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Some explanation... Most of these articles are prophecies that were received by Dr. Mary Craig, sometimes while in prayer, sometimes during group Bible studies, most often during worship times, many times when not expected. Some of these are from messages Dr. Craig has given in emails, newsletters, in meetings, or for this website.

Keep in mind that the biblical meaning of "prophecy" does not specifically mean "the predicting of events," but rather, "speaking forth for God under the leading of the Holy Spirit." These prophecies are NOT equivalent to, nor do they have the authority of God's written word. They are not inspired in the same way, nor infallible as the Word of God is. If you believe anything here conflicts with God's Word you can ignore it. See the articles below for more on what we (those of us in this ministry) believe the prophetic gift is according to God's Word under the New Covenant in Christ.

These are not predictive prophecies, for the most part. If you are looking for what God is saying to His Church (His redeemed ones in Christ), to Israel and to the nations then we believe you will find what is here, if sifted through your own pursuit of God and the study of His word, to be stirring, sobering, and edifying as you draw closer and closer to Him in preparation for His coming.

As you read the messages, note that some of those which are prophecies were addressed to Dr. Mary while some were addressed to others. We believe that the messages we have posted here are also meant for the Body of Christ in general.

Important -- Titles that are underlined are followed by only excerpts of the full prophecy. The titles have been added by the webmaster in order to identify the words received. They are not part of what was received. Click on the red underlined title of these prophecies to view the full article.

The web manager/editor

Understanding the Prophetic Today

Who do you believe? And what do you believe? Different messages, differing advice, all claiming to be the truth. What word do you swallow? What word do you follow?

Lately, I have noticed much confusion and abuse in the area of prophetic gifting. I find people claiming to be in the office of prophet clinging to OT ways, misunderstanding the office for today. I find others wounded by "words" taken as the very Word of God from the mouths of "prophets." I find abuses of the phrase, "the Holy Spirit says," "I speak for the Holy Spirit and God," "I am the voice of God to you," etc.... moreClick

Discerning the True From the False Prophet

Prophets speak for some god or another, either the god of "self," Satan, or the One True and Living God, the Creator. The true prophet is to speak right things about the true God. In both OT and NT, the idea is to present and honor God consistent with His nature and purposes. It's all about sources... self, Satan, or the Spirit of the Lord. It's all about words.. .ours, demons', or the Word of the Lord. It's all about whose authority is being' asserted.. .ours (self), Satan's (lies and falsehoods), or the Word of the Living God.

Every true believer in Christ today speaks and prays prophetically. Be sanctified by the truth of the Word, for the sins and wounds of the heart taint communication with the true God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Love truth at all costs, for in these last days, many will be deceived. (2 Thessalonians 2)....

[Editor's note: See 2001, Prophetic Perspective, for the message received by Mary regarding words, prophets, signs, and wonders.]

When the Prophet Prays

Because the sins and wounds of our heart taint our prayer life, we must pray for the heart, our own, above all.

. . .

Presumption is the main pitfall of the Christian in relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We must never presume on our relationship with the Godhead.

We might ask, "What happens when the prophet prays?" To begin, let's look at Jeremiah 15:16:

Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your word was to me the
Joy and rejoicing of my heart; for I am called by Your name,
O Lord God of hosts. (NKJV)



Israel/Jerusalem: Some of the words received: This is a compilation from the entire prophetic section of many of the words received concerning Israel and Jerusalem from 2000 to the present.

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Run with Me. Enjoy Me.
Run with Me. Enjoy Me. All of heaven and earth is Mine. I am not confined. Do I not fill heaven and earth? Is not the earth the footstool and heaven My throne? Where can you go where My presence is not? Am I not a God who is both near and far? Run with Me. Run with the message of hope. Prophesy. Say to the People. Despair for the days, the hours, the moments lost that you could have shared openly with Me, aware of My presence. Be miserable and mourn and weep for those times when your pride and lust and care for the passing things of the world kept you from enjoying Me. Eternity, the Eternal One. Run…to the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings. Ride on the wings of My glory, on the wings of the Dove. Fly and Soar with Me, My Holy Spirit. Do I tire? Do I lose power? Or weaken? Do I not restore and refresh My people?

