Could You Train for A Half Marathon in 4 Weeks?

Here’s hoping I can. At the beginning of the year I signed up for three races to start the year off. A 10K, Half Marathon and 10-miler all by April 3rd. The thinking was it would help me stay on track and motivated. Well, life gets in the way sometimes and I haven’t been diligent with my training. Between wedding planning, IT band issues and the weather, training fell by the wayside.

But I still have that half on the calendar in 4 weeks. I hate to let registration fees go to waste, so I plan to hit training hard and do the best I can.

I started this morning with a 4-mile interval run at the gym and it felt great!  Here is the plan for the next 4 weeks:

  • 3-4 mile interval run 203 days a week
  • Long run once a week (7, 9, 10)
  • Yoga 1-2 days a week

The good news is that I will hopefully do more Half marathons throughout the year, and this way I will have no where to go but up!

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