Archive for the ‘most popular’ Tag

Favorites now available

favorites starWe’ve added favorites to let users easily find the stuff they like. It’s a good start, but it might be confusing since it’s not fully implemented as… say YouTube favorites.

Anyone will be able to see your favorites just like they can see your mixes. But you’ll have to be signed-in to add / remove favorites. This isn’t our grand conspiracy to hook-in users; it just takes more time to make this work a) without refreshing the page and b) when you’re not signed in. With this iteration, you can favorite a mix without interrupting the music. And with over 700 pages of live mixtapes, something useful was required *ASAP* 😉

On a side note, many people have asked about ratings and most popular type features. Our current goals flow down a slightly different path for now, so we’re going to be rolling out features based on favorites & fan/follow. There’s a few more coming soon that we’re pretty excited about… like, omg-level (to us). Hopefully you’ll like ’em too.