Melanie Hack shares healing thoughts

Do you feel like Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?

With all the terrifying and tumultuous world events and financial crises, it’s easy to feel that way. Yes, keeping up with the news these days can be quite upsetting…and heavy.

My siblings and I grew up with either radio or TV news as a regular pastime. The idea was to keep informed of worldly events and spark debate to keep us thinking. So I love watching the news (sometimes to the dismay of my teenagers and hubby – “You’re watching the news again!”)

Recently my sixteen-year-old daughter and fourteen-year-old son sat beside me and watched the news with me—dare I say I was thrilled?! And on occasion my hubby will watch the news with me…but never in the evening because it elevates his blood pressure and makes it hard for him to sleep (and being an on-air personality he definitely needs his shut-eye so he can be up at 4:30AM weekdays).

So in my household we are acutely aware of maintaining a healthy balance between staying well informed and being emotionally (and physically) healthy.

Ask yourself if you are learning anything from the newscast; otherwise turn it off if you find you are getting emotionally wrapped up in “bad stuff”.

Are you anxious and worried and holding on to images of disaster and despair? Do you feel like weeping?

If so, try wading through the Internet and reading headlines instead—choose what you want to read or skip.

And take time for downtime before sleeping…watch a full moon climb through the sky (we had a full moon a few days ago)…enjoy the stars (my son has an app that shows him and tells him what the constellations are)…now tell me what a gloriously gorgeous planet we inhabit. How lucky we are to be here!

Yes, there is destruction and despair all around, but just for a moment breathe in the beauty all around you.

Melanie Hack
Author of Who Killed My Sister, My Friend
Read an excerpt now
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August 17th, 2011 at 8:20 am