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Interior Design Courses & Workshops


... a Hertfordshire based interior design company


Do you want to decorate your room and don't know where to start?

Do you collect interior design magazines, hoping that one day your home will be that stunning?

Do you want help, but don't want to sign up for a correspondence based Interior Design course?

Do you want the help now, without years of detailed study?

Well, we can help you...

... with a range of talks available, from our 15 minute taster sessions which briefly show how you can change from one type of design scheme to another with minimal fuss, through to our interior design workshop, "Design Your Room". All are based on the experiences of Interior designer Caroline Howden of MCH Interiors and designed to empower you in the shortest possible time.

Each workshop and seminar has a limited number of places so that you can have one-to-one help and time to ask individual questions. It's like having your own personal designer!


"Design Your Room" Interior Design Course

Learn How To ...

These interior design workshops enable you to identify the look you want to achieve as a whole, for a room of your choice, and with the benefit of an interior designer's experience gained over 10 years.
A time and cost saving way that allows you to see the realistic possibilities before you make any real mistakes as we highlight what works well and show you what to avoid.

These 'half-day' sessions - run from 10.00 - 3.00pm

The format of the workshops are:

Part I

First, a 2 hour talk covering the interior design planning process, visual tricks plus information on colours and how they affect us.

Then you learn about creating a 'mood board' and why it is useful.

Following a break for lunch there is a hands-on session where you will create your own ‘mood board’ for the room of your choice.

During this session there is one-to-one time where you can discuss your home and and get help on any specific interior design problem you may have.

The cost of the session is £45 each and includes tea & coffee on arrival and all materials.

This workshop is also available through Activity Superstore - Book Here.

These workshops are held at
Mill Green Golf club

Check Dates and Availability


REMEMBER - You get individual attention with a maximum class size of 14 - Places limited!
Also, you have the chance to put your questions to the designer - effectively a “free” consultation

Minimum group size 8.

Part II

First, a 2 hour session which covers colour schemes with actual examples plus information on flooring and lighting.

Following lunch there is a hands-on session where you will create a ‘colour board’ for your chosen room based on
the 'mood board' and questionnaire completed in Part I.

During this session help is always at hand to point you in the right direction and ensure that your 'colour board' design is suitable for your chosen room

As in Part I you can discuss any specific interior design problem you may have with your home.

The cost of the session which also includes tea and coffee, a buffet lunch and all materials is £60 each.

These workshops are held at the
MCH Interiors studio in Welwyn, Hertfordshire
so giving you access to hangers and pattern books of suppliers including -
Scutt & Coles, Today Interiors, Linwood Fabrics, Malabar,
GP & J Baker, Warwick Fabrics

Check Dates and Availability


REMEMBER - You get individual attention with a maximum class size of 6 - Places limited!
Fabric and wallpaper samples available!

Minimum group size 4.

Interior Design Seminars

Helping you design your own home more successfully!

Join us for a range of specialised talks covering the key rooms in your home:


These are seminars concentrate on an individual room in your home and include information on designing for the space to help you develop your own signature style. Numbers at these detailed 3 hour long sessions are limited to enable you to receive the individual guidance you need.

At only £40 per person per seminar this is also a fantastic idea for a gift!

In the KITCHEN seminar you discover how to plan the design process, consider relevant issues and how to choose materials. As well as general hints and tips there are examples of the issues highlighted by mood boards along with designs and photos of an actual project.

The LIVING/DINING ROOM seminar covers suggestions for colour, design & layout, general information on accessories together with examples of suitable colour schemes and ideas about how to add colour and interest to your neutral room.

The BEDROOM seminar covers suggestions for colour, design & layout, general information on accesories together with examples of suitable colour schemes and suggestions about how to add colour and texture to your neutral room.

Ensuite bathroom In the BATHROOM seminar you discover how to plan the process, consider relevant issues and how to select materials. As well as general information there will be examples of several of the issues hightlighted by mood boards, designs and photos of an actual project.


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