job that will challenge me each day. I enjoy interacting with people, and when appropriate I like to help them solve problems. I also want to grow professionally and be paid appropriately for my success.

Tell me about a time you failed.
I don't look at any experience as a failure. Now I have pushed my self to the point were I have chose goals which I could not achieve at a specific point in my life, but failure is just another step on the way to success.

What motivates you?
I like attaining team goals, as well as individual daily goals that I set for myself. I view reaching these goals as a personal reward for serving my team. I want to be a great service to the team.

Sell me this pen.
Sir I would like to thank you for seeing me today. The reason I stopped by I wanted to let you know about this special pen offer. My company has produced this pen for 20 years and as you know it is the quintessential business pen. My company has recently acquired a machine that can fashion in stainless steel your companies logo right here, and I think that pen would be used with pride by your employees and clients. And because we are introducing this new concept, we can let you take advantage of an introductory offer with an investment of $10 per unit when you order 1000 or more. How do you feel about getting such a fine symbol of your companies success at such a fine price? How many should we order for you?

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