Look at Me and live. Bask in My glory before My glorious throne. Join in with the worship of My holy angels. Do they not worship the Lamb? Are you not made for worship of your Creator? Wait upon Me and renew your strength to rise up on wings of eagles. Serve Me. Sit with Me awhile. Stay with Me. Remain awhile. Recline here.

I am full of peace. I am full of peace…peace that is a soul at equilibrium, centered, stabilized in Me. Tarry here. Do I not love you? Am I not worth your time? Do I not bless you?…I call you to the deep, the depth of the riches in Christ Jesus, to the height, and depth, and breadth of My love for you.

1996 - 1999

Click on underlined titles to view the entire message

The problem with America's roots 10/96
We live well here. Our forefathers prayed and planned and pioneered to fulfill their dreams of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some nations are clearly heathen. Ours touts "a nation under God." Over 200 years later, we are exposing the fact that this God to some founding fathers was the god of Freemasonry, holding out the promise that man can become a god once tapping into "the seething energies of Lucifer...."

Preparation for what is coming 10/96
I last told you that war is breaking out between the dragon and the woman, this at Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Satan knows his time is short and is launching a large scale assault on the Body of Christ. Those must be prepared. It is time to be prepared, with lamps burning, with oil ready that the lamps do not go out. It is time to watch and pray, for the Bridegroom approaches soon. Do not focus on the darkness and the evil but on the brightness of the glory of the risen Christ, the Bridegroom coming....

What else can I say to tell you? Washington, D.C. will be bombed and Janice [not her real name] must come home. The bombing will rock the security of America. Americans have felt secure because of their capitol. But Washington, the peaceful city, is an abomination to Me with its Luciferian center, its lies, its baals, its pockets of power. I could and would destroy it but for the pleas of My people....

A prophecy for the nation 5/98
I will bless this land to the extent that and as long as it humbles itself before Me. For national pride brings destruction to a nation. In such pride the nation divides itself from Me and from others.

For I will be God Almighty with none other before you....

The winepress of my wrath is ready 9/11/98
Behold I am He in the midst and you shall see the great works I am doing. I am He of the seven stars and seven candle stands. I am the Faithful Amen and True, Faithful and True in the midst. Behold I come quickly, saith God. I sit upon a white horse and come. I come with the judgment of My mouth to judge the earth with equity.

The wine press of My wrath is ready. Therefore, repent, for I am coming. I will not delay, for My people cry and know not what for. My creation groans. My people know not for what they ask. My creatures know. They know and understand that I am coming to judge the living and the dead in the great and terrible Day of the Lord.

It is My time. I will be glorified in all the earth. I will be exalted, for so My Father honors Me, and I honor Him....

A fire burning 10/98
A fire has been and is now here. We have known this for some time. God has been preparing the Bride with the Spirit of Burning and Judgment beginning with the household of God. I have known for some time that everything that can be shaken is now being shaken, every foundation. Soon it will be too late....

Repent and return to Me 1999
Repent and return to Me, ye peoples of the earth, for the time is short, and I am coming in judgment upon you that times of refreshing may come to those who repent and return to Me. Bring words and the sacrifice of praise, the praise of My glory, the praise of My glorious grace, the praise of My Son. Celebrate the victory of My Son's Blood; your sins and iniquities and transgressions, your disobedience and rebellion, I remember no more.

Come, praise, be sanctified by the truth. Seek the truth. Know the truth that you may be set free. Follow not after the world or the things of the world, for these are perishing and mislead. They are false guides of no value, for I alone have value. I alone am eternal. I alone am worth. I alone love you with purity, in truth, in holiness. Separate yourself unto Me. (From Prayers III, by Dr. Mary Craig)

Come out of her My people 3/99
Babylon! It symbolizes the confusion caused by godlessness. It derives from Babil, i.e. "gate of the god". The literal Babylon lies in the land of Shinar (Gen. 10:10) about 50 miles south of modern Bagdad. The Euphrates River runs by the ruins which extend over several square miles.....

I am coming. Will you be ready? 3/99
Now it is almost time, and I will reveal My glory in Zion. I am the Lord, and I will not share My glory with another. I will no longer tolerate that one who calls herself a prophetess and is not. I will no longer tolerate those who speak wrongly of Me. I am the Lord Most High, true, faithful, and coming in great glory to demonstrate that I AM and there is no other. I will have no other gods before Me....

I am coming for a holy Bride, a Bride without spot, washed in My Blood and in My Word....


2000 ð


